FH Return to School Update

Return to School Update

Dear Freedom Hill families,

Mr. Kopacz and I would like to welcome you back from spring break and into the fourth quarter! We are excited to continue the progress we have made both in-person and virtually. To this end, we want to address the recent information that you received regarding the potential expansion of 4-day instruction in the following two phases:

  1. FCPS schools will identify students who are experiencing the greatest learning challenges utilizing our Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) process. These students will be contacted with an offer of 4-days per week of instruction. 
  2. FCPS schools will assess the extent to which we can offer additional 4-day opportunities to students who are currently in-person students. This will depend on a variety of factors including classroom space, staffing, and will likely vary by grade level. 

This week, we are developing school lunch plans to support the 6-foot lunch guidance. As you may know, students are currently eating lunch in their classrooms. With 3-foot distancing in classrooms, this will no longer be possible. As a result, we are considering changes to our lunch environment. This may mean that your child may not be eating with his or her classmates. Every space within our building is being utilized and reflects the safety and wellness guidelines presented by the county and the CDC.

In addition, some grade levels have staffing challenges. As mentioned by the county, we will seek to invite our most impacted students to return four days per week, space permitting. After we consider these needs, we will determine the extent to which we can offer 4-day in-person instruction to more students. We understand from families that 3-foot distancing in school may present uneasiness, as community transmission in Fairfax County remains high. We are able to accommodate requests for virtual instruction for the remainder of the year. Additionally, we are not able to take requests from virtual families for in-person instruction at this time. 

We want to do our very best to serve our families and students during this final quarter of school. We sincerely understand the importance of providing students in-person instruction whenever possible. We are invested in determining how many students we can accommodate at this time, and we appreciate your patience as we consider the many implications of the new guidance and begin to potentially redesign classrooms one additional time. At this time, we ask that you refrain from contacting your classroom teacher or the front office with requests, as they are working very hard to provide your student(s) with the instruction that they deserve. No action is needed from families at this time. We will be reaching out to families directly as plans are finalized in the coming weeks. 

In continued partnership,

Dr. Nicholas Zapadka, Principal

Mr. Eric Kopacz, Assistant Principal