Fairfax Early Childhood Partnership's December 5-4-3-2-1 Early Childhood Tips for Today!

Maintaining Healthy Relationships

 5 Things to Know or Do 5 Things to Know or Do

1. Make the most of family time

  • Find more opportunities to spend time together as a family
  • Give child positive attention (eye contact, affection, intentional praise, showing interest)
  • Spend quality time together (take breaks, 1:1 time)

2. Stay connected with extended family and friends.

  • Schedule virtual playdates, video chats, and phone calls with family and friends
  • Write letters or send cards/postcards
  • Engage in celebrations and traditions virtually
  • Make encouraging posters and signs and put them in windows to support neighbors
  • Go outside and say hello - wear a mask and stay 6 feet away

3. Conflict is common even in the best of times. During stressful experiences, it is natural for families to experience more conflict. Some ways to manage family conflict

  • Find opportunities to practice social skills like problem-solving
  • Model healthy problem solving 
  • Discuss family rules
  • Give children intentional praise when they are getting along well or working to solve problems
  • Calmly reflect on disagreements 
  • Pick your battles

4. Maintain and implement daily routines 

  • Maintain basic daily routines as you normally would, such as getting ready for the day and bedtime schedules. 
  • Create daily tasks
  • Plan for activities indoor and outdoor activities
  • Create a schedule for the day including breaks; also include one and one uninterrupted time with your child
  • Create a goal or theme for the week
  • Make time for self care
  • Use educational resources that your child's school provides for a portion of each day
  • Spend some time outside each day for exercise and fresh air
  • Plan time for fun and relaxation too

5. Talk about feelings 

  • Dedicate time each day to talk to children 
  • Encourage children to express their feelings and ask questions
  • Take the time to answer their questions 
  • Validate emotions
  • Help Kids Cope with Loneliness

4 Children Read Alouds 4 Children Read Alouds

3 Links to Visit 3 Links to Visit

  1. Zero to Three: Five Tips to Make the Most of Video Chats
  2. About Kids Health: Coping with separation from family and friends during COVID-19
  3. Zero to Three: Tips on Helping Your Child Build Relationships

2 Points to Access Research 2 Videos to View

  1. MedBridge: COVID-19: Staying Connected While Social Distancing
  2. Highlights @ Home: Staying Connected While Social Distancing Fun with a Purpose

1 Video to View  1 Point to Access Research

  1. Supporting Healthy Relationships Between Young Children and Their Parents (Center for Child and Family Policy Duke University)