A Message from Principal Yacubovich

Save the Date

December 13: Pine Spring's El Tio Night 

December 14: K-2 Literacy Night 

December 15: Deadline to submit Level IV referrals 

December 16: Winter Music Concert 

December 19-January 2: Winter Break (No school) 

See the complete 2022-23 school year calendar

staff dessert

Literacy Night


This year Pine Spring is excited to return to an in-person Literacy Night. Come learn with your child, as our teachers demonstrate strategies they can utilize over winter break. 

Please return your RSVP to your child's teacher. 

Winter Concert

winter concert

We invite you to celebrate the season with our students in grades 1-6, as they help kick off our winter break with a musical concert. 

If you are not able to attend the concert in person, we will also be showing the event live on Zoom. Please feel free to join us for the entire event virtually. 


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Pine Spring Night at El Tio- 12/13

El Tio

The holidays are full of cooking. Why not give everyone a break and let the team at El Tio take care of dinner on Tuesday, December 13th? Enjoy delicious food for the entire family while supporting the Pine Spring PTA. 

Historically there has been an incredible turnout for this night, and it is a great way for everyone to see each other before the break. Don't miss out! 

AAP Level IV Deadline

December 15th is the deadline for Level IV AAP Referrals for students in grades 2-6. Packets must be received by close of business on December 15th. We will not be able to make any exceptions. Referrals can be submitted to the office or emailed to Mrs. Haynes at tlhaynes@fcps.edu. Level IV Referral Form and Parent/Guardian Questionnaire can be found here.