Westlawn Family Message - April 29, 2022

Westlawn Family Message

April 29, 2022

Keeping Families Connected!


Hello Westlawn Families,

We are excited to welcome families this evening for our Westlawn Art Night Spectacular!!  Food and events will be outside, while guided tours will take place indoors for families to view student artwork. The halls look beautiful!  

This week was Administrative Appreciation week.  The Westlawn front office team is second to none!  Thank you Ms. Naldo, Ms. Ivannia, Ms. Caballero, Ms. Craig, Ms. Hirji. Ms. Reyes, and Ms. Onza, for your dedication to our community.  Westlawn loves you!

See below updated COVID-19 Isolation Procedures.  Please continue to monitor your children for possible symptoms at home each morning, and keep sick children home.  

For daily snapshots into the Westlawn Community we encourage families to follow us on Twitter

As we continue on through these challenging times, families seeking resources and assistance are encouraged to visit the Fairfax County Coordinated Services webpage.  

Upcoming Dates:

  • April 29 - Westlawn Art Night Spectacular! 5:30PM - 7:30PM
  • May 20 - Bingo Night
  • May 30 - Memorial Day Holiday
  • June 2- Patrol Picnic @ Mason Crest Park
  • June 6 and 8 - Field Day (primary and upper)
  • June 9 - 6th Grade Promotion Ceremony at FCHS

Next week we take another step on the road to recovery.

Together, we are strong. Together, we transcend.  Together, we soar. 

We are Westlawn.

In Proud Partnership,

Christoph Hill, Anaya Bryson and Stephanie Carpenter, Westlawn Principals

Updated COVID-19 Isolation Procedures

Beginning May 1, 2022, your child may return to in-person instruction and activities, including athletics, when your child has met the following criteria:

  • Student has completed at least five days of isolation; AND 
  • Student is fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication; AND
  • Student’s symptoms have improved or resolved
  • Student wears a well-fitting mask for 5 additional days (day six through day 10) after the end of the 5-day isolation period, in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance

If students are unable to wear a mask when around others, they are to continue to isolate for a full 10 days at home.

Children who are in isolation will continue to have access to our StreamIn/CheckIn during this time. 

The new procedure aligns with the timeline recommended by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD). It also follows improving vaccination rates in the Fairfax Health District, as well as a continued community level of low in Fairfax County.

Meet Dr. Reid!

Our incoming superintendent, Dr. Michelle Reid, is visiting FCPS next week to learn more about our schools and community. During her visit, there will be a special, in-person event for staff, families, and students on Tuesday, May 3, starting at 7 p.m. More details, including how to register and submit questions, will be shared with you directly via email in the coming days. 

On Tuesday, May 17, Dr. Reid will join staff, families, and students for a multilingual virtual town hall, starting at 7 p.m. We will share details about this event in newsletters and directly via email.

6th Save the Date


Community Conversation - Thursday, May 5

Join us for our weekly Community Conversation with Principals on Thursday, May 5 @ 10:15AM.  Access our virtual session here

Here are the slides and recording from last week's CCWP.  


Spring Music Shirts are Here!

The music shirts are back and we have many new spring colors for sale! All shirts are $10 + shipping. Everything is sold ONLINE ONLY and will be delivered directly to your house. We will also be sending home a flyer with a QR Code you can scan with your phone to get to the website. Use the link below to order!


Blue Music Ensemble Shirts (Band Chorus & Strings students ONLY)

For Band, Chorus, & Strings students ONLY: you will need a Royal Blue shirt for your concerts. Again, these are sold ONLINE ONLY. These shirts are $6 and will be delivered to the school for Band Chorus & Strings students only. Use the site below.


End of Year Standards of Learning (SOL) Test Dates


How to Survive Middle School

For rising 7th Graders who will attend Luther Jackson MS. This program will run the week of July 25-28. This year, students can choose one of two sessions:

Session 1: July 25 and 26
Session 2: July 27 and 28

The in-person portion of the program will run from 3:30pm-7:00pm and include transportation to the school, dinner, and an LJMS T-shirt. (Students need to be picked up by a parent after the program ends each evening).  Access the registration form here


toy drive

Kindergarten Registration

If you have a child five years of age on or before September 30, 2022, they are eligible for Kindergarten in the 2022-2023 school year. Please contact Silvia Caballero, Student Registrar, via email at scaballero@fcps.edu, or by phone at 703-241-5100, with any questions. You can also find information about the registration process on our school website.

Falls Church Kindergarten Orientation_2022.pdf

Pre-K and Early Head Start Programs

FCPS offers high-quality Pre-Kindergarten and Early Head Start Programs to income eligible families at no cost, including children with disabilities.  View the attached flyer for more information.

2022-2023 PreK and Early Head Start - English and Spanish Translations

Laptop Activity Reports

Parents can get information about their child's activity on their FCPS laptop. Sign up to receive a weekly Parent Report from Lightspeed, our internet content filtering service, which will provide a list of the top sites the child visited that week. Learn more about the Lightspeed Parent Report and sign up process.

Request Lightspeed Parent Reports

Temporary Expanded Child Care Eligibility

The Child Care Assistance and Referral Program may be able to help with your child care expenses.  Read the attached flyer and see if this initiative could benefit your family.  

Temporary Expanded Child Care Eligibility Flyer

Cub Scout Shoe Drive

Positivity Project

Westlawn has partnered with the Positivity Project to empower America’s youth to build positive relationships and become their best selves.  

The Mission: To equip educators with the resources, training, and strategy to teach their students positive psychology’s 24 character strengths.

Guidance for Student Sent Home with COVID-Like Illness

COVID-19 health and safety protocols have changed recently to more closely align with updated CDC recommendations.  

Isolation for Students diagnosed with COVID-19

FCPS Students who test positive or are diagnosed with COVID-19 will continue to have a 10 day isolation period from school and school-related activities, including sports.

FCPS Students who are COVID-19 positive are able to return to school when all of the following criteria are met:

  • Student completes at least ten (10) days of isolation from symptom onset for symptomatic students or 10 days since tested for COVID for asymptomatic students; AND
  • Student is fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication; AND
  • The student’s symptoms have improved; AND

Student submits the FCPS Isolation Letter with the return date to their attending school

Quarantine for Students Deemed Close Contacts

FCPS Students who are close contacts and required to quarantine, should take a COVID test at least five (5) days after they last had contact with someone with COVID-19, and are able to return to school when all the criteria for one of the two options below is met:

Option 1:

  • Student completes five (5) days of quarantine; AND
  • Student is asymptomatic; AND
  • Student is able to wear a face mask for Day 6 – 10; AND
  • Student submits FCPS Pause Letter with the return date to their attending school.

Option 2:

  • Student completes ten (10) days of quarantine; AND
  • Student submits FCPS Pause Letter with the return date to their attending school.
  • Students with mask exemption will need to utilize Option 2 to return from quarantine.          

*If close contacts become symptomatic, they may not return to school until one of the criteria are met:

 - Documentation of a negative COVID-test; OR

 - Documentation of an alternative diagnosis from a physician.


FCPS Student Quarantine Exemption:

  • Some students may be exempt from quarantine if they meet the CDC criteria, are able to wear a face mask for 10 days, and are asymptomatic. 
  • Students must complete the Fairfax County Health Department vaccination survey: COVID Contact Vaccination Verification, and
  • Students receive a clearance letter from the Fairfax County Health Department prior to resuming in-person learning and activities


Mark your calendars for Thomas Jefferson High School’s Techstravaganza, on May 14, 2022 from 10am-4pm! This is a FREE hands-on STEM Fair for students of all ages. 

Note: students must be accompanied by an adult chaperone.

Contact Meghan Winters at mbwinters@fcps.edu with questions.

Cornerstones Eviction Prevention Unit

Anyone currently residing in Fairfax County who is behind their rent should contact Coordinated Service Planning (CSP) at 703-222-0880. CSP will complete an assessment with the tenant and determine their eligibility for rental assistance. If they are determined to be eligible to receive assistance the tenant will be referred to one of the Community Based Organizations (CBO) in Fairfax County who are distributing these funds and payment will be sent directly to the landlord. 

CSP Community outreach English Spanish Large RC print 4UP 12x18 (1).pdf

COVID-19 Testing Sites

If you are in need of a COVID-19 test please see the attached PDF for information and site locations.


Health Screening Questionnaire

To keep our community safe and our children in school it is imperative that we carefully monitor our students for signs of illness, and keep kids home if they display possible symptoms of COVID-19.  We ask that each morning families self-assess their children using the Health Screening Questionnaire provided below.  


Westlawn Computer and Technology Support 

Our Technology Team has created a step-by-step resource to support parents in Schoology, Zoom, and other student learning applications.  Access this website here

Income Discrimination in Housing

The Housing Rights Initiative is a national non-profit organization dedicated to protecting tenants’ rights.  See that attached flyer to learn more.

Know Your Rights (Virginia).pdf

Forms, Documents, and Apps

Students' Rights and Responsibilities 

Here Comes the Bus - Information on bus schedules, routes, and live notifications

Opt-Out Forms 

Join the Westlawn PTA


PTA Flyer

Follow Us On Twitter!
