Fairfax Villa Friday Message

Important Upcoming Dates

12/21 - 1/1 Winter Break

1/4  - School Resumes (Asynchronous Monday)

1/4  - Dragon Dreams Bedtime Stories

1/12 - New Bell Schedule Starts

1/14 - Frost MS Virtual Orientation

1/18  - Martin Luther King Day - Holiday

1/18 - Dragon Dreams Bedtime Stories

1/20 - Inauguration Day - Holiday

1/22 - End of Quarter (Two  2 Hour Early Release) 

1/25 - Student Holiday for Teacher Workday

1/27- Mid-Year Check-In with Families (6 PM)


  1. NEW: New Bell Schedule beginning January 12
  2. NEW: Dragon Dreams Bedtime Stories
  3. NEW: January School Spirit Days
  4. NEW: FVES Office Hours For Winter Break

  5. NEW: Message to 5th and 6th Grade Parents
  6. UPDATE: Local Level IV at Fairfax Villa 
  7. PTA News
  8. Send us your pics!
  9. Frost MS Transition

Greetings Fairfax Villa Families,

December is upon us and with it comes all the excitement that the season brings.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank our students, staff, and  families for their continued support. Our school is truly a small school with a big heart and it is at this time of year when the closeness of friendship shines in everyone's faces.

We are so proud of ALL of our students and staff members for their resilience and their ability to adapt to difficult circumstances. 

School is important but so is your health. Please remember to take care of yourself and each other during your winter break, of course from a safe distance.  

We  wish you all peace, joy, hope, and happiness during this holiday season and throughout the New Year.

Our warmest wishes,

Dave Gerstner, Principal

KJ An, Assistant Principal

Barbara Schmidt, School Based Technology Specialist

1. NEW: New Bell Schedule Beginning January 12

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Each year, the Office of Transportation Services reviews the bell schedules for all Fairfax County public schools and makes minor adjustments as necessary to improve on-time arrivals. As you can imagine, developing this school year’s bell schedule has been extremely challenging due to the pandemic.

You may remember that new school bell schedules were announced in July. Our school’s bell schedule was changed. However, given the all-virtual start to the school year, there was no need to implement the new bell schedule.

At the School Board Work session on December 10, Superintendent Brabrand presented a revised phased- plan to return all students who have selected the in-person option starting in January, 2021.  Staff worked to improve start times and end times for all levels.

Barring any changes to the plan that may be impacted by the pandemic, the following bell schedule will be in place effective January 12, 2021 for both virtual and in- person instruction.

Fairfax Villa Return to School Bell Schedule

Online/In-Person Instruction


AM Preschool


PM Preschool



We feel this plan is a significant improvement and less disruptive over what was presented in the original plan last summer.

The fifteen (15) minute reduction in the school day is due to the increased cleaning time required between bus runs. Additionally, as more students return to school, the number of students allowed on each bus will be reduced substantially to meet social distancing requirements. With fewer students able to ride a bus at the same time, FCPS has no choice but to adjust the times that our buses are transporting students.

We understand that changes may present a hardship to some of our families and staff. However, it is the only way that FCPS can return all our grade levels to in-person learning, while following the critical guidelines to help keep our students and staff safe.

Thank you for your understanding.

2. NEW: Dragon Dreams Bedtime Stories

We are excited to invite all of our Dragons and their families to Fairfax Villa’s first Dragon Dream Bedtime Stories on Monday, January 4th at 7:00. Our staff members will be taking turns reading to our students the first and third Mondays of each month.

Please join us using  this link. The BBC link will be available beginning at 6:45 PM. Because of the large group, the audio, video and chat is automatically turned off. Mr. Gerstner, Ms. Nicole Lee and  Ms. Choi will be reading stories to you. We can’t wait to see you! So put on your coziest pajamas and join us for stories as we get ready to start a New Year! 

3. NEW: January School Spirit Days

A great way to welcome in the New Year is to continue our Virtual Villa Days Of Cheer right on through the month of January. Showing our school spirit helps us to feel connected to each other even when we can't be together.  Get ready to show us your Villa Spirit!!!

Spirit Days

4. NEW: FVES Office Hours For Winter Break

  • The Fairfax Villa office will be closed Monday, December 21 through Friday, January 1 for the winter break. 

  • Monday, January 4 is an asynchronous day. This means no morning meeting or other time that students meet with teachers.

  • Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 5.

5. NEW: Message to 5th and 6th Grade Parents

If you chose not to fill out the survey for your preference for your child for either virtual or in-person, please know that we need that preference so that we can plan for the possible return of students. If we don’t know how many in-person and virtual students we may have, we cannot plan for what the class numbers will look like. The number of students allowed per class is  based on county and state regulations. If you have any concerns about choosing now and wanting to change later or any other questions about this process, please contact Mr. Gerstner. PLEASE help us by giving us your choices. 

We are using this - and not the FCPS survey from earlier in the year - to determine the needs of our students.

We still have 32 fifth grade parents and 20 sixth grade parents whom we have not heard from and do not know how to place their students.

Thank you for helping us to honor your wishes for your child. 

Fifth Grade Parent Survey

Sixth Grade Parent Survey

6. Local Level IV at Fairfax Villa

Fairfax Villa will be offering Advanced Academics Local Level IV (LLIV) services beginning in 3rd grade next year. Information about Fairfax Villa becoming a LLIV school was presented at the PTA meeting on 12/16. A recording of the presentation can be found here: LLIV Presentation

Parents and caregivers are important partners in helping our program to be successful. Please complete the LLIV Parent Survey to provide your input as we plan for implementation next year. Surveys should be submitted by Jan. 13. Thank you for your support through this exciting time!

7. PTA News

The following message is sent on behalf of the Fairfax Villa ES School PTA.  Its content reflects the PTA.

PTA Meeting

Thanks to everyone who joined our PTA meeting this week. If you missed it, a recording is available here: https://us.bbcollab.com/recording/8f952ca1b38b4795afff355b6e3fd126. We hope to see you at the next meeting on Wednesday, January 27!

Winter Clothing Drive

We know there's a lot of closet cleaning going on now, so we hope you have some offerings for our Winter Clothing Drive that will run from now until January 5. 

We are collecting gently used winter clothes of all types which will be offered first to those in need in the Villa family and then to other groups. Please put all clean donations in a safe & secure container. A tied garbage bag will do.

There are two drop off options:

  • During the winter break, you can also drop off your used clothing at Simon Bowyer’s house at the front door of 10922 Alta Vista Court, Fairfax (near the school).

  • On Monday, January 4 - Tuesday, January 5, bring your donations to the school from 11:00am - 1:00pm. There will be a large tub located just inside Door #1 for your donations.

On-Line Math Tutoring

A local Math tutoring company is offering Villa parents a special rate for anyone who wants to give their children some one-on-one math tutoring at a really reasonable rate.


A percentage of all sales to Villa parents will go to math scholarship programs. Entering the code - ZOEFV2020 gets parents a free introductory offer!

Parents can redeem that gift code without entering credit card details at: https://www.learnzoe.com/purchase-assessment


Are you doing any last-minute holiday shopping at Amazon.com? If so, you can support the Fairfax Villa PTA, and our kids and teachers, while you shop! Visit smile.amazon.com and choose the Fairfax Villa Elementary PTA as your charity, and AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your order total to the PTA. 

PTA Membership

PTA Membership is still open! Please join online at https://fairfaxvilla.memberhub.store/. Memberships are $10/person. If you would like to pay by check or need financial assistance, please contact Jessie at villapta@gmail.com.

@ FairfaxVillaPTA on Instagram & Twitter

@ PTAFairfaxVilla on Facebook

8.Send us your pics!

Over the next couple of weeks, if you have created learning activities that your children have enjoyed or have pictures of your children learning online, please email us at drgerstner@fcps.edu and DRSutter@fcps.edu with a picture and a brief description.  We would like to share them in our upcoming Friday News You Choose messages and they may also be included in the 2020-21 yearbook. 

9.Frost MS Transition

Families of current 6th grade students who will be attending Frost Middle School during the 2021-2022 school year are invited to an upcoming transition event.  On January 14th at 6:30 PM, Frost will be hosting a virtual Rising 7th Grade Orientation.  Students and parents will be provided an overview of Frost, the registration process, class options, and more. More information, including the link to access the event, will be sent later this month. We look forward to seeing you there!