McLean Giant Community Bag Program Fundraiser Starts March 1st
The Giant on Chain Bridge Road has chosen McLean HS as the March recipient for their Community Bag Program donations!
MHS will receive $1 for every $2.50 reusable Community Bag sold at the McLean Giant location only, during March.
For more information click here.
Highlander Yoga
The Highlander Yoga Resumes Next Monday, February 28th!
Sarah Collett, an enthusiastic and experienced yoga instructor, will teach this harmonious mind and body exercise.
There will be delicious snacks distributed after the class, and a raffle in which one lucky participant will win a Yoga Mat".
The yoga class will be held in the MHS Dance Studio (room 183), from 3:15pm - 4:00pm.
Join us to restart your week with a mindful Monday!
February Friday Breakfast Station Sign-Up
Show our appreciation and treat our wonderful teachers and staff to some breakfast treats!
Help bring weekly Friday morning breakfast treats.
Sign up here for the week that best suits your schedule.
Thank you!
 Click HERE to Order
Class of 2022 Graduation Yard Signs
Celebrate Your Senior’s Acomplishment With a Graduation Yard Sign!
Signs come with a metal stand to push into the ground. Optional adhesive is available for window or door mounting.
Signs are $30 each and will be available for pick up at McLean High School in early April.
Signs can be personalized with your Senior’s First Name, on both sides, or ordered with the word GRADUATE, on both sides, in the name space.
Deadline to order is Friday, March 25.
All proceeds benefit this year's MHS Graduation Party.
Questions about your order? Contact
Custom 2022 Yearbook Ads for Seniors
Seniors and their parents have an opportunity to create a custom ad for inclusion in the 2022 yearbook.
Go to and enter job number 5024 to start creating your ad today.
The deadline for submitting senior ads is March 1 – so act now!
Local Restaurant Fundraisers
Show Highlander Spirit and Support Your Community
While Dining In or Carrying Out
Sweet Leaf Cafe is Today!
February 23rd, 4:00pm - 8:00pm
1359 Chain Bridge Road McLean, VA 22101
MHS Orchestra Fundraiser
Support MHS' Orchestra with a Flippin' Pizza fundraiser on Monday, February 28th.
Click HERE for details!
Mark Your Calendar
PTSA Sponsored Mock ACT Test
EC Tutoring is offering one last mock ACT test this month. These tests are available to students at area schools for $20.
*** Please remember to indicate your status as an MHS student on the registration form to ensure that the PTSA receives credit; the fees support our programs.
Mock ACT Test - February 26nd, 9:00am-1:00pm Registration Form
General Membership Meeting
Our next PTSA General Meeting will take place on March 16th in the evening.
Details will be provided on our site in the upcoming weeks.
Hidden in Plain Sight - Registration
Hidden in Plain Sight is a community awareness program to educate parents through a hands-on learning experience that covers current trends and signs of risky business. The program will outline alcohol use, marijuana, prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, illicit drugs, mental disorders, sexual behavior, and other risky business.
This program is open to adult audiences only.
The program is designed to educate parents on recent trends and to assist their child in finding the proper help if a risky behavior is detected.
The program is presented by the Fairfax County Police Department’s Crime Prevention Unit.
The presentation will be held at McLean High School in the cafeteria starting at 7:00pm and ending at 8:30pm on March 1, 2022.
Please register by using this link.
Masks will be required to be worn while in the building.
Student Achievements
MHS Mock Trial Regional Winners
Please join us in celebrating the MHS Mock Trial team's Regionals win. They won with a 7:1 record and are moving on to the state competition in March!
Team Members: Saehee Perez, Kaitlyn Conly, Nicoleta Hoffman, Louiza Khachemoune, Christina Wu, Mikayla Li, Abigail Sterner, Vaneeza Pasha, Layla Zaidia and Zia Harrison.
Virtual Art Show
The Art Department has a virtual art show for you to view! This time, due to snow days and COVID-19, we decided to use a virtual format.
The theme for this show was “Winter.” Many of the works were created during our snow week!
Click here for the virtual reality gallery link!
PTSA Volunteer Openings
YOUR PTSA NEEDS YOU and appreciates all that you do!
PTSA Board Nominations for 2022-2023
Are you interested in being on our PTSA Board or do you know someone who would be great in a Board position next year?
Please take a quick look at the Board positions and their related job descriptions on our website and let us know who would fit any of these positions. If you know of someone who would generally be a great Board member, but you are not sure in which specific position, we also want to hear from you!
Starting in late January, the Nominating Committee will be collecting the names to slate for our 2022-2023 PTSA Board and we always want to get a diverse group of members from our broad community on the Board.
Please contact the Nominating Committee at with names and referrals.
Thank you in advance.
Support Your McLean High School PTSA
PTSA Funds Enhance Student Learning
Please consider making a tax-free donation to the PTSA.
Your contribution translates directly into academic enhancements, virtual programs, improved technology, and courtyard and facilities renovations.
Click here to donate.
Remember When Shopping to Activate the Rewards Programs
Earn rewards while you shop: Help Our Cause: Check out a one-stop-shop to earn rewards while shopping at 1000+ stores online or on your phone.
Simply register once and use it often to get shopping discounts, travel rebates, discounted textbook purchases, electronics, vehicle donations, and much more.
Details about the program are found here.
Harris Teeter Together in Education: Visit this link to register your card or register with the cashier next time you shop at Harris Teeter. MHS Code: 5560; Phone: (800) 432-6111.
Earn Money for the PTSA When You Purchase through our Amazon Link
Simply bookmark: Amazon
And use the link to access Amazon BEFORE you add items to your cart and check out promptly.
Items that are left in your cart for 24 hours or more do not qualify. To save items to purchase later, please use your Wish List.
Every Purchase Counts! Thank you!
Office Depot – MHS Code: 70104184
MHS receives 5% of your purchases. Details about the program are here.
Stay in the Know!
MHS Sophomore Parent Podcast is Available!
The McLean Student Services Department is excited to share our sophomore parent podcast, featuring Paul Stansbery, Director of Student Services, and Kathleen Otal, School Counselor.
This podcast shares how parents can set their child up for success as they build independence, choose their junior year courses, and explore interests. You can listen to our podcast here.
Links to several resources mentioned in the podcast are below.
Stay tuned for our final parent podcast of the year, which will address the college planning process. This podcast will be sent out by the end of May.
Tips for Talking to Your Kids: Getting Past the Silent Treatment
Monday, February 28 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm via Zoom.
We all want to keep current with our kids' lives, and it can be challenging to get kids to open up. Whether it's little things like knowing how their day was or big things like raising concerns for their wellbeing, it can be hard to get the conversation flowing.
Join local mental health professionals Mimi Weisberg and Heather Tedesco for a one-hour virtual program dedicated to family communication.
The presenters use this article from the Washington Post as a jumping-off point to share concrete tips and strategies for connecting with your kids through conversation.
Please visit the Safe Community Coalition website at for the Zoom link.
New "One Pill Can Kill" Initiative
Due to the increase in counterfeit pills and the overdose rate among our youth, the DEA started the One Pill Can Kill initiative.
Here is the link that provides information about the initiative and pictures of counterfeit pills.
Social media plays a role in the distribution of pills. Here are the social media accounts used and the emojis used between the dealer and “customer.”
For all high school students interested in a health career, George Washington University is now accepting applications for its Health Career Opportunity Program (HCOP). This program offers scholarships/stipends, mentors, and education/advisement as students embark on the journey of becoming health professionals. HCOP is a federally funded program by HRSA and its mission is to develop and guide individuals with disadvantaged backgrounds through the educational pipeline of a health profession.
If you have questions, email Dr. Jessica To-Alemanji at or
For more information about HCOP, visit
Free Student Bus Pass Program
Students can sign up for the Free Student Bus Pass Program at all FCPS high schools:
Visit the Fairfax Connector website for more information and to download the application.
Student Contests, Programs, Workshops, Selected Resources & Webinars
MHS Students - Tell Us Your Story!
How Has the Pandemic Impacted Your Life?
Complete the application by March 15th, using this link to participate.
NOVA District PTA is pleased to announce our 2022 NOVA District PTA Student Essay Program (previously called Citizenship Essay).
This year's District theme is, "Tell Us Your Story" - a look at how the past couple of years during the pandemic has had an impact on your life (i.e., education, family, community, after-school activities).
It is a joint effort among Fairfax County’s Board of Supervisors, Public Schools, History Commission, and
Neighborhood and Community Services. There are 3 parts of this effort:
- Neighborhood and Community Services is Collecting Stories from the Black/African American Community.
- FCPS will provide Project-Based Learning Resources to support students researching untold local stories of Black/African Americans.
The Historical Marker Project will allow students to become historians while they research and advocate for new historical markers in the county.
The goal is to capture, communicate, and preserve the Black/African American experience throughout Fairfax County’s history for future generations.
For more information, and to complete a Historical Marker Submission Form visit the Historical Marker Project website.
Submissions will be accepted until March 31.
FCCPTA Scholarships
Each spring, FCCPTA awards (5) PTSA member students with $1,000 scholarships to assist in their pursuit of post-graduation learning. Scholarship Criteria:
- Be a current and verified member of your school PTSA.
- Attend an accredited trade school, college, or university during the following academic year.
- Be a current FCPS high school senior.
Applications open in March, so for information visit: here.
The Institute for the Arts Summer Program (IFTA)
IFTA is a popular arts enrichment program for students currently in grades 6-11. Students select 4 classes which they choose from art, dance, music, theatre, health, economics and personal finance courses.
This program will be held from July 5-29, 2022 (four-week program) or from July 5-15, 2022.
Registration opens March 1,
For information about FCPS' summer enrichment camps and learning programs visit here.
National Cyber Cup
A free, 100% online Jeopardy-style Capture the Flag competition for students in grades 4-12 to sharpen their problem-solving skills through cyber-based challenges.
For more information, please look here.
Registration opens on March 1, 2022.
Applications Are Now Open for the
2022 AFSA National High School Essay Contest
Apply at
The application deadline is 11:59 p.m. EDT on April 4, 2022
Envirothon Competition for High School Students
As we determine best practices for reaching Zero Waste goals in Fairfax County, let's engage our high school students' voices! This year’s Envirothon Special Interest topic is “Waste to Resources” and the Oral Presentation question has just been announced! Visit the VA Soil and Water Conservation District’s Envirothon competition page to explore resources on waste and other competition topics and to learn how to participate in the Envirothon competition.
Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District (NVSWCD) provides training trunks on aquatics, forestry, soils, and wildlife available teachers to borrow. Each trunk is full of dozens of valuable resources like guides, hands-on tools and equipment, and specimen samples. NVSWCD will also be hosting local training and will be providing more details soon.
Contact Ashley Palmer to learn more.
Scholarship Information
You can access here a comprehensive list of scholarships for high school students to help pay for school their freshman year of college and beyond.
Competitions and Contests that Boost Your Admission Prospects
A list of 70 academic competitions and contests selected by the College Transitions.
Parents and Students, Did You Know?
Weather Cancellation Procedures
Be informed in the case of inclement weather or other emergency situations.
Visit this site for more information.
School Safety & Threat Assessment
Parents and Students: View training modules on threat assessment and learn about FCPS' anonymous Tip Line
Fairfax County Public Schools has a well-established policy and protocol for responding to threats of violence in our schools. We have collaborated with the Youth Violence Project of the University of Virginia's Curry School of Education as part of our efforts to educate parents and students on how to help reduce threats and increase safety in our schools.
We invite parents and students (12 and older) to view the training modules on threat assessment here. These brief modules will help you understand the threat assessment process used in our schools and how it can help prevent violence.
Substance Abuse Prevention Support at McLean High School McLean High School has a Full-Time Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist
Kelly Rankin serves as a resource for students and parents interested in finding out more information on substance use or discussing concerns of use and addiction.
If you need more information, take a look at this flyer.
Calendar Reminders |
February 23 - Sweet Leaf Cafe McLean Fundraiser
February 26 - Mock ACT Test - Registration Form
March 1 - Hidden In Plain Sight - Community Awareness Program
March 3 - 2-hour Early Release
March 4 - Student Holiday
March 16 - PTSA General Meeting
March 31 - End of Third Quarter - 2-hour Early Release
April 1 - Student Holiday
April 4-8 - Spring Break
June 1 - Graduation at 2:30pm at Constitution Hall
Helpful Links - Resource to find out which colleges will be test-optional next year.
FCPS Support for Parents & Families
FCPS Parent Resource Center Workshops
The FCPS Parent Resource Center is offering workshops, information and resources to support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities.
For a list of upcoming events click here.
Guidelines for School Visitors, Volunteers and Guests
FCPS asks guests to follow a few guidelines to help keep our schools safe and healthy. If you are visiting, please review the health and safety guidelines for visitors in advance to prepare.
Multilingual Parent Podcast
Listen and subscribe to an FCPS multilingual family podcast to hear timely, important information related to school news. The podcasts are produced in conjunction with the Office for English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Services and the Office of Professional Learning and Family Engagement.
Listen and subscribe:
Get Your Child’s Online Activity Report
FCPS has tools to help parents and guardians know more about their child’s activity on any FCPS device. These tools are provided by Lightspeed, their internet content filtering service, at no cost to families.
You may sign up for a weekly Parent Report, which will provide a list of the top sites your child visited. If you want more detailed information, sign up for the Internet Use Parent portal and log in anytime to see more details about your child’s browsing and “pause” access to the internet during non-school hours.
Find out more and sign up for these services on the FCPS website.
Thank you to our Business Sponsors