10/14 RRMS School Updates

spirit week

Important Dates

Events on RRMS Website

10/17-21:  Spirit Week!

10/24: School Holiday, Diwali

10:25: Chantilly Pyramid Choral Concert

10/28: Last Day of Quarter 1 - 2 Hour Early Release at 12:15 PM, No After-School Activities

10/31: Student Holiday - Teacher Work Day

11/8:  School Holiday - Election Day

11/9:  Save the Date - Veteran's Day Breakfast and Learning Walks

A Note from Dr. Goodloe

Rocky Run Families and Students,

It was wonderful to see so many of our 7th grade families and RRMS staff, as well as community partners together for our first Family Night of the year last evening.  Thanks to Dr. Sweeney and Dr. Jacobson for their organization.  Middle School 101 was just the first of many opportunities to further engage as families and learn more about our middle school programs.  All of the resources shared last night are posted on our website (see below).

High School Football Game and Event Attendance Expectations

Tonight, two of our feeder high schools, Chantilly and Westfield, will be hosting their Homecoming Football games.  We know that these are exciting opportunities for middle school students to connect with friends and be a part of high school events. Please read and follow these important reminders from our high school colleagues:

Reminder that if your student is attending a varsity football game on a Friday Night at a FCPS High School, they must be accompanied by an adult who supervises them for the duration of the event. If your students attempt to attend without at least one adult, they will be turned away at the ticket booth. Also, there are no backpacks/food/drink/athletic equipment allowed in the stadium. We love when our future high school students attend our games and hope they are good representatives of our community. Lastly, at the conclusion of the game, all spectators are expected to leave in a timely fashion.

Parent Survey for Federal Impact Aid

Beginning on October 18, FCPS will be asking all families to fill out a Student-Parent Survey for Federal Impact Aid. Returning this form is important because information from this survey results in an additional $3 million in grants each year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.

For each school-aged child in your household, please complete, sign, date, and return the survey to your child's school. If sections 1 and 2 of the survey do not apply to you, just check the box in Section 3. All forms must be signed, dated, and returned by November 4. All results are confidential. 

Reminder: Student's Forgotten Items/lunches

Please do not drop off a student's forgotten items such as lunch, cell phone, laptops, classroom assignments, instruments, water bottles, etc. to the main office. Due to the schedule and frequent class changes, we cannot interrupt class to notify a student that an item has been dropped off and students may not check their phones during the school day.  Teachers understand that at times students forget items and make accommodations.  Students can access loaner laptops if needed and lunch is available for purchase each day in the cafeteria. If you have a unique concern related to your student, please reach out to their school counselor.  We appreciate your help and support.

I welcome your feedback, questions, and ideas.  Please don't hesitate to reach out to me at any time.

Together WE are RAM STRONG!

Thank you,

Amy Goodloe, Ed.D.


Caution: One Chip Challenge

At Rocky Run, we have seen an increasing number of students participating in the “one chip challenge.” This challenge involves eating an extremely spicy chip that often causes extreme burning/pain/watery eyes/vomiting, etc. When students are completing this challenge, it is a safety concern and is disruptive to the school environment. Please encourage your child to NOT participate in this challenge and not to bring this chip to school. It is sold in a package as an individually wrapped chip in a coffin shaped box with the brand Paqui.      

October Celebrations in our Community: 

  • LGBTQIA+ History Month
  • Disability History and Awareness Month 
  • National Bullying Prevention Month
  • National School Principals Month
  • Dyslexia Awareness Month

10/16-22 - America’s Safe Schools Week

10/17-21 - Digital Citizenship Week

10/17-21 - National School Bus Safety Week

SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Screener

All students in grades K-12 will participate in the screener twice a year, in the fall and spring. Screener data will help staff plan interventions for students with identified needs. Parents and guardians will also receive an individualized report regarding their student’s screener results following each assessment window in SIS ParentVUE. 

At Rocky Run Middle School, the SEL Screener will be given to all students on October 18th through their advisory classes.  If you do not want your student to take part in the SEL screener, please return the opt-out form below to your child’s school counselor or complete the opt-out via your SIS ParentVUE account no later than today, Friday, October 14th.

Notification and Opt-Out Forms:  English    Korean    Spanish    Urdu    Vietnamese    Arabic    Chinese

More information, including a short video about the SEL screener in FCPS and the screener questions, can be found on the SEL Screener webpage (https://www.fcps.edu/node/43892). Please contact Ashleigh Kim, School Test Coordinator at askim@fcps.edu, or your child’s school counselor with questions.

Hearing & Vision Screening

Hearing and Vision Screening will be held next week on Monday, 10/17, and Tuesday, 10/18, through PE classes for all 7th graders, as well as all 8th graders who are new to Fairfax County. If your student wears glasses, please be sure they have them at school on screening day.

If you would like to assist as a volunteer with the screening process, please view the signup genius link below. There is currently one opening available.


Middle School 101 Resources and Feedback

Thank you to our 7th grade families who attended our Middle School 101 program last night. For those who were unable to attend, we have included the resources shared during the presentations on our website. Please take a look and let us know if you have any questions!

If you attended, please fill out the feedback form and let us know what you thought of the event!

Support Yearbook by Sharing your Photos

The yearbook staff needs YOUR candid photos!!

This week the yearbook staff is working on Weekends and Pets !!!

Send us your photos of RRMS students and their weekend events (sports, hikes, short trips, hanging out with friends, etc.)

And send us your photos of RRMS pets and students! 

Upload your photos to eshare   Use code: rockyrun

Please include only RRMS students 😊

Thanks for your help.

The RRMS Yearbook Staff

RRMS 2023 Yearbooks on sale NOW!


They come in different sizes and grade levels, but yearbooks always contain your student's memories of that school year: the people, the clothes, the events and more. You're buying something they will cherish always.

Order now and take advantage of the early bird $25 price!

To order visit:


Use school code: 5333

After-School Program 

  • Schedule for the week of October 17
    • Students should check out the attached schedule to make a plan if they are staying after.
    • Most of our clubs will remain open enrollment throughout the whole year; however, it is really important to pay attention to the schedule and attend interest meetings because if a club does have a selection process, then the club will be closed once the participants have been selected.
    • New clubs are added throughout the year - updates are posted on Schoology.
  • If you have not completed the Program Registration Form, please do so ASAP.  It is is required for ALL RRMS students.  Students cannot stay after until this form is completed
  • For your planning purposes, please note that we will not have any after-school programs on these upcoming dates: 10/28, 11/21, 11/22, 12/16.
  • Program Details
  • Our primary communication tool will be the After-School Group on Schoology 
    • Late bus routes, schedules, announcements, club sign-up forms will all be posted on this group.
  • Questions?  Contact Shannon Campbell, After-School Program Specialist, at SLCampbell@fcps.edu.

Rocky Run is now on Facebook and Instagram!

Rocky Run now has official pages on Facebook and Instagram. We are excited to share all of the amazing things going on at Rocky Run, and plan to update frequently! Stay in the know by following us on Facebook (facebook.com/RockyRunMS) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/rockyrunrams/)!

Quick Links:

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