June 2, 2021
Your Source for News about the Highlander Community
 MHS 2021 Graduates
Dear Graduates and Parents,
Special congratulations to the graduating class of 2021! The year 2020-2021 should now be regarded as history. It was certainly unprecedented, challenging, and will be marked as a memorable year with a lot of shared experiences that have shaped us for the future years. And, we learned a lot from the 2021 graduates – to be resilient, hopeful and flexible throughout this experience. I am proud of your accomplishments. I was honored to present PTSA awards to outstanding students for each department and watch you graduate in-person.
I want to extend my gratitude to parents, guardians, family members, teachers, counselors, staff, and administrators, who played an important role in supporting the graduating class of 2021. Kudos to you all!
Wishing 2021 graduates the very best in their journey!
Best Wishes,
Savitha Parvataneni Sagar
MHS PTSA President
2021-2022 Executive Committee
Our Executive Committee slate for the next school year (2021-2022) includes seasoned professionals:
President - Sandra Buteau President-Elect - Vacant VP Programs - Savitha Paravataneni Sagar VP Fundraising - Olivia Ma VP Communications - Vacant Treasurer - Sue Ellen Beggs Secretary - Vacant
We will vote on this slate at our last PTSA General Membership Meeting on June 10th at 7:00pm.

Volunteer and make an impact!
The MHS PTSA is an all-volunteer organization. Every program the PTSA runs is planned, funded and implemented by the creative, energetic and generous families of McLean High School. Whether you have the time and energy to chair a committee or if you prefer to volunteer an hour at an occasional event, the PTSA needs you! Your service counts, it makes an impact.
Please contact Deena Gordon Parla at nominate@mcleanptsa.org or Savitha Sagar at president@mcleanptsa.org for more information about joining our team.
Important Upcoming Dates
June 7 - College Application Workshop - A Program for Juniors
June 8 - Asynchronous Day for all FCPS Students
June 10 - Last PTSA General Membership Meeting - 7:00pm - MHS Library Courtyard
June 11 - Last Day of School
Congratulations MHS Class of 2021!
Baccalaureate Services for MHS Class of 2021
It is a long-standing tradition for parents of graduating seniors at McLean High School to organize an interfaith baccalaureate graduation service for students and their families.
Baccalaureate services date to the 1400s and mark the milestone of graduation with prayer and song. This year’s MHS service is virtual and features prayers and reflections from faith leaders in our area as well as from Class of 2021 students.
Thank you to all who made this event possible. We are proud of our graduating seniors and hope that you and your family will enjoy this interfaith service.
To watch the presentation click here.
2021 MHS Convocation Memories
The McLean High School's annual school wide celebration of the senior class was held last Thursday, May 27th.
PTSA President Savitha Paravataneni Sagar addressed the students in the image below. Seniors looked ready to graduate in their caps and gowns!

Thanks for Attending the Parent Social
Thanks to all who made the Parent Social a success! All of us loved the cookies donated by the Wu-Rorrer family from Cakes by Happy Eatery.
College Application Workshop
Attention Juniors!
Student Services will be presenting this program on Monday, June 7th from 12:00pm-3:00pm.
It will cover everything the Class of 2022 needs to jumpstart their summer focus on college application planning. Three amazing college admissions representatives and Student Services staff will host.
All juniors will receive an email with a link to the session on Monday, June 7th and all juniors should save the date!
Past recordings of sessions and helpful resources can be found on the JUNIORS Google Classroom. This list of resources and links, developed by FCPS, is designed to support Class of 2022 students in addition to all students looking to plan. Juniors can access the Class of 2022 Rising Seniors’ Next Steps Google site, for resources to help them solidify, document, and celebrate their post-high school plans.
Looking Ahead to Next Academic Year
2021-2022 School Year Calendar
The Fairfax County School Board approved the 2021-22 school year calendar. It includes 15 religious and cultural observance dates that are recognized by FCPS.
Parents and community members can subscribe to have the dates sync with their Google, Outlook, or other online calendar applications. To do so, go to the Subscribe to Calendars web page and select Religious and Cultural Observances.
Five Day In-Person Instruction for All Students
Fairfax County Public Schools are planning now for a successful transition in the fall to welcome all students back to school buildings for five days a week of instruction for the 2021-22 school year.
For more information about the Fall 2021 Planning visit this site.
Important Immunization Requirement for Your Student Entering Twelfth Grade This Fall
Your 12th Grade Student will need the following immunization:
- One dose of Meningococcal Vaccine (MenACWY, Menactra, or Menveo) given at age 16 or older.
Effective July 1, 2021, these immunizations are required for all students entering twelfth grade, including those who choose all-virtual instruction. Parents or guardians should ask their private healthcare provider, or the health department, to review their student's immunization record to ensure that their student has received these required immunizations.
Twelfth-grade students cannot begin school in August without documentation of the Meningococcal vaccine.
Documentation must be provided to the student information assistant (SIA) or registrar at the school your student is currently attending or will be attending in the fall as soon as possible.
For more information and to review a list of acceptable documentation, visit this link.
Want to Support PTSA?
Your contribution translates directly into academic enhancements, virtual programs, improved technology, and courtyard and facilities renovations. Click here to donate.
Remember to enroll in our rewards programs.
Helpful Links
fairtest.org - Resource to find out which colleges will be test optional next year.
FCPS Support for Parents & Families
FCPS Parent Resource Center
Provides access to information and resources to support all families, educators, and students, including those with special needs, learning challenges, and disabilities.
FCPS has Parent Information Phone Lines
Available in eight (8) languages to assist with general questions about FCPS.