STEM Bulletin February 2022

National Engineers Week (2/20 - 2/26/2022)

What is an engineer? 

Anything that is built must first be engineered, or planned out. An engineer is a person who designs and builds complex products, machines, systems, or structures. Engineers want to know how and why things work. They have scientific training that they use to make practical things. Engineers often specialize in a specific branch of engineering. 

What are some examples of engineering jobs?

There are so many different types of engineers - below are just a few examples:

Aerospace engineers design space vehicles or airplanes.

Biomedical engineers design and work with medical equipment.

Chemical engineers use chemicals to make products like drugs and medicines or fertilizers for crops.

Civil engineers work on roads, bridges, buildings and other public structures.

Computer engineers design and build computers and the parts that computers are made of.

Electrical engineers work with electricity and design electrical equipment, from small things like radios and computers to large things like the wires that carry electricity across the country.

Electronic engineers work with electronics, which are used to build computer parts and electrical equipment.

Environmental engineers design and implement solutions to remediate and restore the environment.

Interested in learning more:

Cool Jobs in Engineering

Roller coaster

Roller Coaster Engineer

A mechanical engineer designs roller coasters.  




Special Effects Engineer

Engineers help create special effect cars like the one in this picture.  Do you see the metal "arm" that is holding it up so it can appear to hit the wall from above?



ben and jerry


Food and Packaging Engineers

Food engineers use chemistry to creat different types of foods.  Packaging engineers design new and creative storage containers to keep it safe.


Sports Engineer

Sports engineers create equipment that protects players and is light weight and durable. 

For more information about cool engineering jobs check out these sites:



STEM Summer Camps in Fairfax County Public Schools

Tech Adventure Camp for Grade 2 - 6

CTE Summer Academy for Grades 7 - 11

tech adv

Click or Scan the  QR Code for registration information


Click or scan the QR code for registration information