Building and Offices Closed | Thank You Cards for Service Members



Building and Offices Closed for Winter Break

All FCPS schools will be closed for winter break from December 21, 2020 to January 1, 2021.  Herndon High School (building and offices) will also be closed during this period.  We will reopen and resume classes on January 4, 2021. Thank you and have a wonderful winter break!




Thank You Cards and Letters Needed for Deployed Service Members and Veterans

America’s Adopt a Soldier® program is celebrating the 10th year of its National Care Letter Campaign to honor deployed service members and veterans in state homes and hospitals. Writing letters of appreciation would be a great activity for students and families to engage in during the winter break. Now more than ever, veterans in veterans’ homes and hospitals are feeling isolated. Many have no family or family nearby and eagerly await visits from volunteers. However, these visits have not been possible due to health and safety restrictions resulting from the pandemic.  

Please consider sharing this information with your school community. Cards and letters will be accepted through Tuesday, December 29, and should be mailed to:

America’s Adopt a Soldier
5400 Shawnee Road, Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22312

For more information visit: or call 703-278-3718.