September 22, 2021
Your Source for News about the Highlander Community
Wellness Days Begin October 6th
Mark your calendar for our first Wellness Activity!
Next week, on Wednesday, October 6th, during lunchtime, the PTSA Health and Wellness Committee is inviting the PAL therapy dogs back to visit students and staff. Throughout the year, the Health and Wellness Committee will continue providing fun activities to help students relax, manage stress, and promote mental health.
Questions? Please contact Health and Wellness Committee Chair, Massie Soltani
Reflections Art Competition:
Theme for the 2021-22 School Year is
I Will Change The World by...
For over 50 years, National PTA’s Reflections program has helped students explore their own thoughts, feelings and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful in school and in life.
Students can create theme-based artwork in dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, or visual arts.
Submission guidelines and entry forms can be found on Directions and Rules for Submission categories. All submissions will be online - submissions are due by Friday, October 8th. Winners will be notified via email by October 22nd, and entries can then be left in the MHS front office for pick-up the week of October 25th.
For questions, please contact Reflections Chair, Sarah Liberatore at
Understanding PSAT Scores
A Roadmap for the SAT and College Admission in the Years of COVID and Beyond
College applications, beginning with PSAT testing, is a confusing gauntlet that stresses out high school parents every year. Add in a global pandemic and rapidly changing requirements, and it’s nearly impossible to know what your child truly needs to do–until now. Join our upcoming webinar to hear Ann Dolin, M.Ed. shed light on this confusing process and reveal:
✓ What PSAT scores really mean and how to interpret the data
✓ Navigating the standardized testing process beginning with the PSAT
✓ Why the PSAT is not as predictive as it once was and what scores mean for your child
With clear next steps and updated advice, you’ll feel confident in the best way to support your high schooler throughout this year—and beyond. We can’t wait to see you there!
Tuesday, October 5th at 7:00 pm Click here to register!
Parent University
The goal of Parent University is to help support parents as they support their students through the college process. All sessions take place online and will be recorded and shared. Registration is not required.
Parents of Juniors: Our first Parent University session is coming up on October 8th @ 8:30am. We will be discussing Standardized Testing.
Parent & Student Volunteer Opportunities
McLean HS staff are looking for a few parent volunteers to chaperone the Homecoming dance, inside the building. Responsibility is to take kids bags and ensure that no one enters through the building. The dance is this Saturday 10/2 in the Library Courtyard, from 8:00-11:00pm.
Please call the McLean HS main office if interested: (703) 714-5700
The PTSA Hospitality Committee needs your help to appreciate our teachers and staff for their dedication to the school and our students. We have a schedule of events planned for the year. We need your help to make these events happen, these events can be planned remotely at your pace, i.e., organizing catering, planning delivery of food, creating sign up genius for events, etc. You can sign up for one or more events.
Interested? Please email VP of Programs, Savitha Paravataneni Sagar, at
Backpacks and Calculators Drive
On behalf of Mclean Matters, we would like to thank the parents and teachers for their generous donations of calculators and backpacks for McLean High School students-in-need. The Sign-Up and Charity Wish List is complete!
We would also like to thank Target and BJ’s for their donations of backpacks and school supplies. We were able to donate boxes of backpacks to Timber Lane Elementary, a Title 1 elementary school in our pyramid.
Thank you to our generous community for all your efforts!
Help Build a Connected Community!
The McLean PTSA is an all-volunteer organization. Whether you have the time and energy to chair a committee or prefer to volunteer an hour at an occasional event, YOUR PTSA NEEDS YOU and appreciates all that you do!
Please consider the following open positions:
eNews Committee Chair: Organize content for the week’s newsletter into the editorial content template. Maintain monthly schedule of who is the assigned publisher and proof-reader,
Proofreader: Review draft of e-newsletter to test links, catch typos, and verify consistency with format standard.
eNews Publisher: Use GovDelivery tool to enter prepared content, images, links and .pdfs provided. Follow committee developed format standards. Send a test version to the proofreader and incorporate changes. Schedule final version in the tool for publishing at noon on Wednesdays.
If you are interested in volunteering contact our Secretary- Sooa Kang at for more details.
Support Your McLean HS PTSA
PTSA Membership 2021-22
Join the McLean High School PTSA today and play an active role in your student’s education!
Please use the AtoZConnect button below to join by verifying your directory information, paying membership dues and contribute to the Direct Donation Fundraiser.

Important Note: If this is the first time you are trying to access AtoZ Connect this school year, please click the "AtoZConnect" button above and choose "Create Account" under "New User" to set up an account (do this even if you have used AtoZConnect before). AtoZ updated the database platform over the summer - new and existing users both need to register to (re)gain access."
Questions or Need Help – Click here or ask our Membership chair at
Donation Fundraiser
Your contribution translates directly into academic enhancements, virtual programs, improved technology, and courtyard and facilities renovations.
Click here to Donate.
Earn Rewards While Shopping
Remember to enroll in our rewards programs. You can raise money that enriches the educational, social and physical health for MHS students and staff at no extra cost to you!
Amazon Link Earn Money for the PTSA
Simply bookmark:
And use the link to access Amazon BEFORE you add items to your cart and check out promptly. Items that are left in your cart for 24 hours or more do not qualify. To save items to purchase later, please use your Wish List. Every purchase counts!
Up to 10% of your shopping, booking travel, and donating electronics and vehicles. Details about the program here.
Visit link to register your card. or register with the cashier next time you shop at Harris Teeter, and with every purchase, the store will donate to the MHS PTSA.
Office Depot – MHS Code: 70104184
MHS receives 5% of your purchases. Details about the program here
2021-2022 Corporate Sponsorship
If you are a McLean High School parent, friend, or relative and your place of business would like to become a corporate sponsor for our school at $400 per school year, we would welcome your support!
Funds raised through corporate sponsorships benefit various programs provided by the McLean HS PTSA. For more information click here.
Local Restaurant Fundraisers
Show Highlander Spirit and Support Your Community
While Dining In or Carrying Out
Tysons Silver Diner - 1st Thursday of Month
October 7th, 4:00-8:00pm
8101 Fletcher Street, McLean, VA 22102
Pie-tanza - 2nd Thursday of Month
October 14th, 11:30am - 9:00pm
Lee Harrison Center, 2503B N. Harrison St., Arlington, VA 22207
Santini's - 3rd Wednesday of Month
October 20th, 11:00am - 9:00pm
1443 Chain Bridge Rd, McLean, VA 22101
Sweet Leaf Cafe - 4th Wednesday of Month
October 27th, 4:00-8:00pm
1359 Chain Bridge Rd, McLean, VA 22101
Mock ACT/SAT Tests
EC Tutoring is offering a mock ACT test in September. This test is available to students at area schools for $20.
*** Please remember to indicate your status as an MHS student on the registration form to ensure that the PTSA receives credit; the fees support our programs.
Mock SAT Test - October 2nd, 9:00am-1:00pm Registration Form
Mock ACT Test - October 23rd, 9:00am-1:00pm Registration Form
Mock SAT Test - November 13th, 9:00am-1:00pm Registration Form
Mock ACT Test - November 20th, 9:00am-1:00pm Registration Form
Mock ACT Test - December 4th, 9:00am-1:00pm Registration Form
Mock SAT Test - December 11th, 9:00am-1:00pm Registration Form
Upcoming Important Dates |
October 1 - Homecoming Game
October 2 - Homecoming Dance, 8:00-11:00pm, Library Courtyard
October 2 - Mock SAT Test
October 4 - Partners in Safe Teen Driving, 6:30pm-8:00pm
October 5 - Understanding PSAT Scores Program: A Roadmap for the SAT and College Admission in the Years of COVID and Beyond, 7:00pm
October 7 - Tysons Silver Diner Restaurant Fundraiser, 5:00-8:00pm
October 8 - Parent University (Juniors) on Standardized Testing, 8:30am
October 13 - PSAT/SAT Day
October 26 - Book Talk: What Do You Say? How to Talk with Kids to Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance, and Happy Home, 6:30-8:00pm
McLean High School, 2022 National Merit Semifinalists
A special congratulations to our MHS National Merit semifinalists!
Avery Barnett, Jack Deutsch, Nathaniel Garcia, Emilie Kim, Paul Kim, Cynthia Ma, Victor Pan, Songhan Pang, Joyce Qi, Juliana Toro, Stefan Van Biljon, Kelvin Yuan, Cathy Zhang
New Recording Virtual Back to School Night
Back to School Night
Learn about our Student Services team, Student Activities information and Library resources. Watch videos on College and Career Center, Fall Testing information and Attendance during virtual learning. Join the McLean HS PTSA, order McLean merchandise from the McLean Booster club, purchase yearbooks, class rings and more!
New School Year PTSA Check List
Welcome to the new school year! Here are some quick links to get you started:
- Set up AtoZ Directory account
Join our PTSA
If are a returning family, please re-enroll
- Make a Donation
- Check if your company offers Corporate Matching
- Sign up for one of our Volunteer Opportunities
- Ask a local business to become a Business or Community Sponsor
- Find McLean PTSA on Facebook and Twitter
- When shopping, link your accounts and a portion of your sales will go to the PTSA
Thank you for helping us make a difference in our children’s lives and their futures!
Sports Boosters Golf Tournament
McLean High School Athletic Boosters has exclusive use of the entire course on October 14th, and the fun is not limited to golf! For more information, click here.
Essay/Art Contest with Cash Prizes
Tysons Interfaith (a non-profit organization) is sponsoring an exciting art/essay contest for students with cash prizes. The theme is: "A Whole New World Starts Now" to focus on positive lessons learned from this COVID era. For more information click here.
The deadline is Friday, October 15th.
Questions: Contact Irene Bortolussi at 202-258-9311. Irene is a retired teacher and docent at the National Gallery of Art.
2021 Congressional App Challenge
The 2021 Congressional App Challenge has begun!
This challenge runs from June 24th to November 1st and offers middle school and high school students interested in coding a chance to enhance their skills and interests in computer science and STEM.
Local judges will evaluate the student submissions and choose a winning individual or team.
For additional details, you can visit
Workshops and Webinars
2021 Mental Health and Wellness Virtual Conference this week, September 27th-October 1st
FCPS partners with the experts in Fairfax- Falls Church Community Service Board, Inova, Innovation Health, and Kaiser Permanente. The series will focus on different topics of social-emotional learning and resiliency.
“Getting a handle on All This!” on Thursday, September 30th, 6:00–7:00pm teaches practical action steps for coping and thriving in an overwhelming and challenging time that both parents and students can benefit from.
We encourage parents to look at each session for the specific topic of interest.
College Bootcamp
Monday, October 11th (Student Holiday), 12:30pm– 3:00p.m.
Registration open here
This virtual College Boot Camp is for students with an IEP that are graduating in 2022 and plan to attend college. Career and Transition Services staff will work with students on starting the application process.
Agenda includes:
- Complete a college search in Naviance
- Identify and explore your top three colleges
- Get familiar with the Common App ®
- Determine your next steps
For more information, please contact
Moving on to Life in the Community: "Virtual" Resource Fair
This resource fair assists parents, guardians, and caretakers with future planning for students with intellectual disabilities who may require ongoing supports after graduating from high school.
Participants include representatives from vocational, residential, leisure, recreational, independent living, and advocacy programs.
Tuesday, October 19th, 6:30pm-8:30 pm Register Here
McLean HS Sponsored Book Talk
The authors of the new parenting book What Do You Say? How to Talk with Kids to Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance, and Happy Home will be speaking on Tuesday, October 26 from 6:30 – 8 PM in the McLean High School Auditorium.
Dr. William Stixrud and Mr. Ned Johnson, who also wrote The Self-Driven Child, are parenting experts who live in the DC Metro area. Their latest book provides much-needed practical parenting tips as our children come back to school. Parents learn how to engage in respectful and effective dialogue with their teens, improving communication and the parent-child relationship. Boundaries around technology, family problem-solving, and anxiety around current events are addressed.
We invite all parents of McLean students to hear the authors speak! Purchasing the book is not required, but if parents do want to purchase they can do so at this link. Please fill out this google form to register for the event. It’s important to register so that we have an accurate count as well as emails for all parents who plan to attend. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!
FCPS Parent Resource Center Workshops
The FCPS Parent Resource Center is offering workshops, information and resources to support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities.
For a list of upcoming September events click here.
Helpful Links - Resource to find out which colleges will be test optional next year.
FCPS Support for Parents & Families
FCPS Parent Resource Center
Provides access to information and resources to support all families, educators, and students, including those with special needs, learning challenges, and disabilities.
FCPS has Parent Information Phone Lines available in eight (8) languages to assist with general questions about FCPS.
Thank you to our Business Sponsors