Arrival and Dismissal Reminders

Reminders for bicyclists and scooter riders

We appreciate our Floris students who take advantage of alternate and active methods when traveling to and from school. However, sometimes it can become less safe when students who walk to school share the same narrow paths with students who bike or scooter. To ensure the safety of walkers and bicyclists alike, all Floris students who enter school property on a bike or scooter are expected to dismount and walk their bicycles to and from the bicycle racks each day. 

For this very same reason, we are requesting that Floris students biking or scooting to school also dismount along the short sidewalk path between Mustang Drive and school property. We understand that procedures in past years may have been different but we feel that the aforementioned procedure is the safest for our students moving forward.

General Arrival/Dismissal Reminders 

  • The doors open at 9:00am and students should be in class by 9:15am each morning. 
  • All early dismissals or pick-ups should occur at Door 1 before 3:30 PM each day.
  • Please ensure that you are using the Here Comes the Bus Mobile App to meet your child at their PM bus stop.