LCES Updates 11/18/22: Family Engagement, Thanksgiving Holiday, Tech Fair, and more!

Today is the last day of the in-person book fair but families can continue to make purchases online.

Family Engagement Month

November is Family Engagement Month and we sure have had A LOT of engagement last month and this month! We have heard from so many families about how much they enjoy our special events, and we see the joy evident on the faces of our students when they see their families here at school. We will have more opportunities this year for parents and families to get involved in a variety of events.

Fall Book Fair

Thank you for helping us make our fall Book Fair so successful. You can still purchase online until November 22nd using this link:

Lees Corner Family Lunch

We were so happy to see so many families having lunch together and the kids were thrilled to have special visitors. See the picture below.

Family Stories & Veterans Day

We honor our Veterans and our family histories by sharing our stories with each other. Thank you for sharing your stories with us so we can celebrate and learn together. See the photo below of our display. 

Everyone had a great time at the Lees Corner Family Lunch.
veterans day display

Here is a November calendar and calendar reminders

November Events

November is November is National Family Stories Month, and we are celebrating families and literacy with activities throughout the month.

November 14-18 - American Education Week

During American Education Week we celebrate ALL who work in our Lees Corner School community: our bus drivers, cafeteria workers, counselors, support staff, teachers, leadership and more!

Want to recognize someone from our school who goes above and beyond? Submit a nomination to FCPS Cares

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 23-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday 

As a reminder, schools and offices will be closed November 23-25. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

Classes will resume on Monday, November 28.

Learn more about the first Thanksgiving.

See the complete 2022-23 school year calendar.

Como recordatorio, las escuelas y las oficinas estarán cerradas del 23 al 25 de Noviembre. Que tengan un feliz y seguro Día de Acción de Gracias. Las clases se reanudarán el lunes 28 de Noviembre. 

Aprenda más sobre el primer Día de Acción de Gracias.  학교 및 오피스는 11월 23일부터 25일까지 휴무입니다. 안전하고 즐거운 추수감사절 보내세요! 수업은 월요일인 11월 28일 다시 시작될 예정입니다. 

1st graders had a great time on their field trip.

First Grade Fieldtrip

This week the 1st Grade classes took a field trip to Ellanor C. Lawrence Park to learn all about terrific trees!  We found trees based on their bark, seeds, flowers, and leaves.  We learned about the different parts of a tree and how important trees are in preventing erosion.  It was a chilly day but fun!

Chantilly Tech Fair

Come and join us for a fun STEAM experience in which kids can learn more about the various parts of STEAM. In addition, students can talk with high school student volunteers about how high school life is and they can gain valuable information which they can use to prepare for high school!

See the attached flier for more information.

Tips for lunch safety

Lunch Safety

Many students bring lunch from home. If you pack a lunch for your child, here are a few safety tips to keep in mind:

  • please pack food in plastic containers, not glass ones. Glass can easily break and ruin a child's lunch. 
  • do not send in knives for your child to cut their food. If food needs to be cut, please cut it at home.
  • will your child need silverware or a napkin when they eat? If so, please pack those for them.

Alcohol and the Holidays

Attached here is information provided by Allyson (Ally) Jacobi, Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist, regarding drinking during the holidays. 

Looking for Monitors and Substitutes

Are you interested in working for FCPS? Lees Corner is in need of substitutes and classroom monitors. If you are interested and would like to know more, please email Matt Miller, Administrative Assistant, at

multilingual parent information phone numbers

Parent Information Line Available in 8 Languages

Parents who speak Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, or Vietnamese can call a telephone information line for general information about FCPS and to receive support if they are having difficulty communicating with their children's schools due to a language barrier.

Know a Super Staff Member?

Let FCPS Know About It!

recognize super staff at Lees Corner by submitting their name and their story to FCPS Cares

Do you want to celebrate a LCES employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way, or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

Join us on Facebook & Twitter 

To see MORE photos, find helpful resources, and stay up to date on school and community events, join our FB group and follow us on Twitter. Our Facebook group a private group open only to current parents/families. Many families post photos and ask questions in the Facebook group.

Follow us on Twitter and join the PTA Facebook group