McLean HS Baccalaureate is Tonight!
The McLean High School Baccalaureate will take place at Redeemer Lutheran Church TODAY, Wednesday, May 25th at 7:00pm.
The service will be live-streamed and available to those who cannot attend.
Location: Redeemer Lutheran Church.
Congratulations to our 2022-23 PTSA Executive Board
President - Elizabeth El-Nattar President Elect - Oscar Hernández Secretary - Sooa Kwon Treasurer - Sue Ellen Beggs VP Programs - Savitha Sagar VP Communications - Fernando Sabio VP Fundraising - Connie Howell
Health & Wellness Therapy Dogs
Our last therapy dog visit of this school year will be on Wednesday, June 1st, 11:00am-1:30pm!
The PTSA Health & Wellness Committee would like to express their gratitude to the PAL Therapy Dog Organization and Emma Blankenbaker for making the restart of this beloved program so successful in the 2021-2022 school year.
Please contact for more information.
Parents of Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Seniors Help Make the 2022 All Night Graduation Party a Success
This event is sponsored by the PTSA and scheduled for June 1st from 9:00pm - 1:00am at the school.
This MHS tradition celebrates graduates in a safe, supervised space the night they graduate. There will be catered food, casino games, prizes, dancing and even a hypnotist show!
We need MANY volunteers in the school community to make this event happen. Please consider signing up to help with setup before the party or volunteer at the party!
Let us give the class of 2022 a proper send-off as they create memories with their class one last time!
Please view the Sign Up Genius to see the volunteer options.
Raffle Tickets are on Sale Here NOW
Purchase your tickets before it is TOO LATE for a chance to win some fantastic prizes
Prizes include:
- SC Lake House vacation (4 Day/3 Night Stay) - $1310 value
- 6-month membership to St. James - $600 value
- Disney Park Hopper Passes - $300 value
- Microdermabrasion Gift Certificate - $200 value
- District Winery Gift Card - $100 value
- Motorola Two-Way Radios - $99.95 value
Cost: 1 Raffle Ticket for $15 or 3 Raffle Tickets for $30
Sales Dates: Now until May 31, 2022
Prize Announcements: June 6, 2022
**Proceeds benefit the Class of 2022 Graduation Party**
Questions? Contact Pam Williams at
Calling all Dancers!!
McLean High School Dance Team Tryouts (2022-2023 Season)
Open to All Upcoming 9th - 12th- Grade Students!
June 13th and June 14th, 9:30 am –12:30 pm, McLean HS Dance Room
Sign-up using the MDT interest form available here.
The MDT Interest Form includes all tryout details!
Contact with questions or if you have a conflict with the tryout dates.
Last Yoga Program of the Year!
In the final session of Yoga Highlander, the lucky raffle winner of Yoga mat was David Jerzak, a MHS Junior!
The PTSA Health & Wellness Committee is excited to announce the Highlander Yoga will be offered next year and we are looking forward to welcoming you back!
With our deepest gratitude to Sarah Collett, the yoga instructor, for her dedication and commitment to make 2022 Yoga Highlander a successful program!
PTSA Reimbursement Request
As our school year draws to a close, the PTSA Treasurer would like to encourage anyone with outstanding receipts to turn them in with a completed reimbursement request by June 10th.
All receipts must be reimbursed before the close of our fiscal year on June 30, 2022.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Sue Ellen Beggs at
Volunteers Needed
PTSA Audit Committee
We seek two (2) volunteers to join our three-person audit committee to perform the financial review of the 2021-2022 school year PTSA financials.
The review is performed following the guidelines set out by the VAPTA, which provides a checklist and financial reconciliation to follow.
The volunteer commitment for this role consists of a few hours once a year, typically in mid-July following the fiscal year closing on June 30th. The review can occur in either the morning, afternoon, or evening depending on the consensus of member schedules.
This is a great way to get more familiar with the PTSA financials and perform an essential role in assessing our compliance with best practices.
If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please reach out to the current Treasurer, Sue Ellen Beggs, at
2022 Graduation Party Team
More Ways for Parent Volunteers to Help the Class of 2022 Celebration!
You can help in multiple ways to make this a memorable celebration for your students:
Sponsor 2022 Graduation Party
Contact Zaiba Hasan at for more information.
Donate Gift Cards for Raffle Prizes
To make the party even more fun for our seniors, we give away gift cards throughout the event. Please sign up here to donate them. Any amount you can donate is great; the most popular amounts are $10, $20, $50, and $100. Contact Katie Toro at with any questions.
Friday, May 27th Breakfast Station Sign-Up
Last Chance to Sign Up for the School Year!
May is the last month for the PTSA's Friday Breakfast Station for teachers and staff! And what a busy month it is: Appreciation Week, AP Exams, SOLs, Final Exams, end of Fourth Quarter.
Please help us show our appreciation and treat our outstanding teachers and staff to breakfast treats in May.
Sign-up here for the week that best suits your schedule in May.
Thank you so much for your attention and participation.
eNewsletter Team Needs Volunteers
Training, tools, and support are available to ensure a smooth transition into the next school year.
Please contact if you are interested in any of the following positions:
eNews Co-Chair and Members
Responsible for sending weekly PTSA e-newsletter. Share relevant information, promote events and enhance parent engagement. Proofreading skills are a plus.
eNews Proofreader
Review draft of the e-newsletter to test links, catch typos and verify consistency with format standard.
eNews Publisher
Use the GovDelivery tool to enter prepared content, images, links, and .pdfs provided. Follow committee-developed format standards. Send a test version to the proofreader and incorporate changes. Schedule the final version in the tool for publishing at noon on Wednesdays.
Thank you in advance for volunteering!
For the McLean High School Class of 2022
Senior Events & Graduation
All of the information you need to help celebrate your senior and plan for graduation can be found on our Senior Events page.
Check back often for updates.
Graduation Yard Signs - Pick-Up and Extra Signs for Sale
Parents and family members who have not picked up your yard signs, Pam Williams has graciously volunteered to collaborate with you to set up a pick-up day and time near the school.
We also have a few extra "Graduate" yard signs for sale for any Senior Families that would like to purchase a sign. The extra signs are available for $30 each on a first come, first serve basis.
Please email Pam at with any questions and coordinate payment and/or pick up for the yard signs.
Graduation Party Tickets are on Sale!
Attention McLean Agents-Class of 2022!
Click here to purchase.
What: Graduation Party for Class of 2022 - Diamonds are Forever
When: June 1st, 9:00pm - 1:00am
Where: McLean High School
Your Mission: Purchase Tickets NOW.
Tickets cost $85. Click here to purchase.
You will have a chance to Win Raffle Prizes and Grand Prizes such as a $250 gift card, all while you sip on mocktails, mingle and munch on hors d'oeuvres when you purchase tickets!
This "Diamonds are Forever" party will have casino games, fun activities, DJ, a photo booth, a hypnotist show, and much more. You don't want to miss a fun time with your friends and fond memories of your high school graduation.
Seniors - Make sure to purchase your tickets for a chance to win
We are still doing a biweekly raffle for all seniors that purchase their graduation party tickets. The following raffle winners will be announced on May 25th.
Please contact Pam Williams at to claim your prize.
Mark Your Calendar
Local Restaurant Fundraisers
Show Highlander Spirit and Support Your Community
While Dining In or Carrying Out
SweetLeaf Cafe is Today!
May 25th, 4:00pm - 8:00pm
1359 Chain Bridge Road McLean, VA 22101
Over the weekend, Kylee Majkowski and Dylan Freeman had the honor of competing in the Inaugural Brandon Dixon Awards at the National Theatre.
13 public, private, and charter high schools located within a 25-mile radius of The National Theatre were invited to participate by submitting their fully-staged musical theatre productions for consideration.
Dylan and Kylee competed against 18 other students throughout the region, and Kylee Majkowski was selected as one of the region's top 5 actresses. On Sunday, May 22nd, she had the opportunity to perform on the National theatre stage as her character in TheatreMcLean’s production of Head over Heels. Way to go!
Teen Character Awards
On Saturday, May 21st, the McLean Citizens Association awarded 4 Mclean High School students with Teen Character Awards.
Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust; Elaine Tholen, Dranesville District School Board Member; and Scott Spitzer, McLean Citizens Association President, presented the awards.
This award honors teens who demonstrate outstanding character. On their own and without compensation, teens who have helped out in their neighborhood or community are being recognized not only for themselves but as an example to others.
Please join us in celebrating the following students for winning this award:
Max Blacksten – Junior at McLean High School
Caroline Klein – Junior at McLean High School
JoJo Philipps - Junior at McLean High School
Sam Rakowski – Freshman at McLean High School
Stay in the Know!
U.S. News & World Report High School Rankings are Out!
Learn how U.S. World News finds their rankings and look here for the list of best VA high schools.
MHS is listed #3 public high school in Virginia; take a look here.
In the Jay Mathews Challenge Index, MHS has the ranking of FCPS high schools on the list, which is based on a formula devised by Washington Post education reporter Jay Mathews. The index is designed to identify public schools that challenge average students.
The list is available here.
Are You a Parent Interested in Learning More About the College Admissions Process?
The MHS Department of Student Services released this school year's third and final parenting podcast. This time they addressed the college admissions process. Listen to it here.
The podcast features Mr. Paul Stansbery, Director of Student Services, Ms. Kathleen Otal, School Counselor and 2021 Virginia School Counselor of the Year, and Ms. Ashley Lowry, MHS Technology Specialist.
They discuss the many fears and anxieties parents may have about the college admissions process and how parents can set their children up for future success.
Listening to this episode can benefit parents of students in high school, middle school, and elementary school as they look toward their child’s future. Parents will gain valuable insights from the experts who are uniquely positioned to view the college admission process from multiple perspectives.
Hope you enjoy it!
Thank you, Ms. Stansbery, Ms. Otal and Ms. Lowry, for sharing it.
In addition, the MHS Department of Student Services team encourages parents to watch Ms. Otal use Naviance to demonstrate how students with B’s, C’s, and even D’s on their transcript still have many college options! Take a look here.
The MHS Student Services team also recommends listening to this Revisionist History podcast, in which the formula for determining college rankings is uncovered.
Remember that the MHS Student Services Team members are available to support students as they find the college that is the right fit for them. They are dedicated to sharing helpful information for parents of students of all ages.
Mental Health Action Day
On May 19th, a coalition of more than 1,400 nonprofits, brands, government agencies, and influential leaders from over 32 countries will come together to shift our mental health culture from awareness to action on the second annual Mental Health Action day!
Mental Health America has been bringing mental health Back to Basics throughout May.
Check out our 2022 Mental Health Month Toolkit, which provides free, practical resources to introduce mental health topics like recognizing warning signs, knowing the factors that can lead to mental health conditions, maintaining mental wellness, and seeking help for mental health.
Go to to learn more.
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month is observed in the United States during May. It recognizes the contributions and influence of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States.
Learn more here.
Jewish American Heritage Month
May is a national month of recognition of the history of Jewish contributions to American culture, acknowledging the diverse achievement of the Jewish community in the U.S.
The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of Jewish Americans who helped form the fabric of American history, culture and society.
Find more information here.
After-School Counseling
The Department of Student Services will be offering counseling opportunities for all students every Wednesday and Thursday after school.
Select Counselors Will Be Available to Meet With Students Until 4:30pm
Students are encouraged to take advantage of this extra availability and can meet with the counselors on staff regardless of their alphabetical designation.
Late bus transportation will be provided every Wednesday and Thursday for all students.
Support Your McLean High School PTSA
PTSA Funds Enhance Student Learning
Please consider making a tax-free donation to the PTSA.
Your contribution translates directly into academic enhancements, virtual programs, improved technology, and courtyard and facilities renovations.
Click here to donate.
Student Contests, Programs, Opportunities, Workshops, Selected Resources & Webinars
Internship Opportunity for a MHS Student
Share is looking for a social media intern between June to September 2022.
This is an excellent opportunity for a MHS student interested in combining community service and hands-on experience. For more information, visit here and the deadline for the application is June 10th.
Share an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable organization serving economically distressed families and individuals, including senior citizens, immigrants, victims of spousal abuse, and the homeless.
Breakthrough Junior Challenge Video Contest
Students ages 13 through 18 are invited to create a short (under 90 seconds) video explaining a challenging concept in physics, mathematics, or the life sciences in an engaging, illuminating, and creative way.
Don’t miss your chance to win a $250,000 college scholarship. If you win, you’ll receive a college scholarship, your teacher will receive a $50,000 prize, and your school will get a new $100,000 science lab!
Learn more about the Challenge and submit your entry at the Challenge website!
Scholarship Information
You can access here a comprehensive list of scholarships for high school students to help pay for school during their first year of college and beyond.
Parents and Students, Did You Know?
Substance Abuse Prevention Support at McLean High School McLean High School has a Full-Time Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist
Kelly Rankin serves as a resource for students and parents interested in finding more information on substance use or discussing concerns about use and addiction.
If you need more information, take a look at this flyer.
Calendar Reminders |
May 25 - McLean High School Baccalaureate, 7:00 pm
May 25 - SweetLeaf McLean Restaurant Fundraiser
May 26 - Convocation, 9:00 am at McLean High School
May 30 - Memorial Day Holiday - School Closed
June 1 - Therapy Dogs Visit
June 1 - Graduation at 2:30pm, Constitution Hall
June 2 - Physical Night at McLean High School
June 6-9 - Final Exam Schedule
June 10 - Last Day of School - Early Release
Helpful Links - Resource to find out which colleges will be test-optional next year.
FCPS Support for Parents & Families
FCPS Parent Resource Center Workshops
The FCPS Parent Resource Center is offering workshops, information and resources to support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities.
For a list of upcoming events click here.
Multilingual Parent Podcast
Listen and subscribe to an FCPS multilingual family podcast to hear timely, important information related to school news. The podcasts are produced in conjunction with the Office for English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Services and the Office of Professional Learning and Family Engagement.
Listen and subscribe:
Thank you to our Business Sponsors