Eagle Express - November 17, 2022

Greetings, Braddock Families!

Hope this communication finds you and your family in the best of spirits and health. The purpose of this communication is to let you know of the following information: 

Calendar Survey: Make Your Voice Heard! 

FCPS parents/caregivers, employees, and students in grades 7-12 were emailed an invitation to take the 2023-24 School Year Calendar Survey. This survey is part of an annual process to gather input from the community to help develop the school year calendar for the following year. Please complete the survey by Thursday, December 1, and make your voice heard! For more information or help filling out the survey, please visit our website.

Post-Thanksgiving COVID Diagnostic Testing: 

COVID diagnostic testing will be available for FCPS teachers, staff, and students at five locations across the county November 28-30 from 5 to 8 p.m. This testing is for those who are either experiencing COVID symptoms or have been exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID. Appointments are not required, but registration must be completed before testing. Visit the COVID Testing webpage for more information

Attendance Matters: 

  • Just a few missed days here and there, even if they’re excused absences, can add up to too much lost learning time and put your child behind in school.  This is as true in kindergarten as it is in high school.
  • Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day, make that the expectation. 
  • Help your child maintain routines, such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s  sleep.
  • Find out if your child feels engaged by his classes and feels safe at school. Make sure he or she is not missing class because of behavioral issues and school discipline policies. If any of these are problems, work with your school.
  • Stay on top of academic progress and seek help from teachers or tutors if necessary. Make sure teachers know how to contact you.
  • Stay on top of your child’s social contacts. Peer pressure can lead to skipping school, while students without many friends can feel isolated.
  • Encourage meaningful afterschool activities, including sports and clubs.

Looking ahead to the holiday season, if missing school is unavoidable, talk to your children’s teachers in advance to create a plan for making up missed work.  But remember, a homework packet cannot make up for the interaction and learning that goes on in the classroom.

Visit our website for more attendance resources

Upcoming Important Dates:

  • Wednesday, November 23, 2022 through Friday, November 25, 2022 -- Student Holiday/No School for Students & Staff -- Thanksgiving Break
  • Monday, December 19, 2022 - Winter Break Begins - No School for Students and Staff
  • Tuesday, January 3, 2023 - Students Return to School 

If you have any questions, please call the school at 703-914-7300. 


Thank you, kindly!

Braddock Administrative Team 

Principal, K. Jackson-Muir

Assistant Principals, Holly Dowling, Maureen Lopez, & Eneida Thomas


Dr. Reid Visits Braddock!


Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native people. It is also a time to raise a general awareness about the unique challenges Native people have faced both historically and in the present, and the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges.Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS.


Does your child need homework help or feedback on their writing? How about a practice quiz to get ready for a test? Tutor.com is open to FCPS students in all grades, on-demand, 24/7, at no cost to families. Learn more.

Strategic Planning

FCPS Strategic Planning That Reaches All

The strategic planning process is a community-wide effort. There will be many opportunities to share feedback or participate in a community meeting. We want our community to stay informed and be involved. You can help! 

If you are an active member of a community organization or group who people look to for information, please consider signing up to be a key communicator during the strategic planning process. FCPS key communicators should have an interest in sharing information about the school division and encouraging involvement. Key communicators will:

  • Receive regular updates including news, information, future events, and engagement opportunities.
  • Share the information they receive with their group in a timely manner.
  • Encourage group participation in engagement and feedback opportunities where appropriate and possible. 

If you or someone from your organization would like to serve as an FCPS key communicator during the strategic planning process, please submit this form by Monday, November 28. 


PTA Updates

Join the PTA- besannandale.memberhub.com


SCAN THIS QR CODE AND PURCHASE A PARENT/GUARDIAN MEMBERSHIP TODAY!Braddock Elementary’s PTA supports critical academic needs, is an active voice on decisions that impact your child’s health, safety and quality of education, and builds a stronger, more inclusive school community. We invite you to join and PTA For Your Child because increasing our membership, even by one, makes it possible to:

  • Provide materials and supplies to the after-school groups (Gardening Club, Robotics, GEMS, etc.)
  • Put on events like the Fall Walk-A-Thon, Bingo-Ween, Eagle Fest!, Movie Nights, etc.
  • Assist teachers with supplies
  • Teacher Appreciation Week
  • Provide financial assistance for school field trips, and more!

🦅Concerns or questions from parents🦅

Your concerns are important to us. Contact your child's teacher first, most questions or concerns can be addressed with a quick phone call or email. If that doesn't work, the next step would be to contact the Assistant Principal who supports your child's grade level:


Eneida Thomas- emthomas@fcps.edu or call 703-914-7305

  • Pre-Kindergarten / Headstart
  • Kindergarten 
  • 1st Grade

Maureen Lopez - mmlopez1@fcps.edu or 703-914-7304

  • 2nd Grade
  • 3rd Grade

Holly Dowling - hmdowling@fcps.edu  or (703) 914-7388

  • 4th Grade
  • 5th Grade

Follow us on social media for more updates:


Community Use