McNair Elementary Mustang News

snowy day

There's no doubt about it, our Mustangs LOVED the unexpected snow days!  

Kindergarten Registration and Orientation 

Do you have a rising kindergartener for the 2022-2023 school year or know someone who does?  Now is the time to begin the registration process if your child will be turning five years old on or before September 30, 2022! 

Registration information will be going home soon to families of identified rising kindergarteners.  All FCPS kindergarten registration information and forms are available here. Please call our school registrar, Ms. Hosseini, at or 703-793-4800 to get on our mailing list! 

McNair’s Kindergarten Orientation will be held on Monday, June 13 at 9:30 a.m. Come and meet the staff, learn more about kindergarten in FCPS and at McNair Elementary, and enjoy meeting families of other rising kindergarten studentsMore information will be sent to families as we get closer to that date. 

Early Childhood Child Find

All children grow and develop at different rates.  However, the sooner we discover a delay in development, the sooner we can offer help.  Developmental screening is the first step in identifying students who may need special services.  Screening is FREE.  Interpreters are available to help parents and children with the process. For preschoolers from ages 20 months to 5 years, contact the FCPS Early Childhood Identification and Services Program at 571-423-4121.  You can also go to to find out about the early intervention services offered in the county. 

FCPS 22-23 Calendar Approved 

The FCPS 2022-23 school year calendar was approved at the January 27 School Board Meeting. This calendar focuses on instruction as well as student and operational needs. The calendar is aligned with neighboring school districts and adds additional key observance days. 

Most importantly, this calendar was developed with significant input from the FCPS community. Thank you to everyone who participated in the process through surveys, webinars, and participation in the feedback committee. This reflects the best effort of everyone the school calendar touches. 

Important dates for planning: 

First day of School: Monday, August 22 

Labor Day Holidays: Friday, September 2 & Monday, September 5 

Winter Break: December 19 - January 2. Return on January 3 

Spring Break: April 3 - 7 

To find out more about next year’s school calendar, visit the FCPS website. 

Changes in Contact Tracing for COVID 

While the Virginia Department of Health shifted the expectation for contact tracing in schools to only on outbreaks, the CDC continues to indicate that contact tracing, in combination with testing, wearing a well-fitting mask, and quarantine and isolation, are effective strategies to identify people with  COVID-19 (cases) and to reduce transmission. 

FCPS has and continues to implement CDC recommendations, to the greatest extent practicable, to prevent or reduce the spread of COVID-19 in schools and to foster the continuation of in-person learning for students and staff. As a result, FCPS will continue contact tracing until further notice. 

The following changes are effective 5:00 p.m. Friday, February 4: 

  • FCPS Pause (Close Contact) Letter includes quarantine guidance and replaces the FCHD quarantine email to families 
  • FCPS Student Quarantine Exemption and Attestation Form replaces the FCHD Vaccine Verification Survey (Will be embedded in the FCPS Pause Letter and available on the FCPS webpage, physical copies will be available if needed) 

Monitoring COVID-19 cases is critical to maintaining a safe in-person learning environment for all students. Please continue to let us know if your child has tested positive for COVID-19 or may be a close contact. We will work with you through the process to return your child to the classroom as quickly as possible. 

Welcome, Ms. Vargas, Family Liaison

McNair Elementary would like to welcome our new Family Liaison, Ms. Selene Vargas, to the Mustang Team.  Here's a note from her to our families:

Selene Vargas

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Selene Vargas, and I’m the Family Liaison at McNair Elementary School. My first language is Spanish. For those who are not familiar with Family Liaisons (FL), we are employees who represent a variety of cultures, languages and ethnicities. We support student achievement by building relationships and empowering parents to engage in their children’s education and in school.

Family Liaisons serve as communication links among home-school and community by: 

  • Providing families with information about FCPS and community resources 
  • Helping teachers and administrators communicate with parents in timely and effective ways
  • Planning and organizing activities to facilitate communication such as small meeting 
  • Participating in community and civic activities as well as working with PTA         

Looking forward to supporting you!

Ms. Vargas is at McNair Elementary on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  She can be reached at or 703-793-4800.

Elementary Language Arts Resource Review 

Parents, students, and community members have a unique opportunity to help FCPS select important learning resources. These reviews do not happen frequently, so selected resources will be in classrooms for years and are a significant financial investment.  

Resources for elementary language arts are being reviewed through February 28. Interested individuals can review and provide feedback on digital resources online. Physical texts can be reviewed at the Willow Oaks Administrative Center in the lobby. Please ask about the books at the reception desk from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Monday-Friday. In-person review hours will be extended to 7 p.m. on February 3, 10, 17, and 24. You are encouraged to review both sets of resources for the full catalog of resources under review. Learn more about the elementary language arts resource review here. 

Employment Opportunities in FCPS 

Substitute Teachers 

FCPS is seeking individuals to serve as substitute teachers! Are you or somebody you know interested in substitute teaching with FCPS? Apply here. If you are interested in serving as a substitute teacher at McNair ES, please email Ms. Melanie Cross at   

Student Monitors 

Enjoy working with students?  FCPS is seeking individuals to serve as student monitors.  Student monitors provide supervision support in the classroom, lunchroom, and outside.  If you would like more information about the position, please review the job description and apply online. 

Bus Drivers 

CPS Needs School Bus Drivers!  New drivers will receive a $3,000 signing bonus - $1,500 after consecutive employment of 90 workdays, and $1,500 will be given after the first 180 working days (paid school days) if the driver receives a satisfactory yearly evaluation and is recommended for continued employment with FCPS Office of Transportation Services. 

New Hourly Rate for School Bus Drivers - We are also excited to share that the hourly pay for bus drivers has increased to $22.91!  Apply here. 

Mark your calendar

February 14

Valentine's Day; 100th Day of School

February 16

February PTA Meeting,  Join with Google Meet:

Join by phone: (US) +1 619-836-1328 (PIN: 943585838)

February 21

Presidents' Day, Schools Closed

March 3

Early Release Day; Students Dismissed at 1:30 p.m.

March 4

Student Holiday, No School for Students