Hello Community Members!
As we turn the halfway point in the first academic quarter, I’d like to share with you important updates on what’s happening in Hunter Mill, in FCPS, and in Fairfax County.
FCPS Leadership & Planning
First, I continue to enjoy observing how our new Superintendent, Dr. Michelle Reid, seeks connections in the community and builds plans for best positioning our FCPS students for success - to accelerate progress and ultimately prepare for the workforce. I’ve attended several of her community conversations - and you can, too! Even if where she’s speaking is not your students’ pyramid, please come. It’s a unique opportunity to hear and be heard. See more info about the Superintendent's community conversations here.
Flowing from the Superintendent’s efforts is a special opportunity for every person in Fairfax - to be part of the process of developing the school division’s new strategic plan.
The entire FCPS community is invited to engage in building our shared future. You will have an opportunity to have your voice heard in one of many sessions (both in-person and virtual) during November and December. The goal is to have the final strategic plan by June 2023. For a more detailed overview, visit FCPS’ Strategic Planning 2023 webpage.
Additionally, this month the Board will begin its public budget development work for the next fiscal year (FY), which is FY 2024. Budget work continues to build up to January, when the Superintendent presents her proposed budget to the Board. Then, the Board hosts public hearings to receive comments and holds additional work sessions about the proposal, all leading to adoption of the budget in late spring. This is how to really see what FCPS prioritizes - what gets funded gets done! More information is forthcoming, including about opportunities to provide input.
Supporting Student Identity
Next, I want to address the recent effort by Virginia’s Governor to limit students’ expression of identity, as I know this has been a major concern for many students. The Governor’s stated intent to roll back protections and supports for transgender and gender-expansive students with a new model policy from the Virginia Department of Education is harmful, abandons students in need, and tramples the rights of their parents/guardians. All students should be able to live without fear of prejudice, discrimination, harassment, or violence. Please view the School Board's statement read at the October 6 meeting.
A 30-day public comment period on the newly proposed model policy began September 26 and closes October 26. You may provide feedback to the Virginia Department of Education on the drafted policy. Please do see Superintendent Reid’s message regarding the new proposed model policy, here.
I support continued implementation of FCPS Policy 1450 to protect students, educators, and other staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity; and FCPS Regulation 2603 that relies on robust parent/guardian engagement to help provide transgender and gender-expansive students with the strongest protections and supports in the Commonwealth. Furthermore, I am committed to the Board following the Virginia Human Rights Act, Title IX's prohibition on gender identity discrimination, and the settled law of Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board, 972 F.3d 586 (4th. Cir. 2020), which requires respect for students’ gender identity.
Take a Moment for Transit Safety
Safe transit to and from school continues to be a top need in Hunter Mill and the county. I was grateful to join the launch of the Take a Moment campaign where local elected officials alongside other county leaders gathered to address the community regarding pedestrian, bike, and traffic safety. Fairfax County created the Take A Moment campaign to urge everyone that we must be more vigilant when traveling. I shared remarks at the announcement, beginning at 23:30 on the live stream recording.
Please, Take A Moment to make our community safer for children and adults!
Gun Violence Prevention and Secure Gun Storage
Providing students and staff with a safe educational environment remains our top priority. Sadly, gun violence continues to impact schools and communities across our nation.
As you may be aware, lessons on gun safety are already built into our curriculum; however, it is critical that all parents and guardians talk to their children about the importance of gun safety and safe gun storage in your homes, and any homes that your children may visit.
Click here to access resources for parents about gun safety as well as detailed information about FCPS safety and security practices in our buildings.
School Year Calendar
This school year is the first time that FCPS has acknowledged four major religious and cultural observances - the first being this and last month, for the Jewish observance of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Diwali and Eid will be observed as well. This change came from thorough work by FCPS staff to analyze an array of criteria, including student absence data; availability of staff coming from surrounding jurisdictions; survey data from students, families, and staff; and more (see the full details here).
The feedback about this calendar in practice that I’ve heard from Hunter Mill constituents is overwhelmingly positive. Students report feeling less anxious about having to decide whether to miss school to participate in cultural observances - and thus parents are less anxious, too. Those observing the holiday also said that they “felt seen” - others in the community were aware of the holiday, and felt this fostered respect for the time away from school.
Capital Improvement Program Engagement Process
FCPS engages in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) process on a regular cycle. Communication and engagement are critical to establishing trust, strengthening relationships, and building support for the school community and division as a whole. The Office of Communications and Community Relations and the FCPS Facilities Department conducted a joint review of the CIP communication process this past spring and summer. Please review the community engagement process and share your feedback.
HVAC Systems and Updates
In 2020, FCPS reviewed all HVAC systems to ensure they provide sufficient outside air ventilation in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the manufacturer’s recommendations. The CDC recommends schools set HVAC systems to bring in as much outdoor air as each system will safely allow. FCPS uses mechanical ventilation instead of opening windows to provide outside air as the air coming through mechanical systems is filtered. Air filters are changed every 90 days.
School HVAC systems average between six and 10 air exchanges per hour, providing more than 100% fresh outside air to the space every hour. Schools do not need to leave classroom doors and windows open to help ventilate the space, but are permitted to open windows for increased ventilation when outside conditions allow.
New safety measures include conducting carbon dioxide (CO2) monitoring in schools to identify lack of sufficient ventilation and spending $28.9 million in ESSER funds for HVAC upgrades during the last school year.
Afterschool and Out-of-School Time
As I read newsletters from schools in Hunter Mill, I’ve seen a variety of offerings for afterschool programming. Until this year, my family had experienced offerings in elementary school only. Now with a middle schooler, I’ve become aware of the FCPS-wide afterschool programming at 26 middle schools! Wow, is this fantastic!
In partnership with the Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services, FCPS hosts five days of after-school programming, with a focus in four areas: academic support and enrichment, social skills and youth development, physical and mental wellness, and family and community involvement.
Outcome measures have shown FCPS staff that students who attended 30 or more days of after-school programs had significantly improved academic outcomes, reduced daytime absenteeism, reduced behavior referrals, improved peer and adult relationships, and increased school and community connectedness! With the use of federal ESSER III funding related to COVID recovery and After-School Programs Grants, FCPS has also added an additional day of late bus runs at schools, expanded literacy programs for English Learners, and increased STEAM activities.
Ironically, last month I was invited to attend a celebration of the 50 State Afterschool Networks in partnership with the National Afterschool Association, where I connected with Virginia staff, DC Metro area providers of STEM, and the Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education. Many were aware of FCPS’ middle school program.
I’m motivated to see how FCPS can expand afterschool programs to more elementary school students, and am working with School Board staff to compile data on what’s happening. Stay tuned!
Interim Assistant Superintendent - Facilities & Transportation
Chuck Fanshaw was recently named Interim Assistant Superintendent for Facilities and Transportation Services by Superintendent Reid. Mr. Fanshaw has over 40 years of experience in facilities, engineering and administrative services.
Since 2021, Fanshaw has served on FCPS’ Facilities Planning Advisory Council (FPAC), which advises the School Board on the development of strategic, comprehensive, and long-term plans for educational and educational support facilities.
Other Board Work
Board Resolutions & Recognitions
If you’ve watched or attended a School Board Regular Meeting, you may have seen the Board state a Resolution or a Recognition.
A Resolution is a formal acknowledgement by the Board that’s symbolic in nature, to signal to the community the values and positions from which the Board conducts its work. It requires a motion and a vote. This week, I was pleased to offer a resolution in honor of dyslexia awareness, as dyslexia is a neurobiological learning disability impacting 15-20% of the population. This is a topic that is personal for my family and me. (And by the way, October also recognizes dysgraphia - more info on that below!)
Recognitions honor achievements related to the success of FCPS, and do not require a motion or vote.
As a member of the Board’s standing Governance Committee this school year, I am assisting with an update on the procedures and guidelines for how the Board uses these avenues.
Special Education Review: Final Report Now Available
Prior to the pandemic, FCPS contracted with the American Institutes of Research (AIR) to complete a comprehensive review of our special education programs. AIR has released their final report with recommendations for changes that are actionable, evidence-based, and will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services for FCPS students with disabilities and their families. For more information on the Special Education Review, visit FCPS’ Office of Auditor General webpage.
On October 4, the School Board held a Work Session to review AIR’s report. Watch the meeting recording on FCPS’ YouTube Channel.
ESSER III Online Feedback Form
In the fall of 2021, FCPS received $188.8 million in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) funding to support the safe operation of schools and address the impacts of COVID-19 on students. ESSER III focus areas have included resources for prevention and mitigation of COVID, academic services, multilingual engagement, support for students’ social emotional needs, and professional development. Visit the ESSER III webpage for more information.
FCPS is now seeking feedback from the community on actions the division has taken to maintain health and safety, ensure continuity of learning, and address the wellness needs of students in accordance with the FCPS ESSER III Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services. Please provide your input on this form by October 10, 2022.
Public Hearing on ESSER Funding:
The School Board will hear public comments on ESSER funding at a hearing scheduled for Thursday, November 3, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in the Luther Jackson Middle School auditorium. Registered speakers will have two minutes to address the Board regarding ESSER funding. Registration for the speaker list will open on Thursday, October 21, 2022 at 6:00 a.m.
Hunter Mill Happenings
Since the start of the year I've made close to two dozen school visits across Hunter Mill - first day of school, Back to School events, school tours with the Superintendent, community conversations hosted by the Superintendent, football season kick off off events, student activity fairs - and then even as a parent myself in my children's schools!
The conversations I've heard and had are energizing and inspiring. Even when there are areas for improvement, it is clear that overwhelmingly the people in this school system care about students, staff, and our public schools. There is a demand for access, opportunities, excellence, and respect - because our students and staff deserve this!

Meaningful Watershed Education Experience
All FCPS 7th graders participate in a Meaningful Watershed Education Experience, known as “MWEE” (“me - we”). This is essential learning not only about scientific observation, data recording, and analysis, but also about the environment, flora and fauna, and human impacts - right where students live!
I was thrilled to volunteer at Langston Hughes MS to shepherd a group of students through stations of MWEE hands-on science experiments in the school’s “backyard” - the trails and creeks of Reston!
I first helped with MWEEs about 10 years ago, working for George Mason University, which then provided the environmental educator expertise so FCPS could provide these experiences. Partners from Reston Association and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) facilitated the MWEEs for our students. Thank you to these partners! Thanks also to the dozens of parents and family members who volunteered hours of their time to help teachers provide this experience.
Hunter Mill Student Selected for Statewide Guitar Ensemble
Hunter Mill constituent, Genevieve, was the only FCPS student (and just one of 40 students in all of Virginia) to be selected for the statewide guitar ensemble!
Genevieve is self taught in guitar and was inspired to try out for All State Guitar because of one of her Madison HS educators, Mr. Ikner.
Congratulations to Genevieve on this amazing and encouraging achievement!
Thank You, Substitute Teachers in Hunter Mill!
When FCPS began recruiting community members to fill critical substitute teacher positions while covid challenged the workforce, Hunter Mill constituents stepped up for our children!
Here I highlight just two of these recurring substitute teachers in our public schools.
 Paul Berry, a mathematics professional and future FCPS parent, drew upon his prior experiences in international education policy and volunteering as an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher in Herndon. Since 2021, he’s been in a range of FCPS classrooms and schools in Hunter Mill. He says, “My experience so far has been incredible and I’m honored to be surrounded by so many dedicated education professionals who have braved the pandemic and its aftermath. They are exactly the people we want as mentors and guides for FCPS students, and I find myself learning greatly from them as well.”
Charlotte Geary, a professional photographer and parent of two FPCS students, is a regular substitute teacher at her children’s school. She began subbing in a second grade class, and is now in her fourth week as their long term substitute teacher. She’s finding much joy and purpose in helping at school: “I applied to be a sub out of a sense of community service or civic duty, as a response to the teacher shortage I never expected it to be so fun! I’ve grown so fond of those kids, and I think I’m really connecting with them and helping them.”
Thank you Paul and Charlotte!
If you’re a constituent subbing in our schools, please let me know! I’d love to share a public “thanks” to you, too!
Schools continue to need short- and long-term substitute teachers. If you can spare a day or commit to a long-term position, please learn more here.
School Board Advisory Committee Opportunities
If you are interested in serving on a School Board Advisory Committee, I have vacancies for the Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee (MSAOC), the Human Resources Advisory Committee (HRAC), and the School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC). To learn more and apply click here.

237 FCPS Students Are 2023 National Merit Semifinalists
237 students from 18 Fairfax County Public Schools are among the semifinalists named by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation for 2023.
All semifinalists are eligible to compete for 7,500 National Merit Scholarship awards worth nearly $28 million, to be awarded in spring 2023. Semifinalists advance to finalist standing in the competition by meeting high academic standards and other requirements including a recommendation from a high school official. Merit Scholarship winners will be announced next spring.
Congratulations to all the Hunter Mill Semifinalists!
FCPS High Schools Are Safe Sport Schools
Every high school in the division has once again been designated a Safe Sport School by the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA). NATA created the Safe Sports School Award to recognize athletic training programs that create steps and processes to keep their student athletes safe. Congratulations to our athletic trainers for earning this designation and shout out to Madison and South Lakes for being part of a great team! |
Madison and Oakton HS Volleyball Game on October 13
Oakton High School is hosting its annual Dig Pink volleyball game against cross-town rival Madison High School on October 13.
Dig Pink is a volleyball game that raises awareness about metastatic breast cancer and also raises money for the local nonprofit Side-Out Foundation. Side-Out was founded by the coach of West Springfield high school and has raised awareness & millions of dollars for breast cancer research.
Winter Coat Closet Collection in Reston
As we approach the cooler weather, there are many in our community that could use a warm coat. If you have coats you’re no longer using or unused NEW winter gear, please consider donating to Cornerstones! Learn more about what items are best to donate.
October is...
Dyslexia & Dysgraphia Awareness
Learn a bit about dyslexia from the Board’s resolution shard this month. For more information, visit the online FCPS Dyslexia Handbook. Here you’ll find guidance for FCPS schools and families alike as they identify and provide services to students with dyslexia.
Also learn about dysgraphia, which pertains to challenges with writing.
ADHS Awareness Month
National Custodian Appreciation
This month we also recognize National Custodian Appreciation Day. Custodians are essential operational employees, without whom school couldn’t happen. Thank you to FCPS custodians!
Click here to watch a video highlighting one of FCPS' many dedicated professionals, Frank Sarfo.
Indigenous Peoples' Day
Indigenous Peoples' Day honors the histories, cultures, and contributions of Native peoples, past and present. This year, Monday, Oct. 10 is a student holiday and staff development day. |
National Hispanic Heritage Month
From September 15 to October 15, FCPS recognizes and celebrates the histories, cultures, and contributions of the members of our community whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. In FCPS, over 48,000 students and almost 1,000 educators identify as Hispanic/Latinx.

Fire Prevention Week
The Vienna Volunteer Fire Department is teaming up with the National Fire Protection Association to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Fire Prevention Week™. This educational event will be held on Saturday, October 15th from 10am-4pm at the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department: 400 Center St S. Vienna, VA 22180. For more general information about Fire Prevention Week and fire prevention in general, visit https://www.nfpa.org/fpw and www.sparky.org.
Walk to School Day
FCPS will participate in International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 12, in an effort to promote physical activity and reduce traffic congestion and pollution near schools. Students and employees are encouraged to bike or walk to school and walk where safe to do so on October 12. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children to school, and to work with their school and PTA or PTO to assemble bike trains or walking groups for the event. Schools are encouraged to register online with Walk and Bike to School. Get more information about Walk to School Day.
Upcoming Public Meetings and Topics
October 11 at 11:00 am - Work Session
- Fiscal Forecast
- Strategic Budget Planning
October 18 at 10:00 am - Work Session
- Strategic Plan Discussion
- Policy Governance
- Adult and Community Education Committee Report
- Career and Technical Education Committee Report
- Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities Report
October 20 at 7:00 pm - Regular Meeting
- World Language Basal Resource Committee Member Recommendations
Please note, that times and topics are subject to change.
Accessing Board Meetings
View this link for a comprehensive list of upcoming meetings and associated information.
Click here for meeting logistics, agendas and handouts (to view the slides and materials, scroll down to the bottom of the page).
Regular Meetings and Work Sessions are live-streamed on the FCPS website and televised on FCPS Cable Channel 99. Meeting recordings can be found on FCPS YouTube. For more information about signing up to speak at a regular meeting, click here.

Other Information of Interest
Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom Grant
Agriculture in the Classroom provides educators an opportunity to receive grant funding for a variety of creative projects to increase student understanding of the source of food and fiber inside or outside the traditional classroom. Educators are encouraged to apply for grants of up to $500 for projects that may occur at school or during home learning time. Grant projects may address topics such as learning gardens and/or STEM integrations, or provide unique agriculture experiences for students. The deadline to apply is Friday, October 14, 2022. Learn more and apply for a Virginia Ag in the Classroom grant.
College Fair and Post-Secondary Week
High school students and their families are invited to attend the annual FCPS College Fair and Postsecondary Week events.
The College Fair, which will feature admissions representatives from more than 250 colleges and universities from across the United States and abroad, will be held at George Mason University’s Eagle Bank Arena on Sunday, October 16, from 4 to 7 p.m. Postsecondary Week will be held virtually Monday, October 17, to Thursday, October 20, from 5 to 8 p.m. Postsecondary week will feature virtual workshops related to the college admissions process, financial aid, and other postsecondary educational opportunities.
Students are highly encouraged to register in advance for these events.
Early Voting in Fairfax County
Leaders & Learners Breakfast - November 9
Educate Fairfax, the not-for-profit foundation connected with FCPS, will host its annual community event, "Leaders & Learners: Education is Everybody's Business" on Wednesday, November 9, from 8 -10 a.m.
With schools starting back, it's an ideal time for business leaders to consider how they will work with their local schools in the coming year. "Education is Everybody's Business" is an event designed to bring area employers and leaders from Fairfax County Public Schools together.
This event will feature a key-note address from new superintendent, Michelle Reid, and honor two incredible supporters of FCPS and Educate Fairfax, the Claude Moore Charitable Foundation and Len Forkas, past board chairman of Educate Fairfax.
Check out the Educate Fairfax website for more information.
Envirothon Competition and Annual Training
Help your 9th-12th grade students develop Portrait of a Graduate skills and provide an opportunity for them to earn their Science and Environment diploma seal! Envirothon is a great opportunity for students to immerse themselves in meaningful learning, all while working collaboratively to solve real-world environmental problems. Learn more about Envirothon and look for 2022-23 updates coming in October.
Save the date for the annual Envirothon training on Saturday, November 19 at Graves Mountain Lodge. This regional training focuses on the fields of aquatics, forestry, soils, wildlife, and the 2023 special topic – Adapting to Climate Change. Get support in creating or strengthening your Envirothon team and learn more about the program. Other benefits:
- NVSWCD will pay for student and teach registration, lunch is provided
- Transportation may be available for Envirothon teams
- Training experiences include a soil pit, stream monitoring, wildlife skulls and pelts, tree identification, and speaking with topic experts
Contact Ashley Palmer, Communications and Education Specialist with Northern Virginia Soil & Water Conservation District for more information and to register. Registration is required.
Fairfax Area Student “Shark Tank” Technology Challenge
The Fairfax Area 50+ Technology Committee is proud to announce the 7th Annual Fairfax Area Student “Shark Tank” Technology Challenge. The competition is open to all high school students in Fairfax County, Fairfax City and City of Falls Church. Students are challenged to develop an innovative device or app that will have a positive impact on the lives of older adults, adults with disabilities, or caregivers. Students are encouraged to be innovative and creative. Potential projects may be either a mobile app, web service, robotic, assistive device or any combination. Cash prizes will be awarded to the student winners by IntegrityOne Partners, the event sponsor. View additional details.
How to Receive FCPS Messages in Other Languages
You may wish to read FCPS messages in a language other than English. There are several ways you can receive or view our communications in a different language.
FCPS This Week is distributed in other languages to parents/guardians who have filled out the Home Language Survey form and selected a language supported by FCPS as their preferred language for communication. Home Language Survey forms are available in the following languages: Amharic | Arabic (العربية) | Chinese (中文) | Farsi (فارسی) | Korean (한국어) | Spanish (español) | Urdu (اردو) | Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt).
Learn more about other communications that are translated.
Learn About Career and Technical Education in FCPS
FCPS offers many opportunities for Career and Technical Education (CTE). By enrolling in a CTE course or program, students learn the technical applications of many occupations while preparing for higher education or entry-level employment. A core, or standard, program of CTE courses is offered in every middle and high school. Based on the needs of the populations served, each school determines optional courses to be offered.
Watch this short video to learn more about CTE in FCPS! This slide deck provides an overview and update from the Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee.
Understanding the Dangers of Opioid Use
Across the country, including here in Northern Virginia, the opioid epidemic continues to impact communities including young adults, and sometimes school-age children. Tragically, this can lead to devastating outcomes. There are three things you can do now, to support student wellness and increase understanding of the dangers of opioids and fentanyl:
- Talk with children and loved ones in your life about the dangers of drug use, especially opioids. For more information, tips on how to recognize and prevent substance abuse, and available support services, watch thiswebinar.
- Safely store and dispose of medications to prevent drug misuse.
- Sign up for a Virtual REVIVE! training class to learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of opioid overdose and administer naloxone nasal spray to reverse an opioid overdose.
Learn more about the dangers of opioids and available resources on our website. Visit the Student Safety and Wellness webpage for more information about a variety of topics related to student wellbeing.
September 2022 Issue of the Audit Buzz
FCPS’ Office of Auditor General (OAG) publishes Audit Buzz to provide a look into OAG’s work. In the latest issue of Audit Buzz, OAG summarizes the status of current engagements, identifies misconceptions about OAG, highlights their new hires, and offers a training opportunity. Stay up to date with OAG’s current and future work by subscribing to Audit Buzz.
Job Opportunities
Teacher Residency Program
A new FCPS teacher residency program is helping qualified educators bridge the gap to start teaching this fall while finishing up requirements to become fully licensed in Virginia.
Learn more today!
Interested in joining FCPS? Explore opportunities for:
Visit Current Job Openings for all posted positions.
Contacting Me
I prioritize responses to Hunter Mill constituents, so please be sure to identify yourself as such if you contact me. If you are unsure of your county magisterial district, you can look that information up here.
To contact me, it is most helpful to please use the official School Board contact form. This form prioritizes emails to me from constituents, and helps me track communication so I can be sure you receive a response. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please take good care,

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The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia