Updates from the Principal

message from principal


Dear Poplar Tree Families,

I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break. Yesterday, Dr. Brabrand shared with the community the school system’s plan for moving forward based on the new social distancing guidelines from the CDC. In that communication, Dr. Brabrand acknowledged that each school will look different. This message will help you to understand how these changes will look at Poplar Tree as well as the timelines for implementing any changes.

This week Mrs. Larsen and I will be:

  • Reviewing our class lists.
  • Evaluating our furniture inventory.
  • Checking the square footage of our classrooms.
  • Adjusting our master schedule as needed.
  • Determining space logistics. Students will be 3 feet apart in the classrooms but need to be 6 feet apart during lunch.  That requires our school to find new spaces for the students to eat safely.

Our focus will be on identifying as many of our current in-person students as possible for 4 day per week attendance. Based on a variety of factors, we do not have space to accommodate any additional in-person requests at this time. 

During the week of April 12th, families whose students are currently receiving in-person instruction may receive an email inviting their child or children to attend school in-person 4 days per week. 4 day a week instruction will begin on Tuesday, April 20th. Our classrooms will continue to have virtual-only students as well. 

This school year has been filled with many challenges and changes. The one thing that has remained constant is the dedication of our outstanding teachers and staff to provide the best learning experience for our students. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this most recent change. 

Amazing things happen everywhere!

Have a great day!


Sue Andujar
