Summer Haycock Hello 7.15.2022

Summer Cleaning

Our custodial crew is working hard to clean the building from top to bottom. Here are the after and before pictures! 

Hallway by hallway, room by room, Haycock is getting a complete cleaning this summer!

Message from Dr. Beaty

Dear Haycock Families,

I hope this finds you and your family enjoying some slower more relaxing summer days. I wanted to share with you that Ms. Debbie Robinson, our PE teacher, is moving to Richmond to teach there, and so we say a sad farewell to her, wish her all the best, and express our deep gratitude for the impact she has had on Haycock over these past many years.  I am working hard on finding great teachers to join us for the 2022-23 school year and will be excited to introduce our new staff members to you in August.  

On August 9, we will conduct tours of our building for new families.  We invite our rising 6th grade students to join us to act as tour guides and Haycock Ambassadors for those new to our community.  If you are the parent of a rising 6th grade student and you will be in town on August 9, please complete this form  if your student is interested in serving in this role. 

Finally, please make sure your child is up to date on their required immunizations.  Please talk with your family healthcare provider about whether or not your children are current on their immunizations before the new school year begins. Submit updated immunization records to Yujn Choi at as soon as possible.  

With appreciation for your partnership,

Dr. Liz Beaty


Upcoming Important Dates

Tuesday, August 9- New and Returning Family Event on the playground with tours of the building- 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. - more information to come 

Thursday, August 18- Open House- in person- times will be staggered- more information to come

Monday, August 22- First Day of School 

Thursday, August 25- Back to School Night- in person- times and details will be coming soon

Monitor and Substitutes Needed at Haycock

We just received approval to hire additional monitors for the next school year to support students with instruction and other needed times for supervision throughout the school day. If you have a local college student with you or have time and care to support the school on a daily basis, please consider this opportunity.

The pay is hourly - $16.36.  Additional information is here

Additionally, we would love more Haycock substitutes and some of our favorite substitutes are also parents in our community. You can read more about becoming a substitute as well as how to apply here:

Please email Liz Beaty, Principal, directly at to indicate your interest for either position.

Playground Reminder

We know how fun our playground is!  While students are here in the building for the summer SOAR program, we ask that community members do not come on school grounds to use the playground, during the hours of 9:30-2:00, Monday through Friday, through the end of July.  Thank you for your understanding.

FCPS Wellness Updates

Virtual Mental Wellness Consultations Available this Summer

Any Fairfax County parent may schedule a free virtual consultation with a school psychologist or school social worker to get the support needed to help their child.

Teaching Children How to Accept Mistakes and Disappointment

We all want to see our children succeed. However, making mistakes and learning how to handle disappointment is a valuable experience for children.

New fish

Thanks to 4th grade teacher Mr. Baker and his family, we now have two koi fish and two gold fish who have joined our pond ecosystem. What shall we name them?

Free and Reduced Lunch Requirements

For the past two years, the federal government has provided no-cost meals to all public school students without the need to complete the annual Free and Reduced-Price Meal application. The extension of the no-cost meals benefit to all students is expected to expire, meaning families must submit an application and be approved to be eligible for free and reduced price meals for the 2022-23 school year.

Eligible families are encouraged to submit the Free and Reduced-Price Meal application before the first day of the 2022-23 school year. The online application will be available later this summer and accessible via the FCPS homepage.

FCPS Summer Tutoring Available

FCPS students will continue to have unlimited access to 24/7, on-demand, online tutoring support services through this summer. Students are able to use to review and/or practice in subject areas of interest or need. Students may also choose to access other tools such as practice quizzes in a variety of subject areas.

Details about how students can access through archived courses in Schoology are provided in Summer Access at - Online Tutoring Services.