Floris Friday Message 5/21/21

Amanda and Holly

In this Friday Message you will find:

  • Principals' Message
  • Library Book Collection Day, May 24, 1-3pm 
  • Virtual Kindergarten Parent Orientation, May 24, 2-3pm 
  • Tip of the Week
  • Laptop Collection Coming in June 
  • Positivity Project
  • State Immunization Requirements for Fall 2021 
  • Staff Spotlight
  • Upcoming Dates 

Dear Floris Families,

Another awesome week with our Eagles. It is hard to believe that there are only three more weeks of school in this school year. The weather is definitely feeling more summerlike. 

It was wonderful to see families on Wednesday evening at the Q&A and the PTA meeting. You can find more information about the 2021-2022 school year at FCPS Fall 2021 Planning. We will continue to share information as we receive it.

We can't wait to see parents of incoming Kindergartners next Monday at our virtual Kindergarten Orientation. You will find the meeting details below, including the time and link. Help us spread the word! If you have a kindergartner, or know of a family with a kindergartner, for the 2021-2022 school year, please share the information and encourage them to join us. Completed registration is not a requirement for attendance at the virtual orientation.

SOL testing continues next week with our final days of math SOL tests. For any students who took the SOL test, scores will be sent with the final report card in June.

Please remember that if your child is going to be in the building for testing or are an in-person student, it is important each child wears a snug-fitting mask at school. Parents should be able to answer "no" to all questions on the Health Questionnaire before sending their child(ren) into the school. 

Just a reminder that we are accepting parent input as part of class placement decisions for the 2021-2022 school year in the Google Form until June 4, 2021. Please do not request a specific teacher in your information. Teacher requests cannot be guaranteed for multiple reasons. 

Have a fabulous weekend!


Holly Walker and Amanda Dorr 



Library Book Return

Monday, May 24th

Library Book Collection Day!


WhenMonday, May 24 from 1:00-3:00 PM 

Who: Floris Families 

What: Return your library books from the comfort of the car. 


  • Families drive up to Door 1
  • Remain in the car with face masks on
  • A staff member will come to get the books 

K Virtual Orientation

Virtual Kindergarten Orientation for Parents 

Floris will hold a virtual Kindergarten Orientation for families who have children entering Kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year on

Monday, May 24, 2021 from 2:00-3:00pm. 

Join us for the orientation by using this link

We hope to see you there!

Tip of the Week

This week's tip is from our counselors, Sarah DeKramer and Diane Ramia.   


Helping your Child Develop Healthy Habits

Each year students in grades 6, 8,10, and 12 take “The Fairfax County Youth Survey” (students in grade 6 take a shorter/modified version). The survey informs the Fairfax County Health Department and FCPS about the emotional and behavioral health of our tweens and teens. It identifies and monitors behavior trends in our youth which are used to develop programming for the prevention of risky behaviors. Results from the most recent survey indicate that when children and youth have three or more positive, protective factors in their lives, they are more likely to manage stress, make better choices, and develop healthy habits.

What are protective factors? These are the supports, relationships, and opportunities children and youth need in order to develop to their true potential. Protective factors include positive relationships with adults, role models with whom they can identify, participation in community and service opportunities, and extracurricular activities that support their positive sense of self. What can parents do to ensure their children have some protective factors?  Consider the following:

  • Be available to help – while tweens and teens seek more privacy and independence, they still need connections and the support of their parents.
  • Involve your children in family decision-making.
  • Show respect for all family members – demonstrate your acceptance and genuine interest in your child’s opinions, activities and hobbies.
  • Communicate clear disapproval of drug and alcohol use – keep lines of communication open. Use events from movies, news, and social media as topics of conversation to help convey your values to them.
  • Help them find extracurricular activities that focus on their gifts and passion as opposed to pure competition.


For more information about the Fairfax County Youth Survey and “3 To Succeed,” visit this link: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/health-humanservices/3-succeed.



Laptop Collection Coming in June 

We will be collecting all FCPS provided laptops from students in grades K-6 in June so they can be reimaged and prepared for the upcoming school year. Specific times for each grade level will be shared soon.

The collection dates will be June 11th and 14th.

Please be on the lookout for times and details on the laptop collection!

Positivity Project

Positivity Project  


What does Purpose mean? You have beliefs about the meaning of life and your life’s purpose. You seek to be part of something greater than yourself. People who possess a sense of purpose believe that they were put on earth for a reason. That reason can have all kinds of variety. It could be to create a unique invention, to bring joy through art or music, or to raise their children to become good people. These people have a true calling. 

Why does it matter? Having a clear sense of purpose in life, and a belief that you’re connected to a larger meaning, gives individuals strength. It allows them to persevere and find courage in trying circumstances or lead with kindness and love even when it’s not reciprocated. On a group level, purpose can be a powerful aligning element. It gives people a reason to continue on in hope and optimism, despite difficult circumstances. 

Quote of the Week. “Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.”  -GUATAMA BUDDHA

You may also visit P2 for Families and use the password P2 to access activities and tools for you to use at home with your children. 


Important Immunization Requirements: 

While the COVID-19 vaccination is NOT required by schools for the 2021-22 school year, many other vaccinations are.

Seventh-grade students need:

  • One dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis) given at age 7 or older.
  • One dose of Meningococcal Vaccine (MenACWY, Menactra, or Menveo) given at age 10 or older.

Twelfth-grade students need:

  • One dose of Meningococcal Vaccine (MenACWY, Menactra, or Menveo) given at age 16 or older.

More information on new immunization requirements is available online

Staff Spotlight

This week's spotlight... 

We started the school-year sharing about our new to Floris Staff and are now sharing some fun details about more Floris Staff members.




Her own teachers served as an inspiration for Christina Molitor, prompting her  to enter the profession ten years ago. She has been at Floris her entire teaching career. “I love the ah-ha moment when students understand a tricky concept!” she says.

Ms. Molitor enjoys crafts such as needle felting, sewing, and making paper flowers. “I enjoy making things with my hands and exercising my creativity,” she explains. “There is a lot of art in crafting. I especially like to needle felt animals.” Needle felting is the process of transforming wool into 3D objects using a barbed needle. The largest project she ever made was a camel that stands about a foot tall and a foot and a half long, and her favorite project to date is a donkey which came out so well that Ms. Molitor displays her with pride. Real animals also play a role in Ms. Molitor’s life. She has a cat, Fuzzybutt, who patiently keeps her company when she is grading papers and lesson planning. 

If Ms. Molitor has any extra time after teaching responsibilities and crafting, she draws, writes, and reads. Her all-time favorite author is Terry Pratchett whose books she says she rereads all the time. “I could talk about Terry Pratchett and my love for his genius all day. My favorite series by him is the Discworld series - these are humorous fantasy books that touch on all sorts of real-world issues, like philosophy, crime, justice, and faith. My absolute favorite book from the series is probably Night Watch, although I really love his mini-series aimed at young adults, the Tiffany Aching books. While funny and humorous, the books have serious themes that always make me think,” she shares.

SOL tests
SOL Testing
Upcoming Dates

May 24-

  • Virtual Kindergarten Orientation, 2:00-3:00pm
  • Library Book Collection, Door 1, 1:00-3:00pm

May 25- Math 6 SOL testing (Math Teacher- McMonigle or Barnes) 

May 27- Math 7 SOL testing (Math Teacher Molitor) 

May 28- Math 5 SOL testing (Math Teacher Noll) 

May 31- No School- Memorial Day Holiday 

June 8-

  • No in-person learning- Virtual Synchronous Day for all FCPS students
  • 6th grade Virtual Promotion Ceremony

June 11-

  • Last Day of School 
  • Two Hour Early Release Day for Students (Floris Dismissal is 2:15pm)
  • 6th grade Celebration 



Find the 2020-2021 School Year Calendar Here