FCPS Wellness Newsletter Fall 2022

Fall 2022


FCPS Wellness Newsletter

#FightFlu This Fall

Flu Image that reads "on average flu vaccines have reduced the risk of hospitalizations by 40 percent"

Flu season is around the corner, and now’s the time to get your flu shot! The best way to prevent the flu is to vaccinate against the virus every year.  The flu vaccine is recommended for any child ages 6 months and older as well as adults – especially those who work with high risk individuals or people who suffer from chronic illnesses.

Vaccinations are available at your local pharmacy, doctor’s office, health clinics, or the Fairfax County Health Department. And remember, along with your flu shot, there are several other ways you can protect yourself this season:

  1. Wash your hands often.
  2. Protect yourself from those who may be sick.
  3. Get plenty of rest.
  4. Cover your cough.
  5. Stay home whenever you are ill.

Although the timing of flu season is unpredictable, seasonal flu activity typically begins in October and can last until May. It is recommended that you take action sooner rather than later to fight this serious, yet preventable disease.

Lastly, the CDC provides additional resources that will help you maintain optimal health this year. Be sure to check out the video below and learn more about how you can #FightFlu (Source: CDC). 


Graphic for video which reads "Flu can be very serious"

Eat the Rainbow!

photo of colorful tomatoes and vegetable

The Office of Food and Nutrition Services is committed to helping students reach their optimal health and well-being. As we enter the fall season, we’re encouraging students and families to eat the rainbow! Eat the rainbow refers to choosing a variety of different-colored fruits and vegetables throughout the week at meals and snacks.

By focusing on a variety of colors, research has shown that individuals increase their intake of different nutrients that are able to support a wide range of health benefits. Students participating in the FCPS breakfast and lunch meal programs receive meals that contain a variety of fruits and vegetables. Baby carrots, broccoli, pineapple, and red grapes are just a few of the fruit and vegetable offerings that are currently available on our menus. To find out more about offerings, please visit Nutrislice for more information.

FCPS Student and Staff Wellness Regulation (2100) Updated to Address Middle School Recess

photo of a group of students

On August 16, 2022, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Regulation (R2100 Student and Staff Wellness) was revised to address recess for middle school students on full school days.

  • Section III. B. e., has been added to address supervised recess will be provided daily for a minimum total of 30 minutes for elementary school students.  Recess shall be provided in two segments, as practicable, with one of the recess segments being at least 15 minutes in length.  Students will participate in daily outdoor recess, weather permitting. 
  • Section III. B. f., has been added to address supervised recess will be provided daily to all middle school students for a minimum total of 15 minutes in length in one segment.  Students may choose to participate in daily outdoor recess, weather permitting, or provided supervised indoor activity.
  •  Section III. B. g., has been revised to remove “to the extent possible” and add “or be used for instructional activities such as completing classwork, homework, or remediation activities.”

Find more information about Student and Staff Health and Wellness in FCPS.

SY 2021-2022 Wellness Reporting

FCPS’ Local Wellness Policy and Regulation (2100 Student and Staff Wellness) sets forth visionary, yet measurable and achievable goals that encourage continual progress and the advancement of a long-term, sustainable culture of improved health and wellness throughout the Division.

Every school in FCPS is required to report annual progress toward the implementation of the wellness policy. The intent of reporting, as required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010, is to support schools in establishing and maintaining healthy school environments, and provide transparency to the public.

FCPS Wellness Reporting for SY 2021-2022 is now available for further review. 

Supporting Wellness In Your School Community

The FCPS Student and Staff Health and Wellness Policy and Regulation (2100) requires individual schools to establish a wellness committee to implement activities that support the Wellness Policy. As part of this process, FCPS encourages the development of collaborative partnerships with families and community members in order to create and promote healthy school environments. 

If you would like to be more involved in implementing activities to promote school health and wellness in your school community, please reach out to your school. We encourage you to find out more about FCPS Student and Staff Health and Wellness and how we can all work together to support building wellness in our community.

Outdoor Trails in Fairfax County: Find a Trail Fit for You

photo of a group of students outdoors walking on stones

Did you know there are more than 900 miles of walking trails, bikeways, and sidewalks in Fairfax County?  The Fairfax County Park Authority maintains approximately 330 miles of scenic trails residents can use to enjoy the fall weather. While you are enjoying the beautiful colors of the changing leaves and crisp autumn air your health can also benefit from the steps underfoot.

Walking provides great health benefits including:

  • Reduces stress
  • Increases self-esteem
  • Weight loss or weight management
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves sleep
  • Makes you feel more energized

Looking for a trail to try? Fairfax County offers a wide range of trails and paths for everyone. One of Fairfax County’s most popular walking trails includes the Washington & Old Dominion Railroad Regional Park, or W & OD Trail for short.  This is a 45-mile trail running from Shirlington to Purcellville.  There are multiple entrances to the trail so walkers can choose their own length and path.  To find parking along the trail, visit NOVA Parks website.   

Another popular trail is the Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail (GCCCCT).  This trail is over 40 miles long running between the Occoquan River in the south and the Potomac River in the north and connects many of the Stream Valley Trails throughout the county. There are many access points along the trail.  You can even get to the Vienna Metro or the Franconia/Springfield Metro from connectors off of the trail.

Fairfax County’s system of trails offer opportunities for everyone. There are Biking Trails, QR Code Fitness Trails, Accessible Trails, and trails for people who want to take their First Hike

Ready to plan your adventure? Trail Buddy is an interactive map that can help you find trails and sidewalks near you. Whether you are looking to stay close to home or explore all that Fairfax County has to offer, there’s a trail for everyone. So this fall, lace up those shoes, grab a friend or two and explore a trail that’s just right for you.  

Understanding the Dangers of Opioid Use

In Northern Virginia, consistent with national and state trends, the opioid epidemic continues to impact communities, including young adults and school-age children. Opioids are a class of drugs used to treat pain, and can include both prescription medications as well as illegal drugs. Tragically, their misuse can lead to devastating outcomes. Fentanyl is an especially powerful opioid that is extremely fatal, even in small doses. Most fatal overdoses in Fairfax County in recent years have involved fentanyl.

There are three things you can do now to support student wellness and increase understanding of the dangers of opioids and fentanyl:

  • Talk with children and loved ones in your life about the dangers of drug use, especially opioids. For more information about substance use among youth, tips on how to recognize and prevent substance abuse, and available support services, please watch this webinar.
  • Safely store and dispose of medications, including prescription pain medications, to prevent drug misuse.
  • Sign up for a Virtual REVIVE! training class to learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of opioid overdose and administer naloxone nasal spray to reverse an opioid overdose.

Learn more about the dangers of opioids and available resources on our website. Visit the Student Safety and Wellness webpage for more information about a variety of topics related to student well-being.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. In FCPS, all students in grades 7, 9, and 11 will participate in a suicide prevention program. FCPS utilizes an evidence based program called, Signs of Suicide (SOS). The program teaches students about this difficult topic and encourages them to seek help.

SOS has been used by thousands of schools over the past few decades. Studies have shown that it effectively teaches students about depression and suicide while reducing the number of students’ self-reported suicide attempts. Students watch age-appropriate video clips and participate in a guided discussion about depression, suicide, and what to do if they are concerned about a friend. 

 Through the program, students learn: 

  • that depression is treatable, so they are encouraged to seek help  
  • how to identify depression and potential suicide risk in themselves or a friend 
  • to ACT (Acknowledge, Care and Tell a trusted adult) if concerned about themselves or a friend 
  • who they can turn to at school for help, if they need it  

We encourage caregivers to visit SOSsignsofsuicide for information on warning signs for youth suicide, useful resources, and some of the key messages students will learn. You can also view this parent video to learn more. Staff are also able to learn more about the program by viewing this training in MyPDE.

All adults whether caregiver or educator can serve as a protective factor for a young person. Be sure to Acknowledge any concerns that a young person may demonstrate or discuss. Care, by showing them how much you care by listening and taking concerns about their mental health seriously. And Tell, by reaching out to someone’s parents and/or school staff who can support young people in accessing other services. Never keep a secret when concerned about the safety of a young person. 

If you or someone you care about is in crisis:

  • Call the Crisis Link Hotline at 703-527-4077 or text NEEDHELP to 85511
  • Go to the nearest emergency room at your local hospital
  • Call 911

September is Self-Care Awareness Month

graphic of various wellness activities such as yoga, sleep, apple, heartbeat

FCPS Staff: Refocus on You and Your Well-Being

Take care of your mind and body by joining the four week “Take Care of You” program through Wellbeats. 

Wellbeats is your virtual wellness fitness platform that gives you access to monthly challenges and on-demand well-being classes to restore energy, elevate your mood, and focus on your health and happiness. No matter your age, level, ability, or interest, you can choose what fits your lifestyle. Forgot your login or new to Wellbeats?

  • Enter your FCPS email address.
  • Click “Forgot My Password.”
  • Check your email for a link from Wellbeats to create a new password.

Please email support@wellbeats.com for any account issues.


10K A Day Virtual Wellness Challenge

Improve your mental and physical health, one step at a time by joining the virtual wellness challenge, 10K A Day.

This fun-filled virtual walking tour challenge program takes you to some of the world’s most fascinating cities. Ten thousand steps daily will ensure you visit exciting tourist hot spots every day. Get the details on the Employee Wellness website. 

10K A Day has both individual and team competitions, an interactive message board, helpful wellness resources, and there are prizes!

Registration begins Monday, September 26 on the 10K A Day website. Questions? Email employeewellness@fcps.edu.

EAP Webinar for Stress Relief: Guided Imagery

With the start of a new school year, staff may feel overwhelmed. Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Guidance Resources, offers a variety of services to support overall wellbeing to prevent burnout. Our employee wellness team has selected the webinar “Guided Imagery for Wellness and Stress Reduction.”

Guided imagery helps people mentally focus on pleasant images that encourage feelings of relaxation, utilizing the connection between body and mind and improving emotional health. This workshop looks at how guided imagery can help with stress and mental well-being.

Register: October 13, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.

Please share this information with your employees and colleagues. We also encourage staff to visit our EAP Hub page for more resources. For questions, please email EAPQuestions@fcps.edu or call 571-423-4462.