April 7, 2021
Your Source for News about the Highlander Community
Important Upcoming Dates
April 10 - Mock ACT - Registration Required
April 13 - SCC program - "A Brighter 2021: Ending the School Year Strong"
April 14 - MHS PTSA General Meeting
April 22 - Parent Education Series Part 3
April 23 - Junior Parent Hour
April 24 - Mock ACT - Registration Required
McLean High School Courtyard Rejuvenation Project – Phase 1 Completed
We hope everyone had a nice, relaxing, and safe spring break.
During the break, a team from the Wheats Landscape Company transformed the McLean High courtyard next to the cafeteria into a highly functional space for students to relax outdoors. The new turf will allow students to hang out in a beautiful and clean area, while table seating will be placed under the shade of the large oak tree. We will share more pictures and updates in the coming weeks.
This courtyard rejuvenation project was possible with your generous contributions.
THANK YOU for your support!
Join the PTSA Next Week General Membership Meeting
April 14th at 7:00pm
With the fourth quarter comes the stress of final exams. The PTSA got you covered. We have a special session planned to offer painless study strategies and tips for preparing and acing final and AP exams.
Parents, guardians and students are all welcome.
A link to the virtual meeting will be sent an hour prior to the meeting.
Shout Out to the MHS Assistant Principals Celebrating National Assistant Principals Appreciation Week (April 5-9)
On behalf of our Highlander families, the PTSA thanks our exceptional Assistant Principals, Jeff Barham, Sean Rolon, Rob Plunkett, and Monica Charles-Williams, for their dedication and commitment to the MHS students. We are grateful for everything they do and for going above and beyond for our community!
Our Highlander Nation APs Rock!
Help us Continue These Shout-Outs and Show Our Appreciation to Highlander Teachers and Staff
Please submit a shout-out using this form.
There is no deadline - send as many shout-outs as you like.
We will post them on a weekly basis in the eNews.
Parent Education Series Part 3 – Drugs and the Teenage Brain
The third session of the Parent Education Series on Substance Abuse Prevention hosted by FCPS Prevention Specialist, Kelly Rankin, is scheduled for April 22nd.
Kelly will provide a 20-minute overview for parents about how to become aware of the current drug trends. There will be two sessions held at 12:00pm and 7:00pm.
Mark your calendars so you can learn how to play an important role in prevention, and how to have a conversation with your child about addiction.
Click here to join a session.
Upcoming Virtual Mock ACT and SAT Tests
EC Tutoring continues to offer virtual mock ACT and SAT tests to area students for $20 each.
The upcoming dates are:
Mock SAT, Saturday, April 10th https://conta.cc/2Oy3fSb
Mock ACT, Saturday, April 24th https://conta.cc/3dqKs5A
Please remember to indicate that you are a MHS student on the registration form to ensure that the PTSA receives credit - the fees support our programs.
1/2 Price Student Recognition Yard-Home Signs
Want to recognize your Freshman, Sophomore or Junior student(s) for all their hard work during this distance learning year?
What better way to do it than with a Student Recognition Sign!
Sign costs reduced to $12.50 while supplies last. It is personalized with the student’s class year, and will be delivered directly to your home when ready. Signs come with a metal stand to push into the ground. Adhesive may be requested at no extra charge if window or door mounting is preferred.
Support your PTSA and recognize your student today!
Go to the PTSA website.
MHS PTSA Needs You!
The McLean PTSA is an all-volunteer organization. Whether you have the time and energy to chair a committee or if you prefer to volunteer an hour at an occasional event, the PTSA needs you!
Please consider the following open positions:
President Elect
Serve our Highlander community before stepping into the role of President. Share your valuable insights and contributions and shape the following year, while allowing time to learn on the job.
Graduation Party Committee Chairs (4)
Lead and assist with the planning and delivery of the Graduation Party for the Senior Class of 2021. This year is obviously different, yet we still want to send off our Class of 2021 with a celebration. Most of the parameters are defined in collaboration with the school administration. A committee has already been formed but we need volunteers to lead it!
For more information and to view other open positions click here.
Looking for a Special Gift for Your 2021 Graduate?
The MHS Athletic Boosters has just the thing for you!
Buy a brick today and we will place it at our Stadium Field entrance, or you may choose to have your brick placed by our Baseball Stands or Softball Walkway.
You can personalize it any way you like. It is not just for graduates, you can get one for any student, teacher, coach, or alumni.
Get the gift that will be at McLean High School forever here.
A Brighter 2021: Ending the School Year Strong
The Safe Community Coalition (SCC) is excited to host author Ana Homayoun as she discusses how to set students up socially, emotionally and academically in the midst of remote and hybrid schooling. Ana will address ways to be organized during hybrid and remote learning how to support healthy socialization and a sense of curiosity and discovery as we head into summer break.
For more information, and to sign up, without charge, click on this registration link.
Tuesday, April 13th at 12:00 p.m. (noon)
Virginia Mathematics Pathways Initiative (VMPI) Informational Sessions
The Virginia Department of Education is organizing a series of one-hour VMPI community informational sessions during the next several months to provide parents and community members an opportunity to learn more about the initiative.
The Initiative supports the Profile of a Virginia Graduate by redefining mathematics pathways to strengthen the alignment between K-12 and higher education mathematics while ensuring that students are better prepared for college and career success.
Sessions will be live streamed on YouTube here at 6:30pm on the following dates:
Tuesday, April 13th - How does VMPI affect VA Children’s Futures?
Tuesday, April 27th - Essential Concepts in Grades 8 - 10
Tuesday, May 25th - Advanced Pathways in Grades 11 - 12
The session recordings will be posted on this Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) webpage. Submit questions or comments using this form or via email to vdoe.mathematics@doe.virginia.gov.
2021 Congressional Art Competition
Each spring, the Congressional Institute sponsors a nationwide high school visual art competition to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation and in each congressional district.
Students submit entries to their representative’s office, and panels of district artists select the winning entries. Winners are recognized both in their district and at an annual awards ceremony in Washington, D.C.
To review the rules and participate in the competition, visit here.
Submissions are due April 30th.
The Youth Creativity Project (YCP) is Looking for Student Volunteers - Earn Service Hours
YCP is a youth-led non-profit organization established in September 2020 by high-schoolers in the DMV area with a passion for art. It is dedicated to bringing youth and their families in healthcare facilities a sense of connection and healing by providing them with engaging art activities that foster creative thinking.
YCP is looking for student volunteers that can commit at least 2 hours each week (depending on role). For more information about this opportunity, visit their site.
Want to Support PTSA?
Your contribution translates directly into academic enhancements, virtual programs, improved technology, and courtyard and facilities renovations. Click here to donate.
Remember to enroll in rewards programs.
Help SHARE Serve Our Community
SHARE of McLean is desperately in need of liquid laundry detergent and cooking oil.
Medium sized bottles of detergent (approximately 32 loads) and cooking oil (48 oz.) are ideal. You can leave the detergent and oil at the MHS Front Entrance, between the glass doors, in a box marked “SHARE.” Please come during school hours to gain admittance.
More information about bringing donations directly to SHARE is on our MHS PTSA website. Click here for more information about SHARE.
Helpful Links
fairtest.org - Resource to find out which colleges will be test optional next year.
FCPS Support for Parents & Families
FCPS Parent Resource Center
Provides access to information and resources to support all families, educators, and students, including those with special needs, learning challenges, and disabilities.
FCPS has Parent Information Phone Lines
Available in eight (8) languages to assist with general questions about FCPS.