3/5 RRMS School Updates

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Upcoming Dates:

March 8:  7th grade Open House for in-person students, 12-4

Student Holiday - No attendance check-in required.

View events on our school website.

Return to School Timeline

Students who have elected to attend In-Person will return to school on the following schedule:

March 9:           7th Grade, Last Name A-K In Person Students

March 11:         7th Grade, Last Name L-Z In Person Students

Rocky Wave

A Note from Dr. Goodloe

Dear Rocky Run Families and Students,

It has been a great week at Rocky Run MS!  Our online learners continue to do great things in the virtual environment.  Additionally we welcomed back about 170 8th grade students in two groups to in-person learning!   Teachers continue to be ROCK stars as they adapt to concurrent instruction and provide support for ALL learners both online and in-person, as well as one another.  We are very grateful for the ongoing support, understanding and encouragement of our families.  Together WE...can do anything!

Recent Student Successes:

It has been a pleasure recognizing February Students of the Month and after school program participants for their outstanding achievements.  There are a lot of exciting extra-curricular accomplishments to recognize:

  • Science Bowl teams are competing this weekend
  • Science Olympiad team won 2nd place in the regional tournament and will compete in their state tournament on March 20th.
  • Math Counts - We had 15 students participate in a regional competition and 9 of them advanced to the Regional Invitational.  One of our students, Samarth B., scored 2nd place in Regionals and will be advancing to the State competition. 
  • AMC 10 – We had 10 students participate in this advanced mathematics competition.  Congratulations to our school winner, Samarth B!

Student Learning Status Update (in-person or virtual):

Parents can check their child’s enrollment intent in ParentVUE by clicking on “Student Info” on the left hand menu and scrolling to the bottom of the page to find the “Return to School Responses” field. In order to continue planning for a safe Return to School, and due to staffing and social distancing constraints, we are not able to approve any changes at this moment.  If you would like to make a request to change and would like for your child to be placed on the waitlist, please complete the RRMS RTS Intent Change Request Form. You will hear from us as soon as we are able to process your requests. Contact our Director of Student Services, Ms. Hong at yjhong@fcps.edu for any questions. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions, concerns or feedback.


Amy Goodloe, Principal



Together WE can do VIRTUALLY anything!

Meet the Rocky Run MS Staff: View our Staff Directory.

Information for in-person learners:

What do in-person mitigation procedures look like?

Watch this video hosted by our administrators and students.

Visitor Access and Student Item Drop off:

Please note that visitor access to all FCPS school buildings is limited.   As some students return to school in the building we ask:

  • The building will open at 7:10.
  • On time arrival for students is no later than 7:25.  Class begins at 7:30.
  • Please call the main office (703-802-7700) if you need to drop a student off late or pick up early.
  • All students will have access to FREE breakfast and lunch each day, including items to accommodate dietary restrictions.  Please do not drop off lunches, water bottles or snacks.
  • Music teachers understand when students forget their instruments.  Please do not drop off forgotten instruments, as we cannot guarantee it can get to the students' class

Attendance Reporting:

  • Students are expected to attend in-person on their assigned days
  • If a student must attend virtually on an in-person day, a parent/guardian will be asked to verify that the student is attending online.
  • To report a change in attendance (i.e. appointment, sick, etc.), please contact Rocky Run MS through the Attendance Process:
  • Absence/Tardy Phone Line: 703-802-7782
  • Absence/Tardy Email: RockyRunMiddle.Attendance@fcps.edu
  • Report an absence online

RRMS Bell Schedule:

new bell schedule

Students of the Month: February 2021

Bravery: Claire Yehsuh Kim, Lucy Ivy, Ivana Hamad, Anna Tung

Creativity: Brayden Sabine, Hannah Duvvur, Alan Najarro Ronquillo, Leila Oshinski, Joseph Soriano, Eric Kim

Purpose: Sharif Mokhsijerjian, Malia Flecker, Noah Vicari, Kyle Henderson

Perseverance: Jason Choo, Sarah Sitoula, Bayley Kooba, Daniel Kim

SOL Updates and Opt-Out Information

All our FCPS students are scheduled to take the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) during the end of the school year between late April and early June 2021. Given the challenges of the pandemic, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is allowing students to opt-out of SOL testing for this year. Should you want your child to opt out of testing this year, please fill out the following form as soon as you can so that scheduling the tests can be finalized. Testing schedules and dates will be released as soon as we can.

The tests that are scheduled to be given this year are:

  • Reading 7
  • Reading 8
  • Science 8
  • Math 7
  • Math 8
  • Algebra 1 (Verified Credit for HS)*
  • Algebra 2 (Verified Credit for HS)*
  • Geometry (Verified Credit for HS)*

If your child decides to opt-out of a verified course required for graduation, they will need to take the appropriate SOL test in the Fall of 2021. If you have any questions, you can contact our School Testing Coordinator, Karl Gussow at ksgussow@fcps.edu.

7th Grade FLE Lessons

This is a reminder that the Health and Physical Education Department at RRMS will be teaching 7th grade Human Growth and Development (HGD) the second to last week of the third quarter. The dates for 7th grade (HGD) will be Tuesday March 16 to Friday March 19th. 8th grade Human Growth and Development (HGD) will be taught the last week of the third quarter Tuesday March 23rd to Friday March 26th.  Parents can review the materials online or in the Library be making an appointment during school hours. If you wish to opt out your child from all or part of Family Life Education (FLE) for this second half of the school year or would like more detailed information about grade level programs, please access the opt out forms, opt out letter, and program descriptions for each grade level at  http://www.fcps.edu/is/hpe/fle.shtml.

If you want to opt out your child of any FLE instruction, please download the opt-out form, fill in the appropriate information, and return it to your child’s health education teacher (Mrs. Alderman, Mrs. Larsen, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Basl, Mr. Quinn  and Mr. Mondres).  Please email Martha Alderman at Mwalderman@fcps.edu if you have any questions. 

Library Happenings

Curbside Changes

The Rocky Run MS Library will continue to offer curbside pick-up of library books this spring, but a few things have changed.  Students can still put up to 5 books on hold through the library catalogue, Destiny Discover. Check out the Putting Books on Hold Tutorial for help.  

  • For students returning to school, books put on hold will be delivered to English teachers’ classrooms for student pickup during English class.  
  • For students who are remaining virtual, curbside pick-up will be offered on Mondays from 3pm to 6pm and will now occur at DOOR 1.  
  • Wednesday evening curbside pickup will no longer be available.  Review the Curbside Flyer for more details.
  • Returning books: The book return mailbox has been moved to DOOR 1 (main entrance). In person students can also return their books to the book return outside the library’s entrance once they return.
  • Questions about curbside or access to books?  Email RockyRunMSLibrary@fcps.edu.

Virtual Book Fair March 15 - 21 Don’t forget that RRMS Library's Virtual Book Fair is available ALL YEAR!  Visit our RockyRunMSOnlineBookstore to get started. Also, feel free to share the link with your loved ones!  We are especially encouraging families to make purchases during our book fair week of March 15-21.  Please consider purchasing books written by the authors who will be part of our April Virtual Author Visit--James Ponti, Christina Soonternvat, and Karina Yan Glaser.  You can find all their books in a highlighted group on the RRMS Bookworm Central Virtual Book Fair website.  Your child’s experience at the Virtual Author Visit is sure to be enhanced if they have read some of the books ahead of time.  

Book Fair proceeds directly support the Rocky Run Library. Let’s dive into spring with some new great books!

Questions?  Reach out to Ms. Grover and/or Ms. Bickford at RockyRunMSLibrary@fcps.edu

After School Information

Click here for the after-school schedule for the week of March 8th.   All clubs will remain virtual at this time.

Shannon Campbell

After-School Specialist & Building Use Coordinator

Rocky Run MS


Positivity Project - Cheering Others' Success

Being happy for other people when they succeed isn’t always everyone’s initial reaction. Often, it’s easy to become jealous or envious of others’ victories – or even to experience schadenfreude, which is deriving pleasure from witnessing (or learning about) another person’s misfortune. People who have these reactions to the success or misfortune of others are colloquially known as “haters.” It’s important to note that these are natural emotions and in small doses can be helpful in allowing us to see what we care about – and motivate us to pursue those goals.

But making a commitment towards cheering on other people’s successes can be a great way to improve our own health, happiness, and relationships. People can take active steps to be more genuinely happy for the achievements of others. Ways to do this include: telling others about the success of your modest friend; noticing when your reaction to a sibling’s success is envy or jealousy – and asking yourself why that is; reminding yourself that appreciating the excellence in another is a character strength; asking your successful teammates and classmates what they do to prepare for games or tests.

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