Fairfax Early Childhood Partnership's May 5-4-3-2-1 Early Childhood Tips for Today!

Kindness and Gratitude

5 Things to Know or Do 5 Things to Know or Do:

  1. Gratitude is being thankful for and showing an appreciation of kindness.  Kindness and gratitude are social-emotional skills that can be taught and practiced just like other skills.

  2. Teaching children gratitude has social, emotional, and physical benefits.  There is a strong connection between kindness, gratitude, and joy.  Grateful children are often happier and have improved psychological and physical health into adulthood.
  3. Children learn kindness and gratitude from adults in their lives.  Adults can model acts of kindness and gratitude in interactions with other adults and with children.
  4. Teaching children to say “thank you” can help children start to recognize when others have given them something tangible or intangible.
  5. Praising children when they are kind and grateful encourages them to continue being kind and grateful.  Receiving praise from others activates the brain’s reward system, which motivates children to do more to receive more praise.

4 Children Read Alouds 4+1 Children Read Alouds

  1. Kindness is My Superpower by Alicia Ortego

    A children’s book about Empathy, Kindness and Compassion. Teaching children the power of Kindness, one of the most important skills a child can learn.

  2. Gratitude is My Superpower by Alicia Ortego

    A book about Giving Thanks and Practicing Positivity.

  3. Thankful by Eileen Spinelli

    Celebrate everyday blessings, practice thankfulness, and observe the wonderful acts of service that keep us going each and every day.

  4. Kindness to Share from A to Z by Todd Snow

    This book invites children to show kindness in their daily lives. Each letter, each idea is a step toward becoming more caring and compassionate…and making the world a better place.

  5. HeartPrints by P. K. Hallinan (readaloud on YouTube)

    A story about acts of Kindness. An engaging story with a meaningful message that fosters caring and empathy in young children

3 Links to Visit 3 Sites to Visit

  1. Fred Rogers Center: Being a Helper
  2. PBS Kids for Parents: Raising Grateful Kids, Why Thanks is Good for the Soul
  3. PBS Kids for Parents: How to Raise a Good Citizen

2 Points to Access Research 2+1 Videos to View

  1. Teaching Kindness to Kids with Todd Parr
  2. Kid President Kindness
  3. Gratitude: Sesame Street

1 Video to View 1 Point of Research to Access

  1. The Science of Gratitude: A white paper prepared for the John Templeton Foundation by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley