Community NIght

A message from Principal, Amy Miller:

Dear Kilmer Families, 

Thank you for attending Back to School Night. We were excited to see many families joining us and having an opportunity to see classrooms and meet teachers. Back to School Night presentations are posted in Schoology for families to review. 

Next week, on Wednesday. September 21, our after school program is hosting Community Night from 4:00 pm - 6:00pm. This is an opportunity for students and families to learn about after school clubs and activities and to meet the sponsors. This is also an opportunity for families to see the various networks, services and youth programs available in Fairfax County to include:

Fairfax County Sheriff's Department who will have  – FREE Child ID cards, Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood & Community Services, Asian American LEAD, Fairfax County Public Schools College Success Program, Fairfax County Public Schools Office of the Ombudsman, Vienna Youth Inc.and various Scout Troops. 

Have a wonderful weekend!


Amy Miller, Principal

Photos of the Week


Community Conversations with Dr. Reid

Marshall Pyramid Families,

We hope you plan to join us for a Superintendent Community Conversation at Marshall High School on Thursday, September 22. Please be aware that this event will begin at 7:00 p.m., a change from the previously advertised start time of 6:30 p.m. 

Superintendent Community Conversations are an opportunity to help Dr. Reid get to know your school community and learn more about her vision for our district. Language interpretation, child care, and light refreshments will be provided. 

Register to attend the Marshall Pyramid Superintendent Community Conversation (September 22, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.).

Visit our website to learn more about these events and see the complete schedule.



Estimadas familias de la Pirámide Escolar de Marshall:

Esperamos que tengan planeado acompañarnos en Marshall High School el jueves 22 de septiembre para una conversación de la superintendenta con la comunidad. Tengan presente que este evento comenzará a las 7:00 p.m., un cambio con respecto a la hora de inicio anunciada anteriormente de las 6:30 p.m.

Las conversaciones de la superintendenta con la comunidad son una oportunidad para ayudar a la Dra. Reid a conocer su comunidad escolar y para que ustedes sepan más sobre la visión que ella tiene para nuestro distrito escolar. Habrá intérpretes de idiomas, cuidado de niños y refrescos. 

Inscríbanse para asistir a la conversación de la superintendenta con la comunidad de la Pirámide Escolar de Marshall (22 de septiembre de 7:00 a 8:00 p.m.).

Vayan a nuestro sitio web para obtener más información sobre estos eventos y ver el calendario completo.


Parent/Teacher Communication Form

In an effort to maximize collaboration between home and school, please complete this google form to share your preferred methods of communication with your student’s teacher. If you have more than one student attending Kilmer, please complete this form for each student separately. Thank you for your support and we look forward to working closely with our families this year!

Thomas Jefferson High School Student/Parent Information Night – Tuesday October 11th 5pm-6pm:

All current 8th grade students interested in applying for the Freshman round of the Thomas Jefferson High School of Science and Technology may join us for a one hour presentation given by a TJHSST representative in the Kilmer Cafeteria. The majority of the hour will be dedicated to a question and answer session, and we recommend that all those interested in participating view this video prior to attending the presentation. You can find additional information including important application deadlines here. If you have any questions about this event, please contact your student’s counselor.

World Language Credit Exam:

This exam assesses reading and writing language proficiency in languages other than English and students who take the exam may earn up to three World Languages credits.

For additional information about the exam please review the information shared at this link or you may reach out to your student’s counselor if you would like them to participate. Registration closes Wednesday, October 5th at 2 p.m. Late registrations will not be accepted.


Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist (SAPS) Introduction

Each school pyramid has a Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist (SAPS) assigned to provide substance abuse prevention, education, and intervention services. Substance Abuse Prevention Specialists are part of the FCPS Office of Student Safety and Wellness.

Key roles of a Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist:

  • Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug education for students, parents, and the Fairfax County Community
  • Intervention services upon violation of the Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook or suspected substance use involvement
  • Assessing a student’s level of substance use and, if appropriate, making referrals to the Fairfax Community Service Board for additional services or other community resources as appropriate
  • Group and individual prevention services for students, staff, parents, and the Fairfax County community
  • Most importantly, building positive relationships with students to provide support and encouragement


Free Virtual Parent Support Group

Free Online Narcan Training for Opioid Overdoses

Free Lock Boxes for Medications & Firearms

Spiritual Support by Phone for Adults

Spanish Podcast: Tips on How Parents Play an Important Role in Substance Abuse Prevention

Juvenile Court Parent Support Group 

For general questions about the FCPS Substance Abuse Prevention Program, please contact the Office of Student Safety & Wellness at: (571) 423-4270.


For further information & support:

Ally Jacobi, MSW

Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist


Family Engagement Survey Results

FCPS administered its second Family Engagement Survey in the 2021-22 school year to better recognize, understand, respect, and address family strengths and needs in our school communities. Key findings include:

  • 91% responded that “My child feels safe at school.”
  • 90% feel their school welcomes families of different backgrounds and cultures.
  • 90% feel the information provided by my child’s school is easy to understand.
  • 89% feel welcome at my child’s school.
  • 89% feel their school is safe.

The survey was open from March 13-April 10 and was available in 10 languages. All families with students in preK through 12th grade were invited to participate. View survey results on our website

FCPS students continue to have unlimited access to live, 24/7, 1-to-1, online tutoring services through at no cost to families during the 22-23 SY. Student participation is optional and parents/guardians can opt their student(s) out of accessing the services. Detailed information and FAQs are available on the Online Tutoring Services website.

Students can access via a link in Schoology. Additional information about how to log in and access a tutor is provided to families via the following: Elementary - How It Works and Middle & High - How It Works. Questions not answered in the posted resources may be sent to



Los estudiantes de FCPS continúan teniendo acceso ilimitado a servicios de tutoría en línea en vivo, 24/7, 1 a 1 a través de sin costo para las familias durante el SY 22-23. La participación de los estudiantes es opcional y los padres / tutores pueden optar por que sus estudiantes no accedan a los servicios. La información detallada y las preguntas frecuentes están disponibles en el sitio web de Online Tutoring Services.

Los estudiantes pueden acceder a a través de un enlace en Schoology.  Se proporciona información adicional sobre cómo iniciar sesión y acceder a un tutor a las familias a través de lo siguiente: Primaria - Cómo funciona y Media y alta - Cómo funciona. Las preguntas no respondidas en los recursos publicados pueden enviarse a

School Picture Ordering

School Picture Day were held earlier this week. All students received an ID card as well. Photos can still be ordered here: Ordering is online.  Make - up photos are currently scheduled for Friday, November 18th. For questions about ordering, please email
