LCES Updates, 10/22/21: Early Dismissal, Picture Retakes, Hallowingo, PTA Meeting and more!



This Kindergarten student was amazed to find Principal Sloan wearing the same jersey for Jersey Day during Digital Citizenship and Well-Being Spirit Week!

2 Hour Early Dismissal



Next Friday, October 29th is the end of Quarter 1 and a 2 hour early dismissal day. Students will be dismissed at 1:35 PM. Please make plans now.




Happy Friday LCES Families!

Hallowingo has been a big part of Lee’s Corner ES tradition for well over 10 years but with the limitations that are in place due to Covid, it will look a lot different this year.

Even though we will not be putting on an in-person Hallowingo party, the PTA would love for the kids to feel the excitement of the famous Hallowingo baskets. Each classroom will have the opportunity to submit a basket to be raffled off. All baskets should be dropped off at the front office. Raffle tickets will be available online to be purchased through member HUB starting on Wednesday the 13th and in-person on the 27th and 28th between 4:30-6:30, for $2 per raffle. Families will also be able to view the baskets on the 27th and 28th to put in for their favorite basket. Depending on the weather, baskets will be either set up in the cafeteria or out front.

Pledge families will receive five free raffles but can also purchase additional tickets. Pledge families' free tickets and tickets purchased online will be delivered to your child's classroom, labeled with their name. Students will have the opportunity to put in their tickets during designated times.

Link to purchase tickets HERE.

With limited in-school volunteer opportunities, this is a wonderful chance for families to participate by creating classroom baskets. Parent volunteers will need to email our treasurer at and include first and last name, address, email, phone number, and teacher names to receive the $50 to put towards their basket. You can also reach out to other classroom parents to donate items or reach out to local restaurants and businesses to contribute towards the basket. The basket will need to be turned into the school by October 26th, and the raffle drawing will be done virtually on Friday the 29th and delivered to the winning families.

We will also be conducting a virtual costume contest that student will get to vote on, please submit your children’s photos to

And finally, each classroom has received a craft pumpkin to be decorated. The deadline for pumpkins will be October 22nd and will be displayed at the school for our students to vote on. The winning classroom will win a pizza party. Please reach out to your child's classroom teacher and volunteer or contribute towards their baskets or pumpkin decorating contest.

If you have any questions, you can reach us at

Thank you!

PTA board

Picture Retake Day



Did your child not get their picture taken in September? Would you like a retake? These are the pictures that will be going into the yearbook.

Lifetouch will be doing picture retakes the morning of Wednesday, Nov. 3. Students needing a retake will be called down by class/grade level to have their picture taken.

Any questions about Picture Retake Day should be directed to Jill Boddie at 703-227-3500.

Upcoming Student Holidays



Monday, November 1st and Tuesday, November 2nd are teacher workdays and student holidays. There will not be school for students on these days.

Veterans Day Event



Chantilly High School will host a Veterans Day event on Thursday, November 11th at 7:00 PM. More information is attached.

PTA Meeting



Our next PTA meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 9th at 7 PM. This will be a virtual meeting. We invite ALL parents to join us.

Take a Book, Share a Book



Have you noticed the new free libraries around our school grounds? SACC built one by the outdoor classroom and Cub Scout Pack 1601 built 2 in the front of the school and 1 next to the buddy bench on the playground.

A free library is a place where free books are kept. The books are to be shared by all LCES students. The motto of the free libraries is “Take a book, share a book.”  If you have a book you’d like to share (that’s appropriate for elementary students), please place it in the free library. Also remember that the free library is on school property, so it should be treated with respect. That way, everyone can enjoy the free libraries!

Thank you for helping us ensure LCES students have books to read after school hours!

Federal Impact Aid Surveys



Each year FCPS receives approximately $3 million in federal Impact Aid grants based on the  number of federally connected students that attend FCPS schools. To calculate these funds, FCPS uses the Student-Parent Federal Impact Aid Survey.  

Your child will be bringing the survey form home this week.  Please complete and return the form to your child’s teacher the next day.  We need 100% of the surveys to be returned.  

If you have any questions about the survey form, please contact Jill Boddie at 703-227-3500 or

Outdoor Lunch Seating



This week we implemented a plan for outdoor lunch seating. Students have been selected for outdoor seating based on responses to the Parent Feedback Survey for an Outdoor Lunch Seating Option that was recently sent home. If you didn't respond to the survey, it does not mean that your child will not have access to outdoor seating.

Beginning on October 25th, on a rotating basis, all students will have access to outdoor lunch seating in the outdoor classroom. On inclement weather days, students will eat indoors.

Please know:

  • Students should bring coats to lunch on a daily basis.
  • Safe physical distancing will be in place outdoors and will continue in the cafeteria.
  • Seating arrangement and practices continue to support safe 3 feet or more spacing between students, with intermittent mask removal for eating and drinking only.
  • The outdoor seating plan will not guarantee seating with specific friends or classmates.
  • Weather conditions will be taken into consideration for outdoor lunch.

Down Syndrome Awareness Month



October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, a chance to spread awareness. During the month of October, we celebrate people with Down syndrome and make people aware of their abilities and accomplishments. It’s not about celebrating disabilities, it’s about celebrating abilities.

Lost the Charger?



If a laptop charger becomes lost or stolen, the student/family or teacher should inform school staff as soon as possible by submitting a Student Technology Support Request. Please include details within the request.  Details should include student name, charger number and homeroom teacher and any details that can help in finding the charger.

The cost of a replacement laptop charger is $28.00.

September Questions for Clinical Team


Q:  Facilitating friendship opportunities at school, especially for students who were new last year when school was virtual.

A: Our counselors encourage healthy friendships in the classroom by offering lunch bunches, friendship groups and class lessons focused on relationship building. If you feel your child needs help making friends or navigating friendships, please reach out to their grade level counselor- Mrs. Spears (grades K, 2, 4, 6, SPED)-  Ms. McAndrew ( grades 1,3,5)-

Please submit your questions to our clinical team using the google form. All questions are anonymous and will be answered at the end of each month.

Stay Connected to LCES


Follow us on Twitter @Lees_Corner_ES to see tweets and retweets with information and resources.


Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group.