General Membership Meeting
The next PTSA General Meeting will take place on March 16th
Location: the McLean High School Cafeteria
Time: 7:00pm - 8:15pm
Guest Speaker: Jennifer Beach, McLean High School Assessment Coach that will discuss effective test-preparation tips and strategies.
For more information click here.
March Friday Breakfast Station Sign-Up
Show our appreciation and treat our wonderful teachers and staff to some breakfast treats!
Help Bring Weekly Friday Morning Breakfast Treats!
Sign up here for the week that best suits your schedule.
Thank you in advance!
Custodian Appreciation Lunch
On behalf of our Highlander community, the PTSA provided a luncheon to celebrate the school's amazing custodians on March 3rd. The custodians work incredibly hard to keep our school clean and running smoothly.
We are Grateful for their Service!
We thank Sharon Sachs, PTSA Hospitality Co-Chair, Jennifer Hill, Principal's Executive Assistant, and Janea Weber, Assistant Principals' Executive Assistant, for helping with this event.
March is National Social Work Month
Celebrating Marly Jerome-Featherson!
March is National Social Work Month and March 6-12, 2022, is National Social Work Week, an opportunity for schools, communities and partners to acknowledge and recognize the impactful work of our social workers in supporting students, families, and their communities.
This week we are honoring Marly Jerome-Featherson, McLean High School’s amazing School Psychologist.
We appreciate all you do for Highlander students.
Thank you, Marly!
McLean Giant Community Bag Program Fundraiser has Started!
The Giant on Chain Bridge Road has chosen McLean High School as the March recipient for their Community Bag Program Donations!
MHS will receive $1 for every $2.50 reusable Community Bag sold at the McLean Giant location only, during March.
For more information click here.
PTSA Sponsored Virtual Parent Event
When: March 29, 2022
Time: 7:00pm
Registration link (parents must register in advance to get a Zoom link and receive an email with the replay video).
Click HERE to Order
Class of 2022 Graduation Yard Signs
Celebrate Your Senior’s Accomplishment With a Graduation Yard Sign!
Signs come with a metal stand to push into the ground. Optional adhesive is available for window or door mounting.
Signs are $30 each and will be available for pick up at McLean High School in early April.
Signs can be personalized with your Senior’s First Name, on both sides, or ordered with the word GRADUATE, on both sides, in the name space.
Deadline to order is Friday, March 25.
All proceeds benefit this year's MHS Graduation Party.
Questions about your order? Contact
Volunteers Needed to Plan the Class of 2022 Service
Each year, McLean High School senior parents organize an interfaith Baccalaureate service of prayer and music for seniors and their families featuring representatives from local Christian, Jewish, and Muslim congregations.
Details from past services are available to share.
Please email Elizabeth Hale at if interested.
Celebrating Women’s History Month!
During this entire month, we celebrate women’s contributions to history, culture and society.
Learn more about this celebration here.
Spring Forward this Coming March 13th
As we inch toward spring, it is almost time to change those clocks again.
Standard time will give way to daylight saving time on March 13. There is a movement to abandon or continue daylight savings time year-round.
Read more in this Washington Post article.
Local Restaurant Fundraisers
Show Highlander Spirit and Support Your Community While Dining In or Carrying Out
Pie-tanza is Tomorrow!
March 10th, 11:30am - 9:30pm
Lee Harrison Center 2503B N. Harrison Street Arlington, VA 22207
Santini's - 3rd Wednesday
March 16th, 11:00am - 9:00pm
1443 Chain Bridge Road McLean, VA 22101
Sweet Leaf Cafe - 4th Wednesday
March 23rd, 4:00pm - 8:00pm
1359 Chain Bridge Road McLean, VA 22101
Mark Your Calendar
Safe Community Coalition (SCC) Book Talk on How to Raise an Adult
In anticipation of best-selling author Julie Lythcott-Haims’ April visit to McLean to present the talk, “Throw out the Checklisted Childhood: Tips and Strategies for Raising Successful Kids,” McLean psychologists Heather Tedesco, Ph.D., and Melissa Sporn, Ph.D., will host a virtual parent book club on Julie’s most-acclaimed book, How to Raise an Adult on Friday, March 18, at noon.
Dr. Tedesco and Dr. Sporn will share their thoughts on the aspects of the book that are especially relevant to families in our area. Click here to purchase the book from, which can connect you with a local bookstore anywhere in the country.
Find the Zoom link on the SCC website just before the event.
Student Volunteer Hours Opportunity
Are you a student who needs volunteer hours?
Do you remember all the FUN of going to the Fun Fair in elementary school?
We would love for you to volunteer your time to support Fun Fair at Spring Hill Elementary School. Volunteers are needed to help set up the day before, run games/activities, and break down after the event. We will provide all verification you need to earn your service hours. We can’t make Fun Fair a success without your help!
Event Date: Saturday, March 19th, 10am - 4pm
Volunteer shifts available: Set up on Friday, March 18th, 4:00pm-6:00pm and all-day Saturday
To sign up:
Questions? Contact
Student Achievements
PTA Reflections Winner
Congratulations to Ally Chen! We are So Excited for You!
She won a Northern Virginia District PTA 2021-2022 Reflections Interpretation Award under Visual Arts. She will be advancing to the Virginia PTA for consideration.
Model UN Conference Success!
McLean High School's Model UN competed in the Langley Conference last weekend. They won many individual awards and the entire group came in 2nd place with Outstanding Large High School.
Congratulations UN Team!
PTSA Volunteer Openings
YOUR PTSA NEEDS YOU and appreciates all that you do!
PTSA Board Nominations for 2022-2023
Are you interested in being on our PTSA Board or do you know someone who would be great in a Board position next year?
Please take a quick look at the Board positions and their related job descriptions on our website and let us know who would fit any of these positions. If you know of someone who would generally be a great Board member, but you are not sure in which specific position, we also want to hear from you!
Starting in late January, the Nominating Committee will be collecting the names to slate for our 2022-2023 PTSA Board and we always want to get a diverse group of members from our broad community on the Board.
Please contact the Nominating Committee at with names and referrals.
Thank you in advance.
Support Your McLean High School PTSA
PTSA Funds Enhance Student Learning
Please consider making a tax-free donation to the PTSA.
Your contribution translates directly into academic enhancements, virtual programs, improved technology, and courtyard and facilities renovations.
Click here to donate.
Remember When Shopping to Activate the Rewards Programs
Earn rewards while you shop: Help Our Cause: Check out a one-stop-shop to earn rewards while shopping at 1000+ stores online or on your phone.
Simply register once and use it often to get shopping discounts, travel rebates, discounted textbook purchases, electronics, vehicle donations, and much more.
Details about the program are found here.
Harris Teeter Together in Education: Visit this link to register your card or register with the cashier next time you shop at Harris Teeter. MHS Code: 5560; Phone: (800) 432-6111.
Earn Money for the PTSA When You Purchase through our Amazon Link
Simply bookmark: Amazon
And use the link to access Amazon BEFORE you add items to your cart and check out promptly.
Items that are left in your cart for 24 hours or more do not qualify. To save items to purchase later, please use your Wish List.
Every Purchase Counts! Thank you!
Office Depot – MHS Code: 70104184
MHS receives 5% of your purchases. Details about the program are here.
Stay in the Know!
Parent's Guide to College Admissions
The college admissions process was stressful enough before the pandemic, and now it’s more confusing than ever. Fiona Rees, Board Chair of the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC), shares her top tips for supporting your teen.
Listen now.
Region 2 Parent Information Event
Vaping/Drug Use & Other Dangers in the Community
Date: March 22, 2022, 6:30 pm
Location: Falls Church High School and Livestream
For more information click on this flyer.
MHS Sophomore Parent Podcast is Available!
The McLean Student Services Department is excited to share our sophomore parent podcast, featuring Paul Stansbery, Director of Student Services, and Kathleen Otal, School Counselor.
This podcast shares how parents can set their children up for success as they build independence, choose their junior year courses, and explore interests. You can listen to our podcast here.
Links to several resources mentioned in the podcast are below.
Stay tuned for our final parent podcast of the year, which will address the college planning process. This podcast will be sent out by the end of May.
"Collect for Kids" is Going Strong!
Students in need will require fresh school supplies to "Return Strong" in the fall. Your contribution to the Collect for Kids Campaign will purchase pre-made, grade-level appropriate school supply kits for students.
A donation of $50 will provide 5 FCPS students with supplies to help them succeed in school.
Click here to Donate!

Many of our children and teens are hurting—hurting themselves and each other. The Surgeon General has declared a mental health emergency among youth, and yet so many of us feel powerless to help. But we're not powerless when we unite.
The National PTA is hosting so we can collectively support our young people in this present moment. We invite parents and caregivers, students, educators, health care professionals, community leaders—all of you—to take part in a national virtual conversation to chart a healthier way forward.
Hear from young people about the state of their mental health and learn practical steps and inspiring strategies for supporting health at home, at school, and in our greater communities from these thought leaders:
Deborah Roberts, Award-winning ABC News Journalist Dr. Lisa Damour, Psychologist, Ask Lisa Podcast Host, and New York Times Bestselling Author Julie Lythcott-Haims, Activist and Author, How to Raise an Adult Meghna Singh, University of Michigan Student and Mental Health Advocate Rick Weissbourd, Founder of Making Caring Common and Senior Lecturer at Harvard
Following the event, you will receive a free toolkit for youth mental health support as well as a complimentary viewing of one of our films, including: Race to Nowhere, Beyond Measure, or Chasing Childhood.
Register Today!
McLean Day: Celebrating Our Hometown
Saturday, May 21, 2022
Time: 11:00 am - to 5:00pm
Location: Lewinsville Park 1659 Chain Bridge Road
Admission is free for patrons with carnival rides, gourmet food trucks, games, and other family-friendly activities.
Exhibitors can sign up online.
Student Contests, Programs, Workshops, Selected Resources & Webinars
Outstanding Character Award for Teenagers
The McLean Citizens Association is again sponsoring Teen Character Awards to recognize teens of exceptional ethical and compassionate character. Teens who have, on their own and without compensation or formal recognition, cared for elderly relatives or younger siblings, or who have helped out in the neighborhood or community (defined as the Greater Washington D.C. metropolitan area), deserve to be recognized not only for themselves but as an example to others.
The award is not a competition. All teens whose nominations indicate they meet the criteria will receive an award. The McLean Citizens Association Education and Youth Committee will review nominations to determine compliance with the criteria. The criteria are listed on the attached description of the award.
The award consists of a certificate that will be presented on the stage at McLean Day on Saturday, May 21, 2022, at 3:00pm.
Names of award winners will be provided to local newspapers to highlight recognition of the teens' achievements. A nomination application is available in the following: Application - Outstanding Character Award for Teenagers.
Nominations must be submitted via email to the McLean Citizens Association no later than Friday, April 22, 2022. Submission instructions are included in the application.
For further information email Jim Beggs, MCA Education & Youth Committee Chair, at
Apply for Student Representative to the School Board for 2022-2023 School Year
Each year, FCPS students can apply for the position of student representative to the School Board. The student representative is not a member of the School Board but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity, representing the interests of the students of Fairfax County Public Schools.
Students who are currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply, and they do not need to be current members of the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SAC).
Applications are due by Wednesday, March 23.
The application and more information are available online.
Virginia PTA Student Video Contest
Create a short video using the contest theme: How do we transform education now for the future?
Full contest information at Virginia PTA - Student Video Contest (
Eligibility: The contest is open to middle & high school students from a PTA/PTSA in good standing.
Deadline: Saturday, April 2nd at 12:00pm
MHS Students - Tell Us Your Story!
How Has the Pandemic Impacted Your Life?
Complete the application by March 15th, using this link to participate.
NOVA District PTA is pleased to announce our 2022 NOVA District PTA Student Essay Program (previously called Citizenship Essay).
This year's District theme is, "Tell Us Your Story" - a look at how the past couple of years during the pandemic has had an impact on your life (i.e., education, family, community, after-school activities).
Scholarship Information
You can access here a comprehensive list of scholarships for high school students to help pay for school their freshman year of college and beyond.
Competitions and Contests that Boost Your Admission Prospects
A list of 70 academic competitions and contests selected by the College Transitions.
Parents and Students, Did You Know?
Weather Cancellation Procedures
Be informed in the case of inclement weather or other emergency situations.
Visit this site for more information.
Grants & Contests
NWF Photo Contest
The National Wildlife Federation’s National Wildlife Photo Contest is accepting entries through March 27, 2022. Students between the ages of 13-17 may enter the Young Habitat Photographers category.
The entry fee is waived for students at registered Eco-Schools.
Learn more about NWF’s National Wildlife Photo Contest and how to get a fee waiver.
Audubon Society of Northern Virginia Youth Education Mini-Grant
The Audubon Society of Northern Virginia’s (ASNV) mini-grant program supports teachers, schools, and non-profit organizations in educating youth about birds and the environment. ASNV is awarding three mini-grants of up to $500 each. All projects must include an educational component. Applications are due by Friday, April 1, 2022. Learn more and apply for the ASNV Youth Education Mini-Grant.
Urban Agriculture Work Group Garden Mini-Grant
The Fairfax Food Council Urban Ag Work Group (UAWG) will be awarding mini-grants up to $500 this spring to support school gardens, as well as invited community gardens. This grant can be put toward any materials or equipment that you need to create a thriving and sustainable garden. Only physical items that UAWG can purchase for your school are eligible. Strong preference is given to veggie gardens or pollinator gardens that are near veggie gardens.
Applications and a letter of support from a school administrator are due by 11:59 pm on Friday, April 1. Awards will be announced by May 6 and maybe partial. UAWG must purchase all items by June 10 and would prefer to do it sooner. Apply for the UAWG mini grant by Friday, April 1. The form is not accessible through FCPS Google accounts, so interested applicants will need to use a different account to apply. Contact the Fairfax Food Council’s Diane Charles if you have any questions.
NVSWCD College Scholarship
NVSWCD is offering a scholarship to one high school senior or college freshman pursuing a degree in conservation or a related field. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 1. Learn about and apply for the Future Conservation Leaders Scholarship.
One Water Art Contest
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) is joining regional water utilities to hold an art contest with the theme of protecting our source water. Fairfax Water and Fairfax County Wastewater Management are looking for local student artists in grades 9-12 to create visual media which captures the importance of our local water sources. The local winner will go on to the regional contest. The submission deadline is Friday, April 8. Learn more about the One Water Art Contest for high school students and submit your entry.
School Safety & Threat Assessment
Parents and Students: View training modules on threat assessment and learn about FCPS' anonymous Tip Line
Fairfax County Public Schools has a well-established policy and protocol for responding to threats of violence in our schools. We have collaborated with the Youth Violence Project of the University of Virginia's Curry School of Education as part of our efforts to educate parents and students on how to help reduce threats and increase safety in our schools.
We invite parents and students (12 and older) to view the training modules on threat assessment here. These brief modules will help you understand the threat assessment process used in our schools and how it can help prevent violence.
Substance Abuse Prevention Support at McLean High School McLean High School has a Full-Time Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist
Kelly Rankin serves as a resource for students and parents interested in finding out more information on substance use or discussing concerns of use and addiction.
If you need more information, take a look at this flyer.
Calendar Reminders |
March 10 - Pie-tanza Restaurant Fundraiser
March 16 - PTSA General Meeting
March 19 - Mock ACT
March 31 - End of Third Quarter - 2-hour Early Release
April 1 - Student Holiday
April 4-8 - Spring Break
April 23 - Mock SAT
June 1 - Graduation at 2:30pm
Helpful Links - Resource to find out which colleges will be test-optional next year.
FCPS Support for Parents & Families
FCPS Parent Resource Center Workshops
The FCPS Parent Resource Center is offering workshops, information and resources to support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities.
For a list of upcoming events click here.
Guidelines for School Visitors, Volunteers and Guests
FCPS asks guests to follow a few guidelines to help keep our schools safe and healthy. If you are visiting, please review the health and safety guidelines for visitors in advance to prepare.
Multilingual Parent Podcast
Listen and subscribe to an FCPS multilingual family podcast to hear timely, important information related to school news. The podcasts are produced in conjunction with the Office for English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Services and the Office of Professional Learning and Family Engagement.
Listen and subscribe:
Get Your Child’s Online Activity Report
FCPS has tools to help parents and guardians know more about their child’s activity on any FCPS device. These tools are provided by Lightspeed, their internet content filtering service, at no cost to families.
You may sign up for a weekly Parent Report, which will provide a list of the top sites your child visited. If you want more detailed information, sign up for the Internet Use Parent portal and log in anytime to see more details about your child’s browsing and “pause” access to the internet during non-school hours.
Find out more and sign up for these services on the FCPS website.
Thank you to our Business Sponsors