CES New Playground Installation Starting

Chesterbrook's New Playground Installation

Please be advised that our new playground installation will begin tomorrow! Tuesday, December 1st, the installation crew will begin the work for our brand new playground. For your safety, our playground and blacktop area will be inaccessible for community use while the new playground is being installed. This work is slated to last approximately three weeks.

I want to take a moment to thank our chairs on the playground committee, Kate Ward and Lorin Allan, who spent a lot of time and dedication reviewing designs options that would meet the needs of all our students. The collaboration and support of our PTA make this a reality along with the generosity of our community toward the Chesterbrook Chipmunk Fund and other fundraisers. Please know how much you are appreciated!

I want to extend an additional thank you to the McLean Community Foundation for providing Chesterbrook a grant to assist our community with this important project. The images below represent structures that will be installed. We look forward to sharing updates on our playground installation soon. 


Stacy Kirkpatrick, Principal

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