Beech Tree Principal.Message.10.22.2021


Dear Beech Tree Families:

I am excited to share that we have so many families joining us for our Saturday Morning Family Field Trip, that I had to order an additional bus! Please do be sure to bring your TICKETS that were sent home, proving you did RSVP for the trip. We will meet at the front of the school, board the buses, and leave at 9:30am. We will leave the park at noon so that we can all be back by 12:30pm to have lunch at home. However, please feel free to bring snacks or a small lunch for your family, if you know they’ll get hungry. If you do bring a stroller, our bus drivers prefer you take an easy to fold umbrella stroller since the bulkier models are difficult to store on the school bus. We look forward to enjoying the outdoors with you!


Our students have been taking a lot of assessments, lately. Please know that while we are required to give these many assessments, we try to maintain a calm spirit around them and remind our students that the purpose of the exams are to inform us as educators to plan for instruction.


Thursday evening we held our Advanced Academics Program Information Night. The Cognitive Abilities Test and Naglieri are not tests one can or should study for. Please do not fret if you ever feel your child doesn’t show what they’re really capable of on a test. If it’s an academic test, we will reteach and reassess. If it’s an abilities test and they were having a bad day, you, as a parent, may request a retake of one of the abilities test in the spring. As a Local Level IV School, the first in FCPS, we have the opportunity to have a student be a Principal Designee in the Advanced Academic Program beginning in the 3rd grade. We then use the additional examples or work to submit a referral packet again, as we see they are demonstrating critical and creative thinking. We take much more into account than one test.


Now, let’s look ahead!

Upcoming Events & Deadlines:

10/23 = Beech Tree Saturday Morning Family Field Trip

          Rain or Shine, we will Leave Beech Tree at 9:30am.
Bring your TICKETS to show that you did RSVP; we are taking three buses.
Must wear a MASK on bus; they may be removed when we’re outdoors at the park.


10/23 – 10/29 = RED RIBBON WEEK

  • 10/25 = Team up Against Drugs
    (Wear sports T-shirts/ Jerseys)
  • 10/26 =  Put A Cap on Drugs
    (Wear your favorite hat)

  • 10/27 =  I Dream of a Drug Free World
    (Wear your Pajamas)

  • 10/28 =  To Affirm Commitment to Live Drug Free
    (Wear Red)

  • 10/29 = Sign Pledge Cards

10/29 = Beech Tree Character Day Parade

9:30am at the Bus Loop and Kiss & Ride Loop – Parents may watch from the side walk located across the street from the school. Students and staff not participating in the costume parade will be using the sidewalks at the Bus Loop and Kiss & Ride.


11/5 = Impact Aid Deadline: Original forms must be signed and returned to Ms. Do

For each school-aged child in your household, please complete, sign, date, and return each Impact Aid Form. If sections 1 and 2 of the survey do not apply to you, just check the boxes in Section 3.   To ensure complete accuracy, please use the pre-filled survey form provided to you in your child’s Wednesday folder. 


11/17 = Fall Picture Day

          Order forms will be sent home on Monday, November 15th.


4/1 = Deadline for Yearbook orders:

          Orders are ONLY available online. There will be NO CASH collection.


As a reminder, “THANK YOU” goes a long way for our amazing staff. Please and thank you for taking a moment to recognize them through our FCPS Cares Program: Thank you for taking the time to do so.


Glasgow Middle School is hosting a Reading Invasion. We are invited to join them for a community Reading Invasion at Glasgow Middle School (4101 Fairfax Pkwy. Alexandria, VA 22312) on November 6 from 1:00-3:00 PM. To celebrate our school community’s love of reading, we are invited to bring something to read and “invade” the Glasgow field. This is a time to come together and enjoy the act of reading. Glasgow will be providing free book giveaways, a story time for our youngest readers, and Kona Ice ( will be available for purchase. So, let’s bring a blanket, our families, and enjoy the weather during this communal reading experience!


As always, I thank you for your trust. Let me know if you ever have any questions or concerns.

Karim Daugherty


Beech Tree ES


“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell


Beech Tree Office Contacts

Spanish Speaking Parent Liaison: Stella O’Brien at

School-Based Technology Specialist (logging on/using programs): Mike Meyer at

Technology Specialist (laptop issues): Tom Kindregan at

Registrar: Susan Do at

Attendance Secretary: Sheila Hudson at

Principal’s Secretary: Esther Baca at

Assistant Principal: Maureen Lopez at

Advanced Academics Resource Teacher: Patty Settel at


PTA Information

PTA Officers:

President: Megan Laboy,

Vice-President: Sonali Khadilkar,

Secretary: Penny Yiannarakis,

Treasurer: Elizabeth Allison,


For Memberships, t-shirts, race sign-ups, etc:


Fundraising: Beech Tree Elementary School Falls Church VA

Harris Teeter VIC card: Must be renewed every year – our number is 4085

Boxtops- Download the app and choose Beech Tree Elementary School, Falls Church, VA


Election Day Bake Sale

*Donate individually wrapped homemade or store bought desserts and snacks on Monday to school office or drop off on Tuesday at the sale.

 *Sign ups coming! Sign up to donate or work a shift. Shifts run from 6am - 7pm


Virtual 5K Race

*Sign up by 11/11 at

*Wear your shirt to school on 12/14.


Book Fair

*November 11-13

*Kids shop on Thursday & Friday.

*Family Day is Saturday

*Info on Virtual Wallet coming (or send cash with kids)

*Sign up coming for shifts


FCPS Calendar

The following link provides you with the 2021-2022 Calendar:

October 29   End of First Quarter - 2-hour Early Release 

November 1 Student Holiday (Teacher Workday)

November 2 Student Holiday (Teacher Workday)

November 11          2-hour Early Release (Veterans Day)

November 24-26    Holiday (Thanksgiving)

December 20 - 31  Holiday (Winter Break) - Classes Resume on January 3, 2022

January 17   Holiday (Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday)

January 20   End of Second Quarter - 2-hour Early Release

January 21   Student Holiday (Teacher Workday)

January 24   Student Holiday (Professional Development Day)

February 21 Holiday (George Washington’s Birthday and Presidents’ Day)

March 3        2-hour Early Release

March 4        Student Holiday (Professional Development Day)

March 31      End of Third Quarter - 2-hour Early Release

April 1            Student Holiday (Teacher Workday)

April 4-8        Holiday (Spring Break)

May 30          Holiday (Memorial Day)

June 10         Last Day of School (Early Release)


Health & Safety Procedures:

Visitors in the Building

Beech Tree visitors may enter by appointment only, with limited access to the building. All must have an ID, such a driver’s license or passport, and will be asked to respond to a Health Screening Questionnaire. Parents may drop off and pick up materials, as needed, by ringing the doorbell and communicating with office staff. Office staff will then bring the materials to you at the door or receive the materials from you at the door.


Water Fountain Use

Students should bring their own water bottle for use during the day. School staff will supervise the refilling of  water bottles, as necessary. Water fountains should not be used as usual. Water fountains can be used to refill water bottles when practical, but students and staff should not drink directly from any water fountains or faucets, which could contribute to illness transmission; individual water bottles should be used instead. 


Lunch Time

  • Students will be required to wear masks in the cafeteria when not actively eating and drinking.
  • They will need to wear their masks while going through the serving line. 
  • Students will put their mask back on when they finish their meal. 
  • Cafeteria spaces will be regularly and thoroughly cleaned with a sanitizing solution. 
  • It is recommended that students wash their hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer before and after eating.
  • FCPS Food Nutrition Services works closely with the Fairfax County Health Department to ensure proper food safety and sanitation. 
  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture extended the offering of no-cost breakfast and lunch to all students through school year 2021-2022.  Visit the FNS website

CDC Requirements for Playground Areas

  • Face masks are not required on the playground
  • Handwashing and Hand Sanitizing
  • Students are to wash hands before going to playground areas and immediately following with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is to be made easily accessible in playground areas for students and staff. 

Daily Health Screening

The CDC recommends that parents, caregivers or guardians, should be strongly encouraged to monitor their children for symptoms of infectious illness every day through home-based symptom screening and students who are sick should not attend in-person instruction.

Parents/guardians are required to complete the daily health screening questionnaire prior to sending the student to school each morning.  The required screening must be completed for all school-aged children in the household.  In order to reduce the spread of communicable disease to student and staff, it is critical that parents/guardians accurately complete this screening daily and keep their student home from school when exhibiting any symptoms. The daily health screening questionnaire will be completed on an honor basis and will not be required to be submitted to the school.

daily health screening questionnaire is available in the following languages: EnglishAmharicArabicChineseFarsiKoreanSpanishUrdu, and Vietnamese.

Parents/guardians will receive frequent reminders from FCPS via multiple modes of communication, reminding them to complete their daily health screening questionnaire and to keep sick students at home. These communications will be developed in collaboration with the Office of Communications and Community Relations (OCCR), Office of Professional Learning and Family Engagement (OPLFE) and Language Services.

All staff and visitors must complete the daily health screening questionnaire prior to arriving on campus. The daily health screening questionnaire will be completed on an honor basis and will not be required to be submitted to the school. 

Any student, staff or visitor demonstrating symptoms of illness should stay home to help “Stop the Spread” of COVID-19.


Care Rooms

The predetermined care room is a designated location and must be separate from the health room. It may be necessary for schools to identify a second care room due to the requirement for physical distancing and room capacity.

A designated staff member must be assigned to supervise students while in the predetermined care room should the need arise. The staff member will be provided with a gown or lab coat, gloves, and a face shield as appropriate. Staff will need to be available at various times throughout the day to supervise any student exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 while awaiting pick up by the parent or guardian.

*At Beech Tree, the designated Care Rooms, so as not to impact student instruction, are the principal’s conference room and the principal’s office. The designated staff, so as not to impact student instruction, are the assistant principal, Maureen Lopez, and the principal, Karim Daugherty.


Student Return to School After Illness

In order to return to school, the parent/guardian must provide to the school, a completed SICK STUDENT NOTIFICATION and RETURN to SCHOOL FORM

This form will be completed by the child’s healthcare provider and returned to the school.

This form is to be filed in the student’s cumulative folder.

Copies of FCHD clearance letters (SARA alert forms) provided by the FCHD or a healthcare provider note will also be accepted. These documents should be stapled to the Return to School Form and filed in the student’s cumulative folder.

The Sick Student Notification and Return to School Form is available in EnglishArabicChineseFarsiKoreanSpanishUrdu and Vietnamese.

*FCPS will no longer require the SICK STUDENT NOTIFICATION and RETURN to SCHOOL FORM for students who are called in absent with COVID-like symptoms/illness.


Students who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, may not return until:

  • It has been at least ten (10) days since my child first had symptoms AND
  • My child has had no fever off anti-fever medicines (ex: Tylenol, Ibuprofen) for 24 hours AND
  • My child’s symptoms are getting better

*If someone in the household has been diagnosed with COVID-19, or the student is exposed, the student must remain home for 14 days after their last exposure to the household member. 


Protocols for Potential Temporary COVID-19 Closure

  • VA public schools required under SB 1303 to provide five days a week of in-person instruction.
  • FCPS is committed to continuity of learning during the 2021-22 school year and the school division is using layered prevention strategies to do everything possible to ensure our schools remain safe, healthy and open. Our plan is to remain open using these strategies unless directed otherwise by health officials or Executive Order.
  • FCPS has plans in place to ensure continuity of learning in the event health authorities or an Executive Order require a temporary closure to protect the health of students, staff, and the community.



Threshold to Initiate Closure: If student is directed by healthcare provider or FCHD to quarantine or isolate, or FCPS is directed by FCHD to pause that student’s in-person learning as a matter of public health, but school and class remain open. 

Support: Asynchronous assignments


Threshold to Initiate Closure: If teacher is directed by health provider or FCHD to quarantine or isolate, or FCPS is directed by FCHD to pause teacher’s in-person teaching, but the teacher’s school and class remain open for students.

Support: Schools will secure a substitute/alternate coverage.



Threshold to Initiate Closure: FCPS is directed by FCHD to temporarily close the class as a matter of public health. 

Support: All students/staff in the impacted class will transition to virtual learning for that class (period for secondary students) until the class can reopen. Students would access asynchronous assignments.


Threshold to Initiate Closure: FCPS is directed by FCHD to temporarily close the entire class as a matter of public health.

Support: All students and staff at the school will transition to virtual learning.


Threshold to Initiate Closure: FCPS is directed by FCHD or VDH, or Executive Order to temporarily close the division as a matter of public health. 

Support: All students and staff  will transition to virtual learning until in-person instruction can resume.

HVAC System


FCPS designs and operates many different types of equipment to maintain an acceptable indoor air temperature and indoor air quality in buildings.


- FCPS operates 220 facilities every day of the year

- At 27 million square feet of covered space, FCPS is larger than 4 Pentagons

- There are nearly 37,000 pieces of HVAC equipment in FCPS

- Including over 5,000 different types and models of HVAC equipment

- There are more than 45,000 active air filters in FCPS

- Including nearly 800 different sizes and types

- Air filters are changed every 90 days

- FCPS replaces over 180,000 filters each year


All HVAC systems are maintained and operated efficiently and effectively using the latest procedures and technology. FCPS performs scheduled preventive maintenance to all HVAC systems. OFM uses a maintenance management system that documents HVAC maintenance requests and actions.


Portable air filters (based on HEPA or UV technology) have been considered and purchased. I purchased county approved, portable air filters for the two classrooms that do not have windows and the division purchased them for our two CARE rooms which Ms. Lopez and I have to monitor when we have students exhibiting COVID symptoms, since those students may not remain in the clinic.