TCES PTA News & Reminders 08/31/22



Greetings TCES community!

I hope you all had an awesome first week back at school! This email just gives a periodic update on what's going on with your Terra Centre PTA.

If you're new to the PTA, you'll see that we do a lot of fundraising and events throughout the year, including our famous Pumpkin Drop, Fun Fair, Variety Show, and more! We also handle a number of after-school clubs. The proceeds of our fundraising go to our programs, supplies for teachers, and more.

As of this moment, we're up to 141 members of the PTA, including 28 teachers & staff--which is already higher than we had last year! If you haven't already, you can sign-up here.

  • We are currently organizing room parents (these are a great resource and help organize events and parties). If you are interested in being a room parent and haven't already completed our volunteer form, please email your child's teacher to let them know you're interested.
  • Based on your feedback, we've pushed our next PTA Membership Meeting to Tuesday, September 27th at 7:30pm. We'll vote on our budget for the year and talk about upcoming events and clubs. You can join via Google Meet.
  • Terra Centre is hosting its own STEAM Night! Save the date for Thursday, December 6th (note that this has been rescheduled from late September, due to a scheduling conflict). Ms. Jewell has created a volunteer sign-up for those interested in hosting a STEAM-related station.
  • Clubs will start in October! Stay tuned here and on our Facebook page for updates. The fall clubs will include iCode, Hip Hop Dance, Challenge Island, and iCook. We need volunteers to help make these clubs run great; if you are interested, please email If you volunteer, your child gets to do the club for free! (Note that you will need to be available for each day the club meets)
  • Save the date for Friday, November 4 for our annual Pumpkin Drop! Email us if you'd like to get involved in the planning.

Have a great week!


Tom Dannan