Daniels Run Down-Family Edition-June 3, 2022

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From the desk of Mr. Smith!

DRES families,

I want to recognize the amazing work of our staff during the month of May. Administering the SOLs is an enormous feat and our staff rose to the occasion. Thank you to Mrs. Hein and Mr. Parker for all their hard work organizing all the details on top of their day-to-day responsibilities as our assistant principals! 

We have our final week ahead of us, a few reminders:

  • I encourage you to take a moment to remind your student that behavior expectations remain the same through Friday, June 10th.
  • We look forward to celebrating our Kindergarten and 6th grade students next week at their promotion ceremonies on June 9th.  
  • Friday, June 10th is a two hour early release, 1:45 dismissal.


Enjoy your weekend!


Chris Smith

DRES Principal 


Assessment Results

New this school year across FCPS, the following assessment results will be communicated differently.  Please understand that we have been directed from the central testing office that scores are not to be shared with families until they are made available centrally.  Once the testing window closes, the state and FCPS perform various tasks to verify the scores. See below for the method of communication.

The following assessment results will be posted electronically in Parent Vue by mid-July. If you do not have a Parent Vue account, your child’s results will be mailed home to the home address in late August

  • Standards of Learning Assessments-SOL (Grades  3-6)
  • iReady Reading and Math screener (Grades 1-6)

The following assessment results score report letters with individual student results are centrally mailed to parents/guardians.

  • WIDA mailed with Title III eligibility notices by late September (Students in the ESOL program)
  • Social Emotional Learning Screener results mailed by mid-July (Grades K-6)
  • VKRP mailed by mid-July (Kindergarten)

Student Laptop Collection

All Daniels Run ES student laptops, chargers and MiFi’s will be collected at the end of the school year.  

  • All students will turn in their laptops, chargers and MiFi’s during school on either June 7,8 or 9th.
  • Students attending Daniels Run summer programs ( K-6 SOAR or Young Scholars etc) will be allowed to retain their laptops through the summer program.  The devices should be returned to the school at the end of the summer school program, July 29.

Families can pay for lost equipment at www.MySchoolBucks.com or write a check to Daniels Run ES.   Lost computers cost $481 /  Lost chargers $23.  Any device not returned by Monday, June 13 will be considered lost and bills will be issued after that date

Lost and Found

Are your children missing any clothing?  Our lost and found is in the wardrobe closet behind our lobby staircase.  Please stop by to take a look if you are missing something before Friday, November 22nd.  After November 22nd, anything left will be packed up and donated.

Free and Reduced Meal Information

For two years student meals were provided at no cost. Students who qualify for free and reduced meals may also be eligible to participate in several fee-based programs at either no cost or at a reduced cost if parents provide a consent to share information form. Learn more about the criteria and process here.

Apply online here: Application

You must send in a new household application for each school year. Applications to apply for the 2022-2023 school year will be available in August.

Clinic Procedures for End of Year!

The school health room is reminding parents and guardians that all medication stored in the health room must be picked up no later than the student dismissal time on the last day of school (June 10th, dismissal at 1:45).  Medication left in the health room after that time will be discarded.  It is school policy that medications must be picked up by the parent or guardian.  Medication cannot be sent home with your student. 

Medication authorization forms for next school year may be obtained from the school or online at https://www.fcps.edu/resources/student-safety-and-wellness/school-health-services.   A medication authorization form is required for any medication, prescription or over-the-counter, to be kept at school.  Please be sure medication orders are clear.  All information on the form must be completed.  Part I must be signed and dated by the parent or guardian.  Part II must be signed and dated by your physician.  Over-the-counter medication given for headache, muscle pain, orthodontic pain, or menstrual cramps and antibiotic or anti-viral medication do not need a physician signature.  More detailed information is available on the back of the medication authorization form.

Over-the-counter medication must be in the original container and clearly labeled by the parent or guardian.  All prescription medication, including physician’s samples, must be labeled by the pharmacist or physician.  Please make sure that the label clearly states your student’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage of the medication, and the time interval for administration.

If your child will be enrolled in a summer program sponsored by Fairfax County Public Schools, your existing long-term medication authorization form(s) may be used for the summer program.  Please let the health room know if you would like a copy of the form(s).

Your cooperation will ensure that we can safely give your student his or her medication.  If you have any questions, please contact the health room at 703-279-8410.

Thank you for your cooperation and have a good summer.

Summer Camp Opportunity

Nova Labs MakerSchool has summer camp opportunities.  Visit their website for additional information. 

Summer Basketball Camp

Fairfax High School will be hosting a Girls Basketball Camp this summer July 18-22.  Feel free to call the Activities Office at 703-219-2201 or reach out to the New Head Girls Coach Tim Lucas at Tflucas@fcps.edu  if you have any questions.

Summer Strings Opportunities

Hello strings families! Are you looking for something to do this summer? There are plenty of exciting musical opportunities in NOVA this summer! Check out the attached page to see what’s going on!

Many students also choose to take private lessons over the summer, by doing so, they do not forget what they have learned throughout the year and advance further on their instrument. If your child is interested in private lessons this summer, please reach out to the strings teacher, Ms. Venne for more information! 😊


A Note from the Music Department

🎵 Parents, students & staff: Click here to vote for your favorite musician of the month:  Video reminders of all the musicians are in the form. 


 All FCPS students will soon have unlimited access to online tutoring support services through Tutor.com at no cost.

Students can connect online any time, and in most subjects for as long as they need. Tutoring is focused instruction provided to students in a one-on-one format through voice or text chat. Tutors will focus on developing students’ strengths and capabilities in reading, mathematics, or other specified subjects. Tutoring services may be accessed before, during, or after school hours and/or on weekends through a link in Schoology. 

All tutors must pass a rigorous application process including an extensive background check. No personal information is shared between a student and tutor. All sessions are recorded and transcripts are available for review by teachers and parents/guardians. 

Students will automatically have access to the Tutor.com tutoring service unless a parent/guardian submits an opt-out request.  Please submit the opt-out request by April 11th. An email from FCPS went to all families yesterday with information on the program and the link to the opt-out form.  A hard copy of the opt-out form will go home in the Wednesday folders today.  For additional information, visit the FCPS online tutoring services website.

Electronic Device Policy 

Phones must be silenced and in backpacks for the duration of the school day. They may be utilized on campus only before and after school. Teachers may allow usage of cell phones for instructional activities where they are the most appropriate tool, such as video creation or QR Code activities.  


Reminder! Animals on School Grounds

As a reminder FCPS Regulations state that in order to protect the health and safety of students, employees, and visitors, animals are prohibited on school property. Exceptions will be made for service animals to accommodate
a person’s disability. Thank you for your cooperation. 


Important Dates 

June 9 -Kindergarten Promotion

             6th Grade Promotion @ FHS - 2:00

June 10-Last Day of School-Early Release