LRES Community News 10.23.22

Message from Mrs. Castillo


Last week was a full week of learning and a gorgeous one at that!  Monday kicked off with our SCA Officer and Classroom Representative Installation Ceremony.  We couldn’t be more proud of our students in leadership positions - their voices have an immediate impact on our school.  Also see photos of our 4th grade writing celebrations, third grade math students work on a task with Ms. Roth, and third graders reading with Mrs. Crane!

As a reminder, there is no school on Monday, October 24, in observance of Diwali, and Friday, October 28, is a two hour early release (12:55 PM) for students.  It is hard to believe that the end of the first quarter is already here.

Thank you again for the donations of drinks and snacks from our parents.  The staff appreciate this treat each Friday.  See below for plans for Freaky Friday this week - Costume Day!  



Don't Forget

  • Thank you to all our parents who have donated snacks & drinks.  If you haven’t yet, consider making a donation to stock the staff lounge.  Use this sign up genius or purchase any favorite family snack.  
  • Consider dropping off gently used coats and Lemon Road polos in the lobby for students and families that need them.  
  • Parents can opt to “Go Paperless” for Elementary Progress Reports. In your ParentVue account, go to “My Account” and select the “Go Paperless” checkbox just under your account details. 
  • Please return your child’s Impact Aid form.  We must have one returned for each student at Lemon Road. 

Veterans Day


Lemon Road looks forward to honoring our Veterans on Thursday, November 10.  Veterans, active service members, and their Lemon Road students/staff are invited to join us for a light breakfast beginning at 8:30 AM.  We will use photos submitted from the community to create a slideshow both for the event and for our classroom teachers to share with their students.  Throughout the day, we encourage anyone able to visit one or more classrooms to either read a book or share about their experience.  If you can submit a photo, join us for breakfast, or visit a classroom, please complete this google form.  Any questions can be directed to Ms. Dana Vaughn.   Thank you for your service.  

Friday - Costume Day


On October 28th, we will have an early release and our Freaky Friday celebration.  Room parents will help organize birthday treats for the month of October.  Students and staff are also encouraged to wear their favorite costume this Friday.  This is a connection to our Positivity Project focus this week of creativity! 

While we cannot wait to see everyone’s costumes and spirit wear, costumes must:

  • be appropriate and follow dress guidelines shared in Student Rights and Responsibilities
  • contain no blood, gore, signs or themes of violence
  • not include play guns, swords, knives or weapons of any type
  • allow full participation in the day - to include recess and PE

PTA Updates

Movie Night

Holiday Shopping Time! Be a supporter, just click order!  Start your holiday shopping early with our catalog fundraiser and the PTA will receive 40% of all sales. We’re entering our last week so don’t miss the deadline, Friday Oct 28th. Join with a neighbor to reach free shipping on orders over $100, and don’t forget to share with family and friends. The catalog has many wonderful food and gift options as well as holiday and birthday wrapping paper. Thank you for supporting the PTA!

Thank you to everyone who attended our PTA meeting on October 18th and to our guest speakers Mrs. Straw and Ms. Ulsh. The presentations are available on MemberHub for anyone wishing to view them. Our next meeting is November 15th and will feature Dr Mary Smith, a parenting coach, talking about tips to resolve power struggles and anxiety in children. All of the LRES community are very welcome to attend either in person or virtually - we hope to see you there!

Support Outdoor Education by Volunteering! Please click this link to find some volunteering opportunities to support our wonderful Outdoor Education Program.


Positivity Project: Creativity


This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Creativity. Creativity means you come up with new and original ways to think about and do things. Creative people can look at the world in original ways. They are open to new experiences, and have an imaginative and independent thought process. They generate lots of different ideas and can pursue them with energy and enthusiasm. Creativity is a process that takes courage. Anytime you share your original ideas with the world, you risk being criticized or even ostracized.

Upcoming Important Dates

Monday, October 24: Diwali Holiday (no school for students & staff)

Friday, October 28: End of Quarter 1; 2-hour Early Release for students; Freaky Friday - Costume Day; Grade 3 Writing Celebration; Last Day of PTA Fundraiser

Monday, October 31: Teacher Workday; Parent/Teacher Conference Day

Thursday, November 3:  Room Parent Coffee; Grade 4 Field Trip

Friday, November 4:  Principals’ Coffee (8:30 AM) Level IV Referral and Screening Process; Grade 1 Field Trip; PTA Spooky Movie Night (6:30 PM)

Monday, November 7: B Week; Full SCA Meeting; Kindergarten Squirrel Walk

Tuesday, November 8:  Election Day - No School

Wednesday, November 9:  Lifetouch Retake Individual Photos 

Thursday, November 10:  LRES Recognizes Veterans Day; Therapy Dog Visit

Friday, November 11:  Veterans Day - Teacher Workday

Tuesday, November 15:  PTA General Meeting featuring Guest Speaker Dr. Mary Smith

Friday, November 18: Book Fair & Family Night (5:30 - 7:30)

November 23 - 25: Thanksgiving Holiday

FCPS School Year Calendar for 2022-23

Family Night

