
Dear Marshall Road Families,

It was wonderful to see many of you at our Open House this morning.  We are excited to welcome all of our Roadrunners for our first day of school on Monday.

In order to nurture a culture of kindness in our schools, community, and world, we are starting the ONE campaign in our pyramid.  We will raise awareness that how we treat others matters and spread a caring culture of kindness throughout our community.   #ONEKindActVienna is about spreading love, and encouraging students, parents, teachers, and community members to think beyond themselves.  The Madison pyramid acknowledges that kindness begets kindness.  By spreading kindness, we are creating a more compassionate community where everyone belongs.  We are One.  One Kind Act can change the world!

Be on the lookout for communication about how your child and family can participate in the ONE campaign throughout the school year.  You might even see your child’s kind acts, and your own, celebrated on social media with the #ONEKindActVienna hashtag.  We look forward to changing the world with you, ONE kind act at a time!

MRES staff will be wearing their red ONE campaign t-shirts on Monday as we begin this year of kindness.


Jennifer Heiges, Matt Chapman and Sue Kirby

Administrative Team