Kiss 'n Ride Procedures


Kiss 'n Ride Procedures

To ensure student safety during arrival and dismissal, we ask that families  abide by the following Kiss 'n Ride procedures.

  • When the line for Kiss 'n Ride extends onto Kinross Circle, please pull all the way over to the right side of the curb.  This will help allow other  vehicles to pass.
  • Discharge/load children only in the “Kiss 'n Ride” area of the parking lot. For your child’s safety, please do not discharge or pickup your child on the street. Crossing the street is legal at crosswalks only.
  • Pull your car as far forward as possible, following staff directions.
  • Please remain in your car while in the Kiss 'n Ride area.
  • Children should be ready to leave/enter as quickly as possible, using the vehicle door(s) closest to the sidewalk.
  • Please ONLY turn right when exiting the “Kiss 'n Ride” area to avoid interaction with cars turning left into the parking lot.