Fairfax Villa Weekly Message 6/9/22

Important Upcoming Dates  

6/10: Last day of school: Two Hour Early Release at 2 PM

6/10: Medication Pickup Deadline

8/10: Kindergarten Playdate: 10-11 AM

8/10: Grades 1-6 New Student Tour and Playdate 11 AM-12 PM 

8/22: School Starts for 2022-2023 School Year


  1. NEW: Summer Reading!
  2. NEW: Summer Office Hours
  3. Extra Yearbooks Available
  4. Health Room Medication Pickup
  5. Lost and Found
  6. SOL Scores
  7. Student Intention Forms for School Year 2022-2023
  8. UPDATED: Farewell to Villa Staff Members
  9. ParentSIS Accounts
  10. Calling All New Dragons (Kindergarten and Grades 1-6)
  11. PTA News
  12. Shots Update for Rising 7th Grade Students

Hello students, parents, and family members,

As we are writing this final message and reflecting upon this year of returning to in person learning, we wanted to thank each one of you for everything you have done.  We cannot tell you enough how delighted we are of your accomplishments. It is an honor to work for you and be a member of a great school that continually has students positively affect one another.  This summer, please take the time to relax, enjoy life, and be with your friends and families. As we told our 6th graders at the promotion ceremony yesterday, “So keep on laughing, keep working hard, and work for something you believe in, something that truly inspires you.”

Wishing you all the very best,

Dave Gerstner, Principal

Shelia Sobeski, Assistant principal

Barbara Schmidt, School Based Technology Specialist

1.Summer Reading Lists/Reading Bingo

During the summer break, all students should continue to read and enjoy learning. Click here to find a list of suggested reading lists for each grade level as well as our annual Reading Bingo card that you can print. Fill in 5 boxes in a row and bring your Bingo card to Ms. Case in the library by September 9 to receive a prize!

2.Summer Office Hours

Our Fairfax Villa office will be open during the summer from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm Monday - Friday. 

3.Extra Yearbooks Available

Yearbooks were distributed at the end of the day on Thursday, June 9. If you did not pre-order a yearbook and would like a copy, a limited number of additional copies will be available on a first come/ first serve basis. Please contact Deb MacLean in the school office at 703-267-2800 or dmmaclean1@fcps.edu to order. Yearbooks are $14 each. Payment can be made in cash (exact change, please) or check, payable to “Fairfax Villa Elementary School”. The actual payment is required to reserve a yearbook.


Our Strings Concert!

4.Health Room Medication Pickup

The school health room is reminding parents and guardians that all medication stored in the health room must be picked up no later than the student dismissal time on the last day of school.  Medications left in the health room after that time will be discarded.  It is school policy that medications must be picked up by the parent or guardian.  Medication cannot be sent home with your student.

5.Lost and Found

If your child is missing a jacket, sweater, or some type of accessory item, please tell them to check out our lost and found  tables in our front lobby when they arrive and dismiss from school. Parents and caregivers are also welcome to come to the school up to Thursday, June 16 to possibly find your child’s item on one of the tables set up in our front lobby. (Just a reminder: next week, our office hours are 10:30am to 2:30pm.)  Items that are not retrieved by noon on Thursday, June 16 will be donated.

6.New Information! SOL Scores

New Information from FCPS! 

After Fairfax Villa and many schools requested that parents receive their child’s preliminary SOL scores before the official score letter is mailed in the summer, parents can now view those preliminary scores in SIS ParentVue. Use a web browser (not an app) to log into your SIS ParentVUE account: https://sisparent.fcps.edu  (copy and paste into browser). You will find spring SOL test performance levels and overall scores in the Test History section. You will also get an official score report in ParentVUE Documents by the end of July.

All parents should have their ParentSIS account set up so that they can get important information on their students. This is how many testing scores, including SOLs, are given to parents. If you have never set up your account, please email Ms. Schmidt to request the information you will need to set up yours. If you have already created one but need help logging in, go here.  There are separate accounts available for each parent/guardian if you would like individual ones. 


Fifth Grade Performance of the North Skelton Sword Dance

7.Student Intention Forms for School Year 2022-2023

We need your help in projecting our total enrollment for next school year.  For families NOT returning to Fairfax Villa ES in the fall of 2022, please complete and return the “Student’s Intention for the Next School Year” form by June 10

A typed parent/guardian name on the Parent Signature line is acceptable.   Save the completed form, attach it to an email and send to Silvia Dossmann, SIA, at SMDossmann@fcps.edu or send it to the main office.

Access the “Student’s Intention for the Next School Year” form on the FCPS public website: https://www.fcps.edu/sites/default/files/media/forms/it110.pdf


6th Grade Luncheon Fun

8.Farewell To Villa Staff Members

As the school year comes to an end, we sadly have to say goodbye to some of our staff members. This week, we are saying farewell to Ms.Gates, Ms. Torres, and Ms. MacLean Here are their messages to our Villa community.

Ms. Gates: After 4 wonderful years at the Villa I’ll be moving schools to head over to Fairview Elementary, which is my own children’s base school. I’m looking forward to joining my daughter Evie in the fall.  I loved my time at Villa which is truly a small school with a big heart. I began in 3rd and followed  the current 6th graders for 3 years, and I can’t believe our journey is coming to an end. I will forever be grateful for my time here. 

Ms. Torres: I have been at the Villa for two and a half years through a pandemic and virtual teaching. It was quite the way to start my teaching career but I am so fortunate to have been able to go through it all here at Fairfax Villa. It truly is a small school with a big heart! Next year I will be moving to Hayfield Secondary School to be their new Choir Director. I am excited for this new opportunity but from the bottom of my heart I will miss all my students and friends here. For my students, I want you to remember, “When you get the choice to sit it out or dance...I hope you dance.”

Ms. MacLean: The phrase "life is too short" really came into focus for me these last two years. My husband and I have accelerated our plans, and we'll be making the move full-time to our coastal home in Fenwick Island, DE in June. I will cherish the friendships and hold dear the memories made these last 10 years at Fairfax Villa. I couldn't have asked for a better place to work, or a more supportive group of parents and staff. I wish everyone continued success at our “small school with a big heart”!

9.ParentSIS/ParentVue Accounts

All parents should have their ParentSIS account set up so that they can get important information on their students. This is how many testing scores, including SOLs are given to parents. If you have never set up your account, please email Ms. Schmidt to request the information you will need to set up yours. If you have already created one but need help logging in, go here.  There are separate accounts available for each parent/guardian if you would like individual ones. 





PLEASE Enroll Now! We need new students to enroll NOW for the 2022-2023 school year!

Calling All New Dragons!

  • Is your child turning 5 years old by September 30, 2022?

  • Will your child be a 1st-6th grader who is new to Fairfax Villa?  

Please start your registration now! If you have any neighbors with little ones, please send this information to them as well.

If your student does fall in the Fairfax Villa ES boundary, we encourage you to register on our Kindergarten/New Student intake form site ASAP so we have accurate numbers for staffing our classes for next year!

You may also reach out to Silvia Dossmann, our school registrar, this week so that she can assist you with the registration process at smdossmann@fcps.edu or call 703-267-2800.

11.PTA Message 



The following message is sent on behalf of the Fairfax Villa ES School PTA.  Its content reflects the views of the PTA.

FVES PTA Vice President Board Position Open for 2022/2023 School Year

Please email villapta@gmail.com to start a conversation.  We will leave this position open until filled and happily onboard candidates any time.  Many hands make lighter work!

FVES Merch Always Available, Now w/ More Inventory!

10% of sales goes back to the PTA to fund the activities for your child.  The store now has “Class of Tees” you can customize, baby & toddler sizes, shorts, hats, tie-dye and more!  Stock up on spirit wear today!

From the Girl Scouts:

Do you know any rising Kindergarteners who want to join Girl Scouts for next school year? It's time to organize now! Please contact Julie Hetzler at  juliehetzler723@gmail.com. Don’t wait for the hectic time around the beginning of the school year.  Julie can help get current and new students into newly formed Girl Scout troops! There is also “special pricing” for troops that form early: $35 activates your daughter's memberships now and will allow her to  join in the fun for our August and September activities before most other Kindergarten troops are formed. This membership will be valid from April 1st until October 2023! Don't delay -  contact Julie Hetzler today for more information. 

Pre-Order School Supply Kits

Shop our Villa Supply Kits at www.campussurvivalkits.com/fairfaxvilla. Order online by July 15th!


12.Shots Update for Rising 7th Grade Students

Dear Rising 7th Grade Families,

We are excited to welcome you and your students to Frost Middle School! 

The Code of Virginia requires all students to be immunized against certain communicable diseases prior to entrance into Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS).

Effective July 1, 2021 all students entering 7th grade will be required to receive one dose of each of the following immunizations prior to the beginning of school: Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis booster (Tdap), and Meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY).            

Seventh grade students cannot begin school in August without proper Tdap and Meningococcal documentation.

If you have not done so yet, please provide one of the following documents to either your elementary school or to Frost Middle School as soon as possible:

  1. An updated immunization record showing that the student has received the immunization(s).
  1. A note on a healthcare provider’s letterhead stating the date the vaccine(s) was given.
  1. A healthcare provider’s written statement of a permanent or temporary medical exemption.
  2. A notarized Religious Exemption Form which is available online at:


Immunizations are available from your student's healthcare provider or the Fairfax County Health Department. The Health Department clinic locations and hours are available online at: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/health/novel-coronavirus/vaccine/partners or by calling 703-746-2411.

Completing required immunizations and submitting documentation before the end of this school year will mean a smooth and easy transition for your new middle school student.

Please contact Ms. Emily Cheng at echeng@fcps.edu if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Anthony Harris

Principal, Frost Middle School