This Week at Langley


All events listed below are available on the “Langley Calendar”.  You can click on the event for additional information.

Monday, May 24

  • Saxon Parents Walk & Talk, 1:30 p.m.
  • Seniors ONLY| Laptop, Charger, Textbook and School Issued Items Collection, Main Gym, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Sign up here

Tuesday, May 25

  • Senior Exams, Periods 5, 7

Wednesday, May 26

  • Senior Exams, Periods 6, 8

Thursday, May 27

  • Graduation Rehearsal, 9:00 a.m.
  • Seniors ONLY| Laptop, Charger, Textbook and School Issued Items Collection, before and after graduation rehearsal, Langley Hall | Sign up not required.

Monday, May 31

  • Memorial Day Holiday

Tuesday, June 1

  • Graduation Rehearsal, 9:00 a.m.
  • Seniors ONLY| Laptop, Charger, Textbook and School Issued Items Collection, before and after graduation rehearsal, Langley Hall | Sign up not required.

Wednesday, June 2

  • Asynchronous Learning for Grades 9, 10 & 11
  • Class of 2021 Graduation, Jiffy Lube Live, 4:00 p.m.

Thursday, June 3

  • Grades 9, 10, 11 Exam Day, Periods 5 & 7
    • Period 5 Exam | 8:20 a.m. – 9:55 a.m.
    • Period 7 Exam | 10:05 a.m. – 11:35 a.m.
    • Period 3 | No Exam | Lunch 11:40 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
    • Period 1 | No Exam | 1:25 p.m. – 2:50 p.m.

Friday, June 4

  • Grades 9, 10, 11 Exam Day, Periods 2 & 4
  • Early Release at 12:10 p.m.

Monday, June 7

  • Grades 9, 10, 11 | Laptop, Charger Collection (textbooks and school issued Items if not turned in to teacher), Main Gym, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Sign up here.

Tuesday, June 8

  • FCPS has been assigned Virtual Synchronous Learning Day due to the Primary Election

Wednesday, June 9

  • Grades 9, 10, 11 Exam Day, Periods 6 & 8
  • Grades 9, 10, 11 | Laptop, Charger Collection (textbooks and school issued Items if not turned in to teacher), Langley Hall, 11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Sign up here.
  • Early Release at 12:10 p.m.

Thursday, June 10

  • Grades 9, 10, 11 Exam Day, Period 1
  • Grades 9, 10, 11 | Laptop, Charger Collection (textbooks and school issued Items if not turned in to teacher), Langley Hall, 11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Sign up not required
  • Early Release at 12:10 p.m.
  • Grades 9, 10, 11 | Laptop, Charger Collection (textbooks and school issued Items if not turned in to teacher), Langley Hall, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Sign up here.

Friday, June 11

  • Last Day of School/Early Release at 10:20 a.m.
    • Period 1 | 8:20 a.m. - 8:33 a.m.
    • Period 2 | 8:38 a.m. - 8:51a.m.
    • Period 4 | 8:56 a.m. - 9:09 a.m.
    • Period 5 | 9:14 a.m. - 9:27 a.m.
    • Period 6 | 9:32 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
    • Period 7 | 9:50 a.m. - 10:03 a.m.
    • Period 8 |10:07 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.
    • Dismissal at 10:20 a.m.
  • Grades 9, 10, 11 | Laptop, Charger Collection (textbooks and school issued Items if not turned in to teacher), Langley Hall, 10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Sign up here.

End of the Year Laptop, Charger and Textbook Collection for Seniors and Grades 9, 10 & 11. 

Click here for detailed information and instructions about dates, times, location to return laptop, charger and textbooks (all school issued items) for all grade levels. There are days when appointments are required. Click the sign up "here" button on the document for an appointment time. 

ALL students have received information in Schoology. 

Questions regarding financial obligations contact Lisa Kimsey at 

Questions regarding laptop & charger collection contact John Santosuosso at

For the safety of everyone, we kindly ask everyone to wear a mask and practice social distancing.

Did You Know…Marijuana concentrates can be up to 4 times higher in THC.  Butane is typically used to extract this potent level of THC from the plant.  Here is a fact sheet on Vaping and Marijuana Concentrates from the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Be Prepared for AP Digital Exams!

AP Digital Exams (taken at-home) are scheduled to begin on Tuesday, May 18 - see full AP exam schedule here.

All AP students taking digital exams have been provided information by their AP teachers about necessary steps to ensure they are ready for their digital exams. Students may use their FCPS-provided laptop for testing OR their personal computer (tablets and phones are not suitable devices for testing).

Specifically, there are four steps students need to take – 3 steps before the exam day, and one on the date of their digital exam. See the graphic below and the link that follows for additional information on these 4 required steps for digital exams (regardless of testing device).


Four Steps to Take Digital Exams

In the offhand chance that a problem occurs during digital testing, students will have the opportunity to request a makeup digital exam. Click here for more information about requirements and procedures should this information be necessary.

For specific questions about your student’s AP Exam(s), please first check with your student and check on Schoology for all information that has already been shared by the specific AP teacher(s). If questions remain, please contact the specific AP teacher.

For general AP testing questions not answered by the above information and/or all information provided by AP teachers, please contact AP Testing Coordinator Katie Robinson or AP Academic Coordinator Ryan Jackson

For all other AP Information, visit the College Board AP website

Langley AP Exam Attendance Policy

2021 AP Exams begin on Tuesday, May 4 and conclude on Friday, May 28. Some exams will be administered as paper, in-person exams whereas others will be taken digitally at home. The Langley AP Exam Attendance Policy for both formats is as follows for students scheduled to take an AP Exam.


While Monday has no scheduled classes, all students taking Monday AP Exams will be excused from 3rd period since that is the only period students are accounted for per county/state attendance policies.

Students are expected to attend all classes/class periods and are accountable for any/all assignments and assessments in those classes for which they are not excused by the above policy.

If you have questions about a specific AP Exam, please contact your student’s AP teacher.

If you have general questions about AP Exams/AP Programs, please contact AP Testing Coordinator Katie Robinson or AP Academic Coordinator Ryan Jackson

If you have questions about the AP Exam attendance policy, please contact Assistant Principal Jim Robertson

If you need to contact the Attendance Office for student absences not addressed by the above policy, please contact Nancy Schultz or 703-287-2727.

For the full Langley AP Exam Schedule, please visit

Parking hang tag applications for the 2021-2022 school year are now available.

Click here to download the application and email to

The deadline to submit application is Monday, June 7, 2021.

  • All financial obligations must be paid prior to submitting an application. All obligations can be paid in “MySchoolBucks”.
  • Payment for the 21/22 parking hang tag must be made in MySchoolBucks beginning in mid-July.  An email will be sent to all senior students/parents when the icon becomes active in mid-July.  Upon confirmation of your payment and if the student has no financial obligations to FCPS/Langley, a payment receipt will be sent by MySchoolBucks.  Passes will be distributed prior to school opening in August, date TBD.  All seniors are eligible to apply for a parking pass. Cost for the parking hang tag is $200.
  • Parking applications for the 2021-2021 school year will be limited to rising seniors only. Parking for rising juniors will be dependent on the number of senior applications received. If it is deemed room is available for limited Junior parking, information regarding a lottery will be made available in September.

Grading Policy Changes for HIGH SCHOOL – Adjusted Deadline!!

New Deadlines:

Underclassman - Friday, June 4

We are writing to share an update regarding the secondary grading policy changes that have been adopted to help our students achieve a strong finish to the school year.

FCPS is adjusting the grading policy for the 2020-21 school year to ensure students are not penalized by the challenges brought on by pandemic learning. 

Key policy changes for high school students are listed below:

  • Final Exam flexibility that ensures an exam can only serve to improve a student’s grade for the year. Teachers will apply this in their grading practices for each class.
  • Use of No Mark, “NM”, instead of “F” grades for all courses. This will be automatically applied for any course in which a student receives an “F.”
  • Allowing high school students to select a mark of “P” for pass for up to two courses for which a passing grade is earned for the final mark. As referenced above, for the 2020-21 school year, final marks of “F” will automatically receive a No Mark, “NM.” 
    • Action Needed: Should you wish to designate one or more courses as Pass - No Mark status, the linked form must be submitted to your school counselor by the deadlines listed above.  Please note that we have extended the previous deadline to allow more time for students and families to gain more information about their fourth quarter progress before making the decision to request a “P”. 
    • The course title is required on the form, but the course number may be left blank if you do not have it available.

Students and families are encouraged to carefully consider the option for Pass. Additional information including translated forms, considerations,  and frequently asked questions are available at the following link:

Attention Sophomores who took the PSAT 10 in April, 2021:

Your score is available for the PSAT 10 in your College Board account as of Monday, May 17, 2021.  If you currently do not have a CB account, you must set one up to view your score…click here for the instruction sheet for accessing your score report.

Student Intention Forms for 2021-2022  | Only for those families NOT returning.

We need your help in projecting our total enrollment for next school year.  For families NOT returning to Langley HS in the fall of 2021 - 2022, please complete and return the “Student’s Intention for the Next School Year” to Mary Gratz at 

A typed parent/guardian name on the Parent Signature line is acceptable.  Student ID Number may be left blank.  Save the completed form, attach it to an email and send at

Access the “Student’s Intention for the Next School Year” on the FCPS public website:  

12th Grade Immunization Requirement Notice

The Code of Virginia requires all students to be immunized against certain communicable diseases prior to entrance into Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS).

Effective July 1, 2021 all students entering twelfth grade will be required to receive one dose of Meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) administered at age 16 or older, and prior to the beginning of school.

Twelfth grade students cannot begin school in August without proper Meningococcal documentation.

Please provide one of the following documents to Langley High School as soon as possible:

  1. An updated immunization record showing that the student has received the Meningococcal vaccine, administered at age 16 or older.
  1. A note on a healthcare provider’s letterhead stating the date the Meningococcal vaccine was given.
  1. A healthcare provider’s written statement of a permanent or temporary medical exemption.
  1. A notarized Religious Exemption Form which is available online at:

Immunizations are available from your student's healthcare provider or the Fairfax County Health Department. The Health Department clinic locations and hours are available online at: or by calling 703-246-2411.

You may send the documents to Mary Gratz, Registrar, at or mail to Langley High School, Attn: Mary Gratz, 6520 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101.              

Please contact Mary Gratz if you have any questions.

Langley High School Credit Recovery Program - Summer 2021

This summer, Langley High School will be partnering with McLean High School who will be hosting credit recovery for our students who receive a final grade of No Mark (NM). NM is being used this year in lieu of an F to limit the impact of virtual learning on a student’s grade point average. However, students will still need to recover the course credit. Langley, McLean and Oakton High Schools will be combining credit recovery programs. This is to ensure we are able to offer all courses needed by students. McLean High School will host the program.

Credit Recovery offers opportunities for students to recover course credit(s), prepare to retake an SOL test, prepare to take a WorkKeys test, or develop academic language and skills necessary for success in future credit-bearing English and mathematics classes. Here is a table of important dates for each session:


Each school day starts at 8:00 am and ends at 1:00 pm. Grab and go breakfasts and lunches will be available and free for all students who attend credit recovery.

Additionally, we will be offering ESOL Numeracy and Literacy courses for our English Language Learners who may need additional support after the past school year. Langley High School administrators and counselors will be reaching out to families soon with more information.

If you have any questions regarding credit recovery, please reach out to your student’s counselor. Counselor contact information is below.


Here is the contact information for Langley’s administration for credit recovery.


Requesting a refund for my student's meal account

Meal account refunds can be requested by e-mailing the following information to

  1. Student Name
  2. Student ID # (listed on the student's schedule)
  3. School Name
  4. Parent Name
  5. Street Address
  6. City, State and Zip code
  7. Phone #

On June 30 of each year, balances for all graduating seniors will no longer report in MySchoolBucks.  Food and Nutrition Services will have access to balance files and if parents have not requested a transfer or refund by this date, they may still do so up to one year (to June 30 of the following  year) using the above methods.

Parents are required to log into and from the homepage dashboard and click “Remove Student." Click the box under “Remove?” for the graduating student’s name.

The information above can be found on the FCPS website and will aid you in requesting a refund from your child’s MySchoolBucks meal account. 

Action Requested: Help save trees and FCPS $$ on postage by opting in to receive “Paperless” Report Cards (that can be printed through ParentVUE)

Parents/Guardians may opt into “Go Paperless” for report cards by following the below instructions:

  • Parents/Guardians can take advantage of the paperless option, by logging into ParentVUE, then going to “My Account” and selecting "Go Paperless!". This is the only way to keep a paper report card from being generated for students at the secondary level. All parents who share the same address as the student must have a SIS ParentVUE account and must select the paperless option.


Visit the PTSA Website for information about events below and additional information. 

  • Congratulations Graduate Yard Signs
  • Legacy Tree Fundraiser
  • Join the PTSA 
  • Class Information 
  • Langley eNews

and much much more....


FCPS Standard Calendar for School Year 2021 - 2022

2021-2022 Standard School Year Calendar (as of March 19, 2021)