Bush Hill Updates - Tuesday, November 1, 2022

A Note From Mrs. Duffy

The Bush Hill staff has been working very hard to support our students this school year! Families often ask me how they can show appreciation to the staff members who are giving so much to their children. An easy way to show appreciation is to nominate a staff member for the FCPS Outstanding Employee Awards! All staff members are eligible for at least one category. Please take a few minutes to nominate one (or more) for this award!

Nominate An Outstanding Employee At Bush Hill

Nominations are now open for the Outstanding Employee Awards! Submit a nomination for a Bush Hill Outstanding Employee through this Bush Hill Outstanding Employee Nomination Form. You may nominate one employee at our school or multiple employees.

All that is required for a preliminary nomination is a paragraph or two about how this employee demonstrates exceptional work in the criteria for that category. 

For information about each category and the list of Bush Hill staff, check out the Bush Hill Outstanding Employee Awards Information slide deck. Below are the different award categories:

Outstanding Teacher  

Eligibility: Has at least three years of experience as a teacher (in any school/school district); librarians are included in this category

Outstanding New Teacher

Eligibility: Has up to three years of experience as a teacher (in any school/school district); librarians are included in this category

Outstanding Principal

Eligibility: Has at least three years of experience as a building principal (in any school/school district)

Outstanding Professional Employee 

Eligibility: At least one year experience in current position as a Schedule-B employee or other non-instructional employee in a school that supports school leadership

Common positions in this category: School-Based Technology Specialist, Technology Support Specialist, Assessment Coach, Career Center Specialist, Instructional Coach, Psychologist, Social Worker, School Counselor, Safety and Security Specialist, Resource Teachers that serve in an administrative role in a school

Outstanding Operational Employee

Eligibility: At least one year of experience in current position as Schedule-A or Classroom Instructional Support Scale employee

Common positions in this category: Administrative and Office Staff, Safety and Security Assistant, Custodial Staff, Food Service Staff, IA, PHA, PHTA, All Parent Liaisons (regardless of 

The deadline to submit a nomination is Tuesday, November 22nd.

If you have any questions, please contact Lina Kortsha at lkortsha@fcps.edu

Fall Festival Saturday


The Bush Hill PTA is excited to bring back the Fall Festival this Saturday, November 5th from 3-5pm! During this FUNdraising event, outdoor games, crafts, hot cocoa, apple cider, Bush Hill swag, and more will be available for purchase. Prizes will be won for all ticketed games. Tickets can be purchased according to the following breakdown: 2 tickets for $1, 10 tickets for $5, 25 tickets for $10, and 40 tickets for $15.  A donation of 1 canned good is valid for 5 tickets; donation of more than one canned good is permitted but valid for 5 tickets only one time. Bring your left-over Halloween candy for a candy swap table and wear your (family friendly) Halloween costume one more time! A limited amount of free food is generously provided by Nando's Peri Peri of Springfield. 

We need volunteers and donations of cakes (for a cake walk) to make this event a success! Please sign up to volunteer or donate a cake below:

Fall Festival Volunteers: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4ba4ad2da0fcc07-fall

Cake Donations: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4ba4ad2da0fcc07-fall1

A special thank you to our Fall Festival sponsors: Rose Hill Safeway, Ashley V. Davis Realtor - Pearson Smith Realty, and Nando's Peri Peri!

Parent Report From Lightspeed

FCPS Lightspeed Reports


There is a new online service that is free to FCPS parents who are interested in knowing more about their child’s internet activity on an FCPS device. Parents can sign up to receive a weekly Parent Report from Lightspeed, our internet content filtering service, which will provide a list of the top sites the child visited that week. 

Additionally, if parents wish to get more detailed information, the weekly Parent Report offers parents the ability to self-sign-up to the free Internet Use Parent Portal. Parents who sign up for the Internet Use Parent Portal can log-in any time to see a little more detail about their child’s internet browsing. The portal also offers the parent added ability to “pause” access to the internet during non-school hours on the FCPS device. 




This month in Library 5th graders are working on biography research and presentation skills by creating segments for our news show. 4th grade is creating book reviews for our school to share about a favorite book. 2nd and 3rd graders are working hard to build independent library skills by learning how books are shelved and searched for in the library. 1st graders and Kindergarten are practicing reading comprehension skills like predicting and retelling during their lessons. All students will also be using critical and creative thinking skills to discuss and learn about  the contributions of Native People throughout history 


In grades 4-6 students have started and will be wrapping up fitness testing.  Students will also be creating a SMART goal for something they would like to improve in their fitness.  As we wrap up fitness testing, all students kindergarten through sixth grade will be jumping into a gymnastics unit!  Grades K-2 will be starting with animal walks, rolls and stationary balances and eventually move to gymnastics stations.  Students in grades 3-6 will start out in stations where they can experience a variety of gymnastics skills and then create a routine by themselves or in a small group to show off their abilities!  As we get closer to the end of November, all grade levels will also do a Bush Hill favorite- Turkey Ball.  It’s a fun teamwork and throwing activity to celebrate the short break!  As the cold weather approaches, we understand some students may want to wear boots to school.  Please have students pack sneakers for PE as well so everyone can stay safe in the gym!


This month in the art room, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders will be exploring clay units and follow up with collage units.  We will be practicing cutting out and gluing skills to create well crafted collages.  3rd graders are also gearing up for their collage units by exploring abstract representations of celebrations.  4th, 5th and 6th graders are planning for their painting units covering topics of Virginia Landscapes, Natural/Manmade elements in a landscape painting and memories that convey emotions.  During our painting units artists are reminded to wear clothing that would be suitable for painting.  Painting smocks are also used as an added layer to protect our clothing.  


This month, students will be using fall themes to learn about pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and tempo. Towards the end of the month, we will be learning about music and dance styles from various indigenous cultures. Kindergarten, first, and second grade students will be exploring various percussion instruments. Third, fourth, fifth, and sixth graders will be learning to play the recorder. If your child has not purchased a recorder, they need to do so as soon as possible. You can purchase a recorder on My School Bucks for $3.87. Alternatively, you could send your child with cash in an envelope or bag with their name written on it. All students grades 3-6 are expected to bring their recorder to every music class.  


his month in STEAM, Kindergarten and 1st grade students will be working on a Motion, Movement & Patterns unit. This provides students with rigorous experiences that support Portrait of a Graduate skills and computational thinking. 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students will also be making computational thinking connections that support students solving a problem and breaking down the problem into smaller logical steps. Students will act as programmers as they engage in computational thinking activities. 5th and 6th grade students will also develop their computational thinking skills through programming activities that encourage learning through practice, making mistakes, and learning from them.


Plus, Minus, Interesting: The Plus, Minus, Interesting (PMI) strategy encourages students to develop the habit of looking beyond the polarity of “yes or no,” “wrong or right,” “my answer or your answer.” The goal of PMI is to develop independent thinkers who consider a range of ideas and/or possibilities and see beyond the obvious. The “interesting” category can also include questions.

Edison High School Fundraiser

All Night Grad Party Committee Poinsettia Fundraiser!

Great gifts for teachers, colleagues, friends and family

Questions? Email Lisa Staresina at ehsptsa.angp@gmail.com

Parent Resource Center

November Parent Resource Webinars

The FCPS Parent Resource Center (PRC) offers a welcoming and engaging environment for families, educators, and community members. It provides access to information and resources to support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities.

Throughout the year, the PRC hosts family and educator webinars. Upcoming sessions include: 

To join the PRC email list and receive notices of upcoming webinars, sign up for their News You Choose newsletter

Schools Closed On Tuesday 11/8/22

Election Day

Don’t forget to get out and vote on Tuesday, November 8! The day will be observed as a holiday for students and teachers. For more information, visit the Virginia Department of Elections website. 

See the 2022-23 School Year Calendar.

Franconia Wrestling

Interested in learning how to wrestle?
No Experience Necessary
All weights and all ages 5-14 needed for 2022--23 Season
Ages 5-14 years old
Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:15-7:30 PM
Edison High School
Wrestling Room- Entrance 6
These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County
Public Schools
