Family Liaison Newsletter

Family Liaison Newsletter

Dear Stenwood Families,

My name is Karina Ocampo and I am the Family Liaison at Stenwood Elementary. This newsletter is an extension of our Hive Happening that informs you of upcoming events happening in Fairfax County as well as some resources that may be helpful to you. I hope you enjoy your read! 




Karina Ocampo, Family Liaison

Eating Disorders Webinar

Eating Disorders Flyer

Multicultural Celebration & Health Fair

Multicultural Celebration and Health Fair Flyer

African Heritage Early Literacy Program

A free, interactive parent and child program.

October 11th - December 12th, 2022


Please see the attached flyer for more information!

Spanish Early Literacy Program

A free, interactive parent and child program.

Programa de alfabetización temprana para padres hispanos

Spanish EL

Please see the attached flyer for more information!

Arabic Early Literacy Program

A free, interactive parent and child program.

هذا برنامج مجانى لأولياء الأمور و الأطفال معا

Arabic EL

Please see the attached flyer for more information!

Korean Early Literacy Program

A free, interactive parent and child program.

자녀와 함께하는 무료 프로그램

Korean EL Flyer

Please see the attached flyer for more information!

Gang Prevention: A Webinar for Families and Community Members

Presented in Spanish

Gang Prevention

FEC Image



Get direct access to financial education and guidance at no cost.


¡Tome control de su dinero
y gane confianza!

Free Testing for Covid-19

Covid Testing Flyer

Stay Connected

Here are a few ways to stay connected with all the happenings at Stenwood ES

WEBSITE: Stenwood ES
TWITTER: @StenwoodES