Dranesville Elementary School PTA Newsletter

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Hello Dranesville Families!

A quick thank you to all those who attended our first PTA meeting of the school year last night. We will be posting the minutes and more on our website at www.dranesvillepta.com.

And of course, thanks to all those who attended and volunteered for our Back-to-School night party in August! We have more of these great programs and opportunities planned for the year – and we cannot do it without you! Join the PTA for just $10 and help us create a community of collaboration and connection.

Start with Hello Week is Next Week! Parent Volunteers Needed 9/14


Start With Hello Week helps foster belonging as classes begin again. This nationwide effort brings attention to the growing epidemic of social isolation  — and it empowers young people to create a culture of inclusion and connectedness at their school.

Start with Hello Week

Join us for Start With

Hello Week…

Monday: Make Someone Smile Monday

Tuesday: Take What You Need Tuesday

Wednesday: Welcome Wednesday

Thursday: Talk About It Thursday

Friday: Moving Forward Fri-Yay


A Few More Parent Volunteers Needed for Welcome Wednesday, 9/14, 9:00 – 9:20 a.m.

Help reduce bullying and increase connection by joining us the morning of 9/14 to say “Hello!” to all students! If you can be at school from 9:00-9:20 a.m., let us know by signing up here:  Sign up for Welcome Wednesday

Chess Club Almost Full! Reserve Your Spot Today

 Join your fellow Dragons for fun, low-pressure chess instruction in a controlled scholastic environment. These interactive lessons are taught by a U.S. Chess Federation experienced adult chess teacher.

Chess Club


Grades: Open to students in 2nd – 6th grade

Dates: Fridays, 9/30 – 12/9 (no class on 10/28, 11/11, or 11/25)

Time: 8:05 AM – 9:05 AM

Location: Dranesville Elementary School

Cost: $79/student

Register today at dranesvillepta.com.

Class is limited to 20 students. Register early to guarantee a spot!


PTA Resources: Developing Your Childs Reading Skills

The National PTA has many resources to support your child at each stage of their education. Readers at all levels are encouraged to read books that celebrate diversity, focus on social and emotional learning and foster critical thinking. Download these toolkits for some great tips:

Family Guide: Developing Your Child’s Reading Skills

Guía Familiar: Desarrollando las habilidades de lectura de su hijo

Support the PTA! Join for $10!

We love supporting our Dranesville community! The PTA needs your support to continue offering all the wonderful events and programs we can.

Join the PTA today for only $10 and help us create a connected Dranesville community.

Support the PTA! Join for $10!

We love supporting our Dranesville community! The PTA needs your support to continue offering all the wonderful events and programs we can.

Join the PTA today for only $10 and help us create a connected Dranesville community.

You Belong


Learn more about our upcoming events and how to join at dranesvillepta.com.


New to the PTA? Join the Facebook Group

New Dranesville Elementary Parents are encouraged to join the Dranesville PTA Facebook Group to get the latest updates (between emails!).

Upcoming PTA Meetings:

  • October 7
  • November 12
  • January 4

Questions? Email drake@dranesvillepta.com or visit our website at www.dranesvillepta.com

New to the PTA?

Make sure to join the Facebook Community here:



Connection, Access, Relationships, Excellence, Stakeholder Engagement