Kings Park Tuesday Message, Jan 25th

Kings Park Tuesday Message

These messages are also archived on our website. In addition, Kings Park also has a TWITTER feed; please follow us @kingsparklions. You can also access the FCPS Return to School webpage and FAQs webpage which are regularly updated with the latest return to school information.

Calendar of Upcoming Events

  • Jan 28 PTA Trivia Night
  • Feb 3 PTA Virtual Meeting (see info below)
  • Feb 4 Progress Reports sent home
  • Feb 8 Safer Internet Day (see PTA info below)
  • Feb 11 PTA in-Person event @CodeNinjas
  • Feb 21 Presidents' Day no school for students
  • Mar 3-17 PTA Basket Bonanza

New TECH Tool for Parents

FCPS has new tools to help parents and guardians know more about their child’s activity on any FCPS device. These tools are provided by Lightspeed, our internet content filtering service, at no cost to families. You may sign up for a weekly Parent Report, which will provide a list of the top sites your child visited. If you want more detailed information, sign up for the Internet Use Parent portal and log-in anytime to see more detail about your child’s browsing and “pause” access to the internet during non-school hours. Find out more and sign up for these services on the FCPS website

Monthly Fire Drills

Each month all schools in FCPS must conduct a routine fire drill. Today we took advantage of the slightly warmer temperatures and completed January's drill. Our students demonstrated their skills at "pushing and going" through the closest exit and lining up with their class to be accounted for. Classes were given advance notice of the drill, so students were able to bundle up as needed. Here's hoping that February will bring warmer temperatures! 

FCPS Cares

FCPS CARES is an opportunity for staff, parents, students, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others. Every month, a nominated employee from each region and Central Offices will be recognized as an FCPS CARES of the Month recipient. We’ll share their names in Employee News, and they will also have access to a new FCPS CARES banner for their profile photo in Outlook. Watch this video to learn more about FCPS CARES. We also encourage you to acknowledge a staff member who has gone above and beyond!  We love our KPES staff members, let's tell them how we feel!


Kings Park/Kings Glen PTA Happenings

Join us for our next FREE FREE Virtual Game Night! The PTA is very excited to host anotherFREE virtual game night on January 28!

  • Friday, January 28 is Trivia night! Sign up here to participate -- access information will only be provided to those who sign up.  

Prizes will be awarded to winners!

Volunteers Needed for Care To Share-- Care to Share has been going strong, and we're collecting a good amount of extra food from school lunches to be donated to Food for Others. We could use more volunteers to help pick up and drop off the food on Tuesdays. It's easy to do if you have the time. If you're interested, sign up here:

Please join us for our February 3 PTA meeting. The PTA plans to host this meeting VIRTUALLY ONLY via Zoom.

Here is the call-in/Zoom information: Go to in your internet browser Meeting ID: 258 233 8875 Passcode: KPKG2020! In addition to our normal PTA business, the PTA plans to hold two important votes:  one to update our 2021-2022 budget and one to elect the 2022 Nominating Committee.

The PTA is excited to bring after-school activities back to our schools this Spring! While definite plans are still being established, we are tentatively bringing back some old favorites and new faces.  Look for more information on options, sign ups, costs, and more in mid-January in our newsletter, on our Facebook group, via the schools' emails.

The PTA is excited to host a variety of FREE STEM activities in February!

  • February 8 is Safer Internet Day--  Look for a flier with resources on how to help kids learn how to stay safe while using social media.
  • Friday, February 11! Join the Kings Park/King Glen PTA and Code Ninjas for a FREE IN PERSON eventSign up for a slot for this event here. Please note that in order control possible crowds, only those who RSVP may attend this event.

Baskets Bonanza will be here March 3-17!  Our annual spring fundraiser has a new name and will again be a virtual event, but the essence of the event remains, -- specifically, the fabulous classroom baskets.  If you are looking for a way to volunteer, this is a great chance.  Sign up now to be a classroom basket parent.  

More information on Baskets Bonanza and the role of the classroom basket parent is available here and a full list of this year's blassroom basket themes is available here.

Stay tuned for more information about the event throughout February.  Questions about the classroom baskets or the event can be sent to


Dotty Lin and Maura Donahue

Mrs. Dotty Lin
Kings Park ES