Please join us Tuesday, March 16th at 7 PM for our monthly meeting.
Meeting link can be found on the AHS PTSA Homepage or join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone here. You can also dial in using your phone.
2021-2022 PTSA Board Nominations
If you are interested in joining the PTSA Board or know someone you think might be interested, please contact any member of the nomination committee: Alyssa Getsey, Suzan Yungner or Stephanie Muth. For more information on the positions and responsibilities please see page nine of our AHS PTSA Bylaws.
Atoms Face Masks On Sale
Get them while they last. BUY NOW! Breathable Atoms Face Mask! The AHS PTSA and AHS Athletic Boosters have joined together to bring you this limited edition mask featuring the Atoms logo! Purchase for $12 online and pick up at AHS. More details can be found here.
Have a Senior? Know a Senior?
Want to help celebrate the AHS Class of 2021? Buy a yard sign here to congratulate a graduate! Signs are $15 for pickup or $20 delivered to your yard. Proceeds help to fund our four AHS PTSA Scholarships.
Pizza Fundraiser!
EVERY THURSDAY night until June 10 is AHS PTSA pizza night at our local Papa John’s. Order online here or with the Papa John's app. It’s as easy as 1,2,3.
1. Order pizza using code AHS4010
2. Get a 40% discount on your pizzas
3. Earn 10% for the AHS PTSA!
Yearbooks on Sale Now!
Yearbooks for the 2020/21 school year can be purchased online through the end of the year.
The AHS PTSA Pantry is open for 2021 for bi-monthly distributions and our shelves need to be stocked. Please help us Stock Our Shelves (SOS)! The pantry is looking for a volunteer to do a weekly pick up at Food for Others on Tuesdays or Wednesdays between 11-1. If interested, please contact Norma Foti.
We are currently in need of the following items:
- Boxed Cereal
- Shampoo
- Cereal
- Bars of Soap
- Shelf Stable Milk
- Canned Vegetables
- Dried Beans
- Bags of White Rice
- Dish Soap
Please visit the AHS Pantry Page to donate now! Thank you for your continued support of the AHS PTSA Pantry!
Mental Health Resources
Mental health is always important and especially now. If you or anyone you know is in need of help. Please seek it out. Refer to the PTSA Mental Health and Wellness page on our website for resources in our area.
Stay Connected to Us
“Visit”, “Like” and “Follow” The AHS PTSA:
Our e-newsletter, ATOMail, is sent the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month and highlights PTSA programs and opportunities to support our students, teachers, and staff. To receive ATOMail, please sign up and set your preferences on the FCPS "News You Choose" webpage. Select “Annandale High School” and check the box for “Annandale HS PTSA”. (To receive an additional email on Sundays from the Annandale HS Activities office with a weekly schedule of events and news, be sure to also check the box for “AHS Athletics”.)
Did you know FCPS has parent information phone lines available to assist parents who do not speak English as their first language? Find out more here.