Mid-Summer Popsicle Party for All Families
Join us next Thursday, July 29th, for our Mid-Summer Popsicle Party. All families are invited! Meet us on the upper field between 4-5 pm to enjoy a popsicle and one another's company. We will have a variety of flavors available. Please bring a chair, if you'd like to sit and relax. We are so excited to see everyone!
Mask Guidance for FCPS Students and Families
 Guidance regarding the use of face masks while on school property beginning June 18 in accordance with Executive Order 79. This guidance impacts our staff and students attending summer enrichment programs, extended learning, as well as camps or other school-based activities.
Indoors On-School Property
Executive Order 79 requires that all individuals wear a mask while indoors on school property. We are asking that masks or face coverings be worn by all students, faculty, staff, and visitors regardless of vaccination status.
This includes all activities on school property beyond education, including School Board meetings and concerts, graduations, voting, attendees at performances, etc. Social distancing is not required.
Outdoors On-School Property
Executive Order 79 permits individuals outdoors on school property to remove masks in accordance with CDC guidance.
Fully vaccinated students, teachers, staff, and visitors may remove their masks or face coverings. Six feet social distancing is not required.
Individuals who are not fully vaccinated may remove masks or face coverings outside if they can maintain at least six feet distance. If the individual cannot maintain six feet social distancing, it is recommended they wear a mask.
Note: Mask exemptions as outlined in Executive Order 79 continue to be applicable (e.g. while eating or drinking) and are consistent with exemptions implemented during the 2020-21 school year.
Summer Events at Little Run
Join us this summer for some fun activities as we prepare to return to 5 days of in person learning this fall.
July 29 from 4-5pm Mid-Summer Popsicle Party for All Families
August 3 from 6-7pm New Family Ice Cream Social
August 11 from 4-5pm Kinder & 1st Grade Playdates & School Tour
August 19 from 5-6:30pm Back to School Picnic & Open House
September 14 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm Back to School Night (this event will be virtual)
We will send out additional information the week before each event takes place. We hope you can join us!
Summer Office Hours
Our summer hours will be Monday-Friday, 9:00am – 2:00pm.
Stay up to date with all the wonderful things the Little Run PTA is doing by visiting their homepage.
Be Informed, Stay Involved!