Haycock Hello 11.13.20

Haycock Families,

We are excited to welcome our Kindergarten students back into the building next week.  We are ready, and we've been waiting for them!  Our staff has been working hard to ensure that we are prepared instructionally and with safety protocols in place for our students to come into the building beginning on Tuesday, November 17. A warm welcome to our youngest Haycock Cougars!

We have received many questions from you regarding concurrent instruction and what that will look like for our students.  Please take a few minutes to watch this short video from one of the pilot schools in FCPS.

Concurrent Instruction Example

Our grade level teams and wonderful teachers have been learning and increasing their knowledge about best practices for concurrent learning.  Grade level teams will implement concurrent learning in an intentional way that is in the best interests of our students and in a way that ensures success for all.

Thank you for your continued partnership and support,

Dr. Liz Beaty


Haycock Strong!

Updated Return of Student Cohorts

Return of Cohort 6- Grades 1 and 2 is now the week of December 8

Teacher planning/student independent learning days:

11/16, 11/20, 11/23, and 11/24 (these will remain the same as before)

Return of Cohort 7- Grades 3-6 is now the week of January 14

Teacher planning/student independent learning days:

1/4, 1/7, 1/8 and 1/11

Thank you, PTA!

Thank you to the PTA for their continuing support.  On Monday, November 2, the PTA provided box lunches from Jersey Mike’s for all our staff members in a curbside lunch pick up.  Additionally, room parents prepared gift bags for all staff members.   Staff members felt appreciated and once again enjoyed the generosity and support of the PTA.

Kids Heart Challenge Prizes from Last Year

The PE team has been able to finally label and sort the Kids Heart Challenge prizes from last school year (2019/2020).  If your child has earned prizes that they have not received yet, please pull up to the front bus loop during one of these times.  We will get the prize(s) for you and hand them to you while you stay in your vehicles.

Monday, November 16th: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Monday, November 23rd: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

AAP Referrals

All AAP Level IV referrals must be submitted by the end of the school day on December 1st. Please email your referral and any additional documents to both Mrs. Brower (lsbrower@fcps.edu) and Mrs. Lee (eclee1@fcps.edu). In the subject line please include Haycock and the grade level. Please send all documents in one email.

Please refer to the AAP website for additional information: Level IV referrals

Hiring Classroom Monitors

FCPS schools and centers will be hiring classroom monitors to provide in-person classroom assistance for students when a staff member remains virtual.  If you would like more information about this position, please review the job description and qualifications online and apply  Please feel free to share information about this opportunity with anyone else you think may be interested.  

Family Holiday Travel Plans

For families selecting in person instruction, we encourage you to follow guidance in accordance with the Virginia Department of Health Travel Guidelines around any travel quarantine requirements for people arriving in the Commonwealth of Virginia from other U.S. or international locations. 

In addition, we encourage families to practice the following measures to remain healthy when choosing to travel:

  • When around others, stay 6 feet apart (two arms’ length)
  • Wear a mask
  • Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol)
  • Watch your health. Look for symptoms of Covid-19, take your temperature if you feel sick use the Daily Health Screening Questionnaire

Safe Community Coalition Rolls Out Managing the Moments Video Series

The Safe Community Coalition has launched a series of short videos for the community featuring the psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers of the SCC’s mental health committee.

The short segments, approximately 10 minutes each, touch on a wide variety of topics designed to help parents and students in dealing with a range of issues, from younger children’s challenges staying focused while distance learning to effective communication strategies when families feel the strain of too much togetherness.

The first six videos include:

  • Deescalating Conflict
  • Effective Communication
  • How to Talk to Your Parents
  • Brain Breaks During Distance Learning
  • Self Care and Calming Techniques
  • How Are You?

Additional videos will be rolling out in the weeks to come.

All videos and any accompanying tip sheets are free and available on the SCC website, mcleanscc.org.