2021-22 Bell Schedule 9:10 am - 3:55 pm
September 3 - No School - School Holiday
September 6 - Labor Day - No School
September 7-Rosh Hashanah
September 9- School Board Meeting
September 16- Yom Kippur
September 21 - Back to School Night
September 22- Fall Pictures
An Emergency Care and Health Information Form for your student(s) were sent home in this week's Tuesday folder. Please review, and if any corrections are needed, please update, sign, and return the form.
If not, please just sign and return the form(s)
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school office at 703-923-5200.
At Cardinal Forest Elementary School, our teachers will use a variety of digital resources to support student learning and promote communication and collaboration with students and families. Some of the digital resources your child may use this year will require your consent before they can be used. You can find our school’s list of the resources that require parental consent here:https://cardinalforestes.fcps.edu/adopteddigitalresources Additionally, you can find more information about approved digital resources in FCPS here: https://www.fcps.edu/resources/technology/digital-resources.
Included on this page is also a link to a form where the enrolling parent or guardian will need to indicate whether or not their student is allowed to use the list of digital resources this year. This page also provides more information about how FCPS carefully reviews digital resources for approval and why we must request your consent before using certain tools. We encourage you to complete the parental consent for digital resources form as soon as possible, as your child will not be able to use the digital resources until we have received your permission. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have questions or concerns about the digital resources we’ve chosen to use this year.
Use Activation Code to create ParentVUE account
Once you receive activation letter, your SIS Parent account will provide you with online access to update emergency contact information, connect with the school and teachers through Schoology, and review grades.
Only one request needed per family needed as your account will allow you access to all of your children’s information. Please note that the page is available in multiple languages (see image below)
ParentVUE Login
https://cardinalforestes.fcps.edu/resources/schoology-familiesStudents, families, and staff throughout FCPS and in our school community will use Schoology (prounounced /SKOO-luh-jee/) as our learning management system.
Please access THIS LINK to learn more about your parent account and how you can view your child’s courses, assignments, calendars and more!
The video includes a transcript below that can be translated into the language of your choice.
For further questions or support, please contact our School Based Technology Specialist, Michele Meshover at mmeshover@fcps.edu.
If you are driving your child to/from Cardinal Forest, you must use the Kiss and Ride loop for everyone’s safety
Kiss & Ride is located on the left side of Cardinal Forest ES when you are facing the building. The front loop of Cardinal Forest ES is for buses only.
Your child’s booster seat should be on the passenger side of the car, if possible, so that Cardinal Forest staff can help your child exit your vehicle
At no time is it ever safe to park in the parking lot and walk your child through the parking lot traffic, or through the bus loop! Children follow the example of adults, and other children may see you doing this.
As we prepare for children to come to school and go home on buses this fall, we ask you to be aware of possible adjustments to routes and schedules. A national bus driver shortage is impacting FCPS, and some routes may be longer or occasionally delayed as we work through the situation. Cardinal Forest Elementary School will keep you informed of changes as soon as information is available. Your patience and understanding as we make adjustments is appreciated.
Please find out more about bus routes on our website and download the Here Comes the Bus mobile app.