Dear Mason District Community,
Thank you to those who participated in virtual and in-person sessions to discuss the Middle School grade level configuration. I appreciate the questions and suggestions that were expressed during the sessions. I look forward to sharing the report of the engagement survey in the next few weeks which will include analysis of responses, participation rated and potential next steps.
Next week, May 2-6, marks Teacher Appreciation Week! I wish all of the teachers of Fairfax County, most notably, in Mason District a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Week for your tireless commitment to our students and schools. I encourage parents/caregivers and students to take a little time and send an email or write a note to thank a teacher (or two!) for their commitment and hard work.
I value the input I receive from the Mason Community and am happy to address questions or concerns via email or phone. You can reach me by email at If you are interested in scheduling a phone call, please reach out to my assistant, Cristy Coffey, at to arrange a time.
  Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2-6, 2022
School Bus Ride Along
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of joining Glasgow Middle School students on their regular bus ride home. It was a fantastic experience and opportunity to learn about the issues concerning our drivers. My driver, Mr. Bezu, was kind enough to educate me about his work and share information about his training experience and efforts to recruit others to serve as FCPS drivers. Mr. Bezu’s love for the work and his care for the students was clear. I also appreciated learning about Mr. Bezu personally and his work outside of FCPS as a journalist for Ethiopian public radio and television. I thank him and all FCPS bus drivers for their commitment to our students!
Become an FCPS Bus Driver!
FCPS is recruiting qualified individuals to join the transportation team. This is a great opportunity for stay-at-home parents to earn income with benefits (and bring your preschooler to work with you!). Retirees, college students and career-switchers are also encouraged to apply.
FCPS is currently offering a signing bonus up to $3,000 for new drivers who meet requirements.
Upcoming School Bus Driver Job Fairs (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.):
May 6th at Stonecroft Transportation Center
May 26th at Lorton Center
Visit with an Athletic Trainer
Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to watch one of the fantastic FCPS Athletic Trainers in action! Heather Murphy, Certified Athletic Trainer at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST), invited me to the National Division track meet hosted by TJHSST. Ms. Murphy and Ms. Caroline Taylor, Associate Athletic Trainer at TJHSST, were kind enough provide me with a glimpse of the important work they do in support of our student athletes. Our FCPS athletic trainers carry a huge responsibility and have built such a wonderful rapport with the student athletes. I enjoyed the tour of their mobile office and am so appreciative of the time they took to explain their important work.
It was also wonderful to see all of the Mason District high schools in one place - and impossible to decide who to cheer for as they competed against one another. I am proud of the wonderful sportsmanship and team spirit I witnessed. I am so grateful to be a part of this community!
Updated Isolation Procedures
FCPS will be changing current isolation procedures for students who have tested positive for COVID-19. Beginning May 1, 2022, students may return to in-person instruction and activities, including athletics, after at least five (5) days of isolation when meeting ALL of the following criteria:
If students are unable to wear a mask when around others, they are to continue to isolate for a full 10 days at home.
Children who are in isolation will continue to have access to StreamIn/CheckIn during this time.
The new procedure aligns with the timeline recommended by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD).
School Board Action
Trust Policy
Work to develop an FCPS Trust Policy began in May 2021 when Mr. Frisch and I presented the Trust Policy Forum Topic. After the School Board’s unanimous approval to move forward, the Governance Committee, of which I am a member, was charged with developing the policy.
In doing so, Mr Frisch and I collaborated with several organizations, including CASA and the Justice Legal Aid center, among others, as we engaged in the work of crafting this FCPS policy.
I am proud of our work to develop a policy that aligns with Fairfax County’s trust policy which was adopted last year. Fairfax is home to over 352,000 immigrants who contribute to various facets of our community. The FCPS policy is an important step as FCPS continues to build trust with all residents in our communities. Immigration status should not pose as a barrier to educational success. Families and students should feel comfortable and confident to fully participate in school activities and access the numerous services available to our community.
The FCPS Trust Policy was discussed in great detail during the Board’s Work Session on April 12th. I received over 500 emails from our community imploring the Board to pass this policy. The policy was approved unanimously at the April 28th regular meeting. I was pleased to vote in strong support of the policy because I know it will serve a significant service to many families.
ES Language Arts Basal Instructional Materials
FCPS Instructional Services began the process for new basal instructional materials as defined in FCPS Regulation 3004 in 2020. In October 2021, the School Board approved the Language Arts Basal Instructional Materials Adoption Committee.
The committee convened six times between February 9, 2022, and March 9, 2022, to review resources for Language Arts that were submitted by vendors in response to an RFP for consideration as basal instructional materials for elementary Language Arts as well as to review the over 300 community review submissions.
During the last months of the adoption process, the Virginia legislature approved the Virginia Literacy Act, which requires evidence-based literacy instruction be implemented in all early learning classrooms, including new and amended requirements for instruction and intervention programs. Staff has been notified that the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) will provide a list of approved resources in the coming months. In anticipation of the VDOE approved list, FCPS will pause on the adoption of core materials and have provided recommendations for supplemental and intervention materials only at this time. These materials were presented and discussed at the School Board work session on April 26th and were adopted by the Board at the April 28th regular meeting.
Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R)
Regulation 2601, The Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), is currently under annual review. Proposed changes for the 2022-2023 SR&R are described in the staff presentation that was discussed at the Board’s work session on April 26th. Action by the Board is scheduled for May 12th.
FY 2023 Budget
The FY 2023 Advertised Budget was adopted by the Board on February 24th. The budget totals $3.3 billion, a net decrease of $78.5 million, or 2.3%, from the FY 2022 Approved Budget.
The FY 2023 Approved Budget was posted as new business for the Board’s regular meeting on Thursday, April 28th. Public comment on the budget will be heard at the Budget Public Hearing next week. Register now to speak at the meeting on Thursday, May 5th.
The Board will hold a budget work session on May 10th and the adoption of the FY 2023 Approved Budget is scheduled for May 26, 2022.
Local Special Education Annual Plan
The 2022-2023 Local Special Education Annual Plan was presented to the Fairfax County Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) at the March 9, 2022 meeting. The plan was approved by the Board at the April 28th regular meeting.
Incoming Superintendent, Dr. Michelle Reid
Dr. Reid is visiting FCPS next week to learn more about our schools and community. During her visit, there will be a special, in-person event for staff, families, and students on Tuesday, May 3, starting at 7 p.m. at Annandale High School.
Please register to attend, as seating capacity will be limited. Language interpretation will be available.
On Tuesday, May 17, Dr. Reid will join staff, families, and students for a multilingual virtual town hall, starting at 7 p.m. Registration for that event will open soon.
Learn more about Dr. Reid.
Sherry Wilson to Join FCPS as Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Superintendent Scott S. Brabrand has named Dr. Sherry Wilson, who currently serves as director of Human Resources in Chesapeake (Va.) Public Schools, to the role of assistant superintendent, Department of Human Resources, effective June 1. Learn more about Dr. Wilson.
Online Tutoring - Now Available
FCPS students now have unlimited access to online tutoring support services through at no cost to families. Student participation is optional and parents/guardians can opt their student(s) out of accessing the services. Detailed information and FAQs are available on the Online Tutoring Services website.
Students will be able to access via a link in Schoology. Additional information about how to log in and access a tutor is provided to families via the following instructional videos:
Questions not answered in the posted resources may be sent to
Instructional Job Fair - Tomorrow!
FCPS is searching for educators with a strong academic background and a passion to make a difference. To meet hiring needs in instructional areas, FCPS is hosting a job fair on Saturday, April 30, 2022, during which networking and interviewing opportunities with representatives from various FCPS schools will be available. This job fair is open to external candidates, internal transfers, and recruitment hires. It will be held both in-person (9 a.m. - 2 p.m.) and virtually (11 a.m. - 2 p.m.). Register to attend.
Mental Health Awareness Month
Join FCPS and Our Minds Matter on May 1 to kick off Mental Health Awareness Month at the first Move for Mental Health community event! Live performances, self-care stations, fun run and community service hours for students. More information and registration is available online.
Office of Auditor General
The April 2022 issue of Audit Buzz includes current engagement updates, information about the upcoming Internal Audit Awareness Month, and highlights of a recent peer review.
Facilities Update - Mason District
The following items were approved by the Board at the April 14, 2022 School Board meeting:
Award of Contract - Asphalt Milling and Paving at Glasgow MS
Award of Contract - Rooftop Unite Replacements at Weyanoke ES
Award of Contract - Rooftop Unit Replacements at Columbia ES
Award of Contract - Falls Church High School Renovation Project
FCPS IT Internship Program is now Accepting Applicants for the 2022-2023 School Year
Interested students should visit the FCPS IT Internship website to learn more about these positions before applying. Resumes and cover letters must be submitted by the deadline on Monday, May 9, 2022.
Who Qualifies? Rising FCPS Juniors and Seniors and pending/recent FCPS graduates who plan to stay in the area.
How many openings are there? There are five different paid positions students can apply for and serve as official FCPS employees.
Scholarship Opportunity - Applications due May 1st
Parent Orchestra
 Annandale High School's orchestra teacher, Annie Ray, started the Parent Orchestra four years ago to help parents understand their child's music educational experience. Today, there is a waitlist to join this group bringing families together! Watch the video.
Congratulations to Mason District Honorees
National Scholastic Art Awards
Original works of art by students from Fairfax County Public Schools earned 30 national medals in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards program. National medalists will be celebrated at an award ceremony at Carnegie Hall in New York City in June. Select national award-winning work will be included in an exhibition in New York, and a traveling exhibition over the coming year.
Congratulations to Noah Hush from Annandale High School for earning a National Gold Medal!
See the complete list of winners.
State Champion Wrestler
Congratulations to Neftali Reyes, a senior at Justice High School. Neftali persevered through two days of tough wrestling competition in Virginia Beach in February to earn the title of state champion at the 195 weight class!
FBLA State Leadership Conference
Students from twelve Fairfax County public schools won first place awards at the 2022 Virginia Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) State Leadership Conference held recently in Reston. More than 90 students placed in the top four in their event and qualified to compete in the FBLA National Leadership Conference in Chicago in June.
Congratulations to the three Mason District students who took first place!
Adnan Masri, Annandale High School - Data Analysis Megan Vo, Falls Church High School - Health Care Administration Abdi Kusata, Edison High School - Electronic Career Portfolio
And congratulations to these additional Mason District students who placed in the top five in their event:
Annandale High School: Alman Iqbal & Marc Akl Falls Church High School: Ngan Tang, David Truong, & Eric Rivera Edison High School: Imran Hussein & Alana Dillon
More information is available in this FCPS news release.
Justice High School Forensics Team
The Justice High School Forensics Team was started in 2017 with two students. It quickly exploded and this year, they won their 4th consecutive Regional Championship. They had a strong showing at the VHSL State Meet, with seven students placing in the top three in their respective categories and the team placing third overall. Congratulations to Coach Kate Fontaine and her team!
Students placing in the top three in their respective categories:
Sam Belmar, Fatima Brandes, Richard Do, Sofia Hemmens, Sara Kaufman, Diego Salazar Jara, and Xander Tilock
See the complete list of winners.
2022 Regional Scholastic Writing Awards
The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, presented by the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers, is the largest, longest-running recognition program of its kind in the United States. Writing categories include critical essay, dramatic script, flash fiction, humor, journalism, novel writing, personal essay and memoir, poetry, science fiction and fantasy, short story, and writing portfolio. Fairfax County Public Schools student writers won 226 Gold Key, Silver Key, and Honorable Mentions in the 2022 Regional Scholastic Writing Awards competition.
Congratulations to winners from the Mason District:
Ethan Hush, Annandale High School Srivaishnavi Kommireddy, Woodson High School
See the complete list of winners.
Upcoming Theatre
Upcoming School Board Meetings
Regular School Board Meetings (Luther Jackson Middle School)
- May 12, 2022 at 7 p.m.
- May 26, 2022 at 7 p.m.
Work Sessions (Gatehouse Administration Center)
- May 10, 2022 at 11 a.m.
- May 24, 2022 at 6 p.m.
Budget Public Hearing (Luther Jackson Middle School)
All meetings will be broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and on the FCPS website. The meetings are recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS School Board YouTube page.
Visit the citizen participation webpage to sign up to speak at a regular meeting or public hearing.
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia