Kiss and Ride Update


Annandale Students, Families, and Community:

Due to the national bus driver shortage, we have seen a significant increase in parents dropping off/picking up students (aka Kiss and Ride) at the main entrance of the building. To help us alleviate congestion and improve the safety of our Annandale students and families, please consider the following:

  • Please encourage your student to walk or ride their bike to school, if possible.
  • Parents should drop their student(s) off beginning at 7:45am and no later than 8:00am to ensure they arrive at their first block class on-time. Students are dismissed from school at 2:55pm.

In addition, beginning tomorrow, vehicles will no longer be able to make a left turn onto Four Year Run after dropping students off via Kiss and Ride. Again, this change will not only improve the flow of traffic, it will alleviate congestion and improve the safety of our Annandale students and families. See map below. If you have any questions, please email Phillip Taylor at

Shawn DeRose, Principal
