BRES Bulls Community Insider (August 13)

BRES Bulls Community Insider

We see you. We welcome you. You belong here!

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Dear Bull Run Families, Friends and Community,

We see you. We welcome you. You belong at Bull Run Elementary. Words cannot begin to express how excited Mrs. Shahidi and I are for the upcoming school year as we re-engage with one another on campus. As the days of summer are quickly coming to a close, we hope you are anticipating the start of the 2021-22  school year at Bull Run with excitement and a strong feeling of renewal.

As we re-engage with one another 5-days strong in our brick and mortar learning environment, this year will be one of continuously growing together working side-by-side encouraging and educating every Bull Run Elementary student, family and staff’s minds. As the beginning of the school year approaches, we look forward to Opening Day. The first day of school offers excitement and promise for educators and students alike. 

At Bull Run Elementary our journey together is essential in ensuring sustained success and positive educational outcomes, knowing that we are defined by what we do each and every day in our journey together as a community to be great! We want to stack great days of instruction and learning on top of each other, great day after great day - after great day!

We want to welcome to the family our new staff and students – you have a responsibility to carry on our rich tradition of family, expectation and achievement.

We want to ask you all to think about the legacy we want our children to leave this year and what we want our legacy to be as a family at Bull Run Elementary. We truly hope and expect that we will want our legacy to be one of greatness, high achievement and expectations in all that we do and accomplish together.

July and August have been packed full of professional learning and preparing for our teachers and students’ return in the fall. We look forward to  seeing everyone at our “Open House” and “Back to School Night.” 

We hope you have had plenty of time to refresh and relax with the ones you love over the summer break. We know there were many milestones over the summer… families taking trips, sending children off to college or prepping for kindergarten, middle school or high school just to name a few (we would love to see some of the summer pictures, so please tweet them using #1BRESsummer21)!  

Be on the look-out for classroom teacher information. We will  email class assignments Wednesday, August 18 by 4:30 pm.

It is going to be another awesome year filled with excitement, laughter, energy and academic success.



Mr. Jason Pensler and Mrs. Susanne Shahidi

Important Dates

August 17: 1st Grade Playground and Popsicle Playdate, 1:00-2:00 PM

August 17: Welcome Back Ride School Bus Tour, 2:00-4:00 PM

August 19: Kindergarten Orientation, 4:00-6:00 PM

August 19: Kindergarten Playground and Popsicle Playdate, 5:00-6:00 PM

August 20: Open House/Meet Your Teacher, 9:30-11:30 AM

August 23: First Day of School for the 2021-22 school year

August 31: BRES Back to School Night (Kindergarten,1,2), 5:30-6:10 PM and 6:20-7:00 PM

September 1: BRES Back to School Night (Gr. 3,4,5,6), 5:30-6:10 PM and 6:20-7:00 PM

September 3: School Closed - Holiday

September 6: School Closed - Holiday

*The full FCPS 2021-2022 calendar can be accessed here.

BRES Welcome Ride School Bus Tour


Save the date! Our Welcome Ride Bus Tour is coming to a stop near you!

Come out and see the Bull Run Elementary staff on Tuesday, August 17 from 2:00-4:00 pm. We will be  driving through many neighborhoods waving and having a good time. Show your spirit by making signs and cheering us on as we drive. Route information is below. 


We can’t wait to see you all! 

Returning Strong for Five in Fall!


Bull Run Elementary Staff is excited to have our students back in person this fall!  Please click here to read all about the new rules and changes that will be implemented in FCPS schools this year, such as meal information, returning to school safely, health and safety guidance, and masking up.    

Dr. Brabrand Hosts Virtual Community Town Halls NEXT WEEK

Superintendent Scott Brabrand will be hosting two virtual community Town Halls next week ahead of the start of school:

Monday, August 16, from 6 - 7 p.m. (In English) where he will be joined by Dr. Benjamin Schwartz, director of Epidemiology and Population Health at the Fairfax County Health Department, Jeffrey Platenberg, assistant superintendent of FCPS Department of Facilities and Transportation, and Michelle Boyd, assistant superintendent of FCPS Department of Special Services. The Town Hall will focus on returning to five full days of in-person instruction for the new school year and layered prevention strategies that will be implemented to help keep students and staff safe. Watch the Town Hall on FCPS’ website or on Cable TV Channel 99 (Verizon Channel 11). Please send your questions in advance to or ask your question live during the event by calling 1-800-231-6359.

Tuesday, August 17, from 6 - 7 p.m. (In Spanish) The superintendent, joined by two school principals, will answer questions about returning to five full days of in-person learning and measures to help keep everyone safe for a strong return to school. The Town Hall will be streamed live on FCPS Facebook en Español. Please email your questions to You may also send us a message on our Facebook page or leave it in the “Comment” section during the Town Hall.

Acompañen al superintendente Brabrand y a dos autoridades escolares en una Asamblea Pública virtual en español el martes, 17 de agosto, de 6-7 p.m. Ellos hablarán sobre el regreso a cinco días completos de aprendizaje presencial este otoño y las estrategias de prevención que se implementarán para ayudar a mantener a los alumnos y al personal seguros para regresar fuertes este otoño. La Asamblea Pública será transmitida en vivo en la página de FCPS Facebook en Español Envíen sus preguntas por correo electrónico a También pueden enviarnos un mensaje por nuestra página de Facebook o dejarlo en la sección de «Comentarios» durante la Asamblea Pública. ¡Esperamos que nos puedan acompañar!

Back to School Information

back to school
  • School begins August 23rd.  School hours for the 2021-2022 school year are 9:15-4:00 pm.  Students may enter the building at 9:05 am. The late bell rings at 9:15 am.
  • FCPS shared information earlier this week that all staff and students will wear masks at all times indoors and on school buses in the fall. Masks will not be required when eating or when outside during recess, PE, or other activities. Universal masking is a critical safety mitigation factor in ensuring all students can return to our buildings, especially when social distancing is not possible and not all our students are eligible for vaccinations.
  • Class placement assignments will be emailed by August 18th. Class assignments have been intentionally developed to consider the academic and social needs of all students. Our team of dedicated teachers and staff members are excited to welcome and meet the Bull Run students and families. Bull Run Elementary is a dedicated Professional Learning Community, teachers at every grade level collaborate interdependently throughout the school year to support the academic achievement of all students. All are highly qualified and were selected as members of this staff because they meet the high standards and expectations we have in our community. We appreciate your support of all of our talented teachers! 
  • Back to School Night will be held in-person on August 31 (K,1,2) and September 1 (3,4,5,6).

Forms, Forms, Forms!

As we return to school each fall, there are certain mandatory forms that need to be filled out.  Please click on the following links to fill out the necessary documentation we require each year for every student.  

1.  Emergency Care Form or here for the online link to       WeCare@school.

2.  Health Information Form or here for the online submission link through WeCare@school.

3.  Student Rights & Responsibilities Form

4.  Opt-Out Forms 


BRES Bell Schedule for the 2021-22 SY

bell schedule

Our school bell schedule for the 2021-22 school year will be 9:15 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

BRES School Supply Lists 


SHOP NOW for your 2021-22 school supplies. Grade-level supply lists are available on our website.

Ridership Survey

The Office of Transportation Services (OTS) sent out a student ridership survey for all eligible riders last week. Please respond to the survey by, today, August 4, 2021 and submit a separate survey for each of your children enrolled in FCPS. If the survey is not completed and returned, the student will not be added to a bus route at the beginning of the school year.

During the school year, changes to the intent form can be made with your school's SIS operator if the need for transportation changes or the survey is not returned by August 4, 2021. It may take up to five days to update transportation schedules.

This is a reminder that all students, drivers, and attendants must wear face coverings when boarding or riding on a school bus. Parents/guardians should review their Parent Vue Account for updated bus route assignment information after August 10, 2021.  If you have any questions, please contact Oak Hill at 703-467-3500.

FCPS Transitions to Schoology Learning Management System 


We are excited to share that students, families, and teachers throughout FCPS and in our school community will use Schoology (pronounced /SKOO-luh-jee/) as our learning management system beginning Summer/Fall 2021. Here is what you need to know now:

  • Schoology has a connected web conferencing tool, Zoom
  • Schoology works with Google Drive
  • You need a SIS/ParentVUE account to login to Schoology:
  • You can learn more about Schoology:
  • Parent accounts will be available in mid-August (Information about how to login to parent accounts will be shared with you closer to the start of the school year)
  • Students will have a Schoology account by June 18, 2021 (Students will not see any classes until the grading period starts; Students use their FCPS student ID and password to login to Schoology: Look for the FCPS logo to make sure you are on the correct login page.)

Schoology is a learning space that enhances communication, collaboration, and personalized learning for students, teachers, and families. As a parent or guardian, you will be able to use Schoology to view:

  • your child's class
  • your child’s assignments and participation
  • your child’s calendar
  • teacher comments, scores, and feedback

We are asking that you:

  • Make sure you have registered for a SIS/ParentVUE account:
  • Learn more about Schoology:
  • Look for the next communication about how to login to Schoology

We look forward to using Schoology along with your SIS/ParentVUE account.

Future Kindergarten Students

Looking to register your kindergarten student at Bull Run Elementary for 2021-2022 school year? Will they turn five years old on or before September 30, 2021? 

Please begin the registration process by clicking this link and submitting the forms. We also have paper copies available if you choose. You can call the BRES Office and set up a time to come pick up a packet. Please contact Kim Neylon with any questions. Click here for more information on the FCPS new student registration process.  

Our annual Kindergarten Orientation will be in August 19 from 4:00-6:00 PM. 


Breakfast and Lunch


All students may receive one (1) no-cost breakfast and one (1) no-cost lunch meal each school day. The cost of an adult or a second student breakfast is $2.30. The cost of an adult or a second student lunch is $4.50

Menus, allergens, and nutrition information are all available online. School menus will be published weekly beginning a week before the first day of school.

News from BRES PTA

Grade 1 Playdate

Kindergarten Playdate

News from FCPS

Mask Up!

Masks are an essential tool in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and protecting those unable to be vaccinated. To ensure a safe start to the school year, masks will be required for everyone, regardless of vaccination status, inside FCPS school buildings.

This week, FCPS updated mask requirements for staff. As 99.5% of staff and students begin to return to buildings and the Delta variant continues to see an uptick, FCPS’ universal indoor masking requirement is now extended to everyone

Please note: Governor Northam just announced universal masking indoors for all K-12 schools so FCPS is aligned with the state mandate.


Cultural Observances and Religious Holidays

The Fairfax County School Board voted to approve a calendar for the 2021-22 School Year that is designed to recognize, respect, and honor the plurality of religious and cultural observances in Fairfax County. The calendar ensures students will not have to make choices between honoring their cultural or religious beliefs and missing a test or school activity. 

On the 15 observance days listed below, [SCHOOL] will not schedule tests or quizzes. Tests and quizzes will be given before any of these days, so students are not expected to study on the observance day. 

The calendar recognizes 15 diverse religious and cultural observances including:

  • Eid al-Adha
  • Rosh Hashanah 
  • Yom Kippur
  • Día de los Muertos
  • Diwali
  • Bodhi Day
  • Three Kings Day/Epiphany
  • Orthodox Christmas
  • Orthodox Epiphany
  • Lunar New Year
  • Ramadan
  • Good Friday
  • Theravada
  • Orthodox Good Friday/Last Night of Passover
  • Eid al-Fitr 

The 2021-22 calendar also separates spring break from any religious or cultural observances.

Opt-Out Flier Now Online for Optional Printing by Schools

The 2021-22 Annual Notice of Survey, Records, Curriculum, Privacy, and Related Rights and Opt-Out Forms flier is now online.

  • Parents’ rights to inspect, and to consent or opt out, before their child participates in certain surveys administered to students.
  • Parents’ rights to inspect instructional materials used as part of the educational curriculum.
  • FCPS’ maintenance, retention, and disclosure rules regarding student scholastic records including parents and eligible students’ rights to inspect such records, to request amendment to such records and to opt out of disclosure of directory information about the student.
  • FCPS’ disclosure of student information for graduation photographs or other commercial purposes and the right of parents and eligible students to opt out of this disclosure.
  • FCPS’ disclosure of secondary school students’ names, addresses, and telephone numbers to military recruiters and the right of parents and students to opt out of this disclosure.
  • Parents’ right to opt out of any physical examination of their child not required by state law.
  • The FCPS school counseling program and parents’ right to opt out their child from participation in academic, career, and/or social or emotional counseling.
  • The process by which parents and students may file complaints if they believe their rights as referenced above have been violated.
  • Student participation in the Library Equity Access Pass Project, and the rights of parents to refuse participation in the program.

Save Money on Technology Products

FCPS' Technology@Home program provides an opportunity for FCPS students and staff to purchase technology products at discounted rates. See how to save on technology products

Recognize Our BULLawesome Staff Who Go Above & Beyond


FCPS Cares is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize those who go above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story so we can all acknowledge the outstanding work of Bull Run Elementary staff members.

BRES Bulls' Mission 

Bull Run Elementary School inspires and empowers every student to meet high academic standards, lead healthy, ethical lives, and be responsible and innovative global citizens.

BRES Bulls' Vision

Being the Ultimate Learner for Life is EPIC! (Explore, Problem Solve, Inquire, Create)
