Mid-February Update

Mid-February Update

Dear Providence District families,

As we enter this three-day weekend, I wanted to provide you with updates on a number of important issues:

  • Return to School
  • Black History Month
  • New Bell Schedule Begins February 16
  • Mosby Woods Renaming Community Meeting
  • Capital Improvement Program Approved
  • Providence Elementary School CIP Motion Approved
  • McLean/Langley Boundary Adjustment Approved
  • TJHSST Admissions Open
  • Student Representative Policy Updated
  • Our First Electric School Bus Arrives
  • Upcoming School Board Meetings

Please don’t hesitate to contact me. Hearing your comments, questions and concerns has been invaluable to my work on the School Board, especially during this unprecedented time.


Karl Frisch
Providence District Representative
Fairfax County School Board

Return to In-Person Instruction

The Fairfax County School Board gave unanimous support for an updated timeline that will offer all students the opportunity to return to school buildings two days a week. Under the updated timeline presented by Superintendent Scott Brabrand at a School Board work session, the first students, including students with disabilities, English Language Learners and younger students will begin returning to in-person learning on February 16. All groups will be phased in by March 16. [ADDITIONAL DETAILS]

With health metrics trending in the right direction, thousands of FCPS staff already vaccinated, and the possibility of additional supports from Congress and the new administration, we are heading in the right direction. In addition to reviewing encouraging data on in-person capacity and the hiring of classroom monitors for Providence District schools, I have also spoken with several Providence District principals. Their assessments of the revised Return to School plan and timeline – a plan they will be responsible for implementing at the school level – have been heartening. I view the Superintendent’s new timeline as a workable starting point.

In response to some of my questions at the School Board work session on February 2, the Superintendent noted that his staff are currently working on plans for a return to in-person learning five days a week and that he will have additional details on this subject at our March 16 work session. I will be sure to share new updates on Return to School planning as they become available.

Revised RTS Timeline

Black History Month

Fairfax County Public Schools commemorates Black History Month, an annual observance of Black history, culture, and achievement. The School Board unanimously voted to support a resolution recognizing this special month during its February 4 regular meeting. This year’s theme is “The Black Family: Representation, Identity, and Diversity,” and was chosen by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History.

In the spirit of Black History Month and our commitment to the One Fairfax policy, the School Board has approved plans to develop an anti-racist and anti-bias curriculum. This effort is being spearheaded by the Governance Committee, which has made the issue a priority [VIDEO]. I encourage us all to learn more about Black history and to celebrate Black heritage, not only this month, but every month of the year.

New Bell Schedule Begins February 16

Please be aware that FCPS is implementing new start times, beginning February 16, as students begin returning to school buildings for in-person instruction. This change is due to social-distancing requirements which limit capacity on school buses. It will apply to both in-person and virtual learners. To see a complete list of the changes, click here.

Final Mosby Woods Renaming Community Meeting

FCPS will host a final virtual meeting for the Mosby Woods Elementary School community to discuss additional renaming options on February 16 from 7-8 pm. To register for this meeting, please fill out this Google form. Community members may also share their feedback by emailing comments to Region1admin@fcps.edu. All community input will be posted publicly on the MWES renaming feedback website. The School Board will vote on a new name during its February 18 regular meeting.

Capital Improvement Program Approved

The School Board has approved Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-26 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Funding for capital improvement projects is currently limited by a $180 million yearly cap on school bond sales. Additional funding sources include $2.7 million for overcrowding and $10 million for routine or major maintenance from FCPS Operating Funds, and $13.1 million for infrastructure management and $658,852 received as proffers from the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. [ADDITIONAL DETAILS]

Providence Elementary School CIP Motion Approved

Following the CIP vote, the School Board approved my follow-on motion directing the Superintendent to work with the City of Fairfax School Board to address the unique capacity needs of Providence Elementary School. Specifically, the school is projected to be well over capacity in the years ahead but its special use permit for temporary classroom trailers is set to expire in 2024 and the Fairfax City Council has indicated it will not be renewed. Given that many Providence District students attend this City of Fairfax School, it is important that the City and County work together to find a solution.

McLean/Langley Boundary Adjustment Approved

The Fairfax County School Board voted to approve a boundary adjustment to alleviate overcrowding at McLean High School that was presented to the community as Option B. The boundary adjustment will realign students in the Colvin Run Elementary School split feeder area, a portion of the Spring Hill Elementary split feeder area, and a portion of Westbriar Elementary from Longfellow Middle-McLean High to Cooper Middle-Langley High. This adjustment identifies an estimated 190 students at the high school level and 78 students at the middle school level. The boundary adjustments will take effect in the 2021-22 school year with the phasing and grandfathering adopted. [ADDITIONAL DETAILS]

TJHSST Admissions Open

Students interested in applying for admission to the Class of 2025 at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) can do so now! Application information is available on the admissions office web page. The School Board approved changes to the TJHSST admissions process on December 18, 2020, which will be used to select the Class of 2025. The new criteria will include a holistic review aimed at improving diversity and access at the school. [ADDITIONAL DETAILS]

Fairfax City Students Now Eligible for Student Representative Board Seat

During our January 21 regular meeting, my motion to amend Policy 1802 (Student Representative to the School Board) passed unanimously [VIDEO]. The approved changes broaden eligibility of those who can serve as Student Representative on the Fairfax County School Board to also include FCPS students who live in the City of Fairfax. FCPS students who live in Fairfax County are already eligible to serve on the City of Fairfax School Board as Student Representative. [ADDITIONAL DETAILS]

First FCPS Electric School Bus Arrives

Electric School Bus


Last month, I was pleased to be on hand for the arrival of the first FCPS electric school bus - one of eight funded by a grant that covers the difference in cost so that school systems pay no more for electric buses than they would by replacing a diesel model. The required charging infrastructure has been installed and will be maintained by at the Stonecroft Transportation Center. With the arrival of these electric buses, we are one step closer to meeting the Joint Environmental Taskforce’s recommendation to transition our diesel bus fleet to fully electric by 2035. [ADDITIONAL DETAILS]

Upcoming School Board Meetings

  • Tuesday, February 16, 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST - Work Session
  • Thursday, February 18, 7:00 p.m. EST - Regular Meeting
  • Tuesday, March 2, 11:00 a.m. EST - Work Session
  • Thursday, March 4, 7:00 p.m. EST - Regular Meeting

Meeting agendas, handouts, and video streaming access can be found on BoardDocs. Meetings are broadcast on Channel 99 (Cox, Comcast) or 11 (Verizon), and live-streamed on the FCPS website. Recordings of meetings are archived on the Fairfax County Public School YouTube channel.

Updated Office Hours

More than 48 hours have been put aside for virtual one-on-one meetings with Providence District families over the next several weeks. Click here to request an appointment today.

The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.

© 2020 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia