What You Need to Know

What You Need to Know

Hello, Herndon Families! We are gearing up for our first wave of students to return to school this week. We also have some important events coming up, like the PSAT and Friday’s Early Release Day, that impact all students. Here are some details you will need for the coming weeks.

Thursday: PSAT Day

Read this even if your student isn’t testing

Because the PSAT is being given to some students on Thursday, October 29th, all students will be receiving asynchronous instruction. The number of staff required to serve as proctors, hall monitors, etc. under College Board standards prevents us from being able to have a normal school day with face-to-face meetings online.

Students who are testing this week received an email (via FCPS Google account) from Mrs. Alisa Shreve a few days ago with details (required materials, assigned door, when doors open/close). Parents received the same email as well. Students requesting FCPS bus transportation received a second email with their bus stop info.

Breakfast and Lunch

Grab-and-Go Meals are being delivered throughout our community at a variety of locations for all students, regardless of Free or Reduced-Price Lunch status! These meals are completely free of charge for FCPS students and there is no need to register ahead of time. In fact, adults can also purchase meals for $2.00. Click here for the latest delivery sites: https://www.fcps.edu/return-school/food

PTSA Meeting and Community Listening Session

This Thursday, October 29th, we will host our first PTSA meeting of the school year at 6:30pm. Beginning at 7:00pm, FCPS Region 1 Equity Lead, Alicia Hunter will facilitate a listening session to talk about social injustices, race, and racism in light of recent events. Herndon High School staff have participated in similar sessions with success. We invite you to join us this Thursday as we bring our community together for this important conversation.

The meeting will take place virtually on Blackboard Collaborate Ultra (BBCU). Please note, Google Chrome is often the most reliable browser for BBCU. Also, please use your name or initials to join. Follow this link to join: https://us.bbcollab.com/guest/276bc86f6602416698170090ba0e8bbe

Stinger Support

On each Black (or even class period) Day, students report back to previous classes during the 4th period block. This Wednesday, for example, students report back to Period 2 and to Period 3 during that time. The purpose is for students to receive additional help, make up work, participate in enrichment activities, etc. No new instruction is provided during this time. Below, you will find the Red/Black Day calendar for each upcoming month through December. Within each black day, you will see ST1, ST2/3, ST5/6, or ST7/8 to indicate which class periods students will visit during the 4th period block. This time can be highly beneficial, particularly at the end of each quarter. 



Early Release

This Friday, October 30, is an Early Release day. The class schedule for that day follows:


Keep in mind that schools are also closed for students on Monday and Tuesday next week, November 2nd and 3rd.

Returning to Campus

As we prepare for our first group of students to return to campus, here are some important details you may need to know:

  1. Masks are required at all times when riding the bus and while in school. Mandatory temperature checks will occur at the school entrance each day. If your child is scheduled to return, you received an electronic copy and/or hard copy of a health commitment form. Please send your child to school with this form on his/her first day back or complete it online this evening.
  2. Students must use Door #1 for entry and Students will be provided with breakfast and/or lunch at Door #1. It is free for all students.
  3. The typical Kiss & Ride is not currently available to us because of construction. As a result, the Kiss & Ride has been temporarily moved to the Red Lot. To access this lot, take your first left into the school (by the rock and the marquee) after your turn onto Bennett Street from Dranesville Road. Buses will be exiting from the same driveway, so follow staff direction for safety.
  4. Student drivers will not be charged to park on school grounds at this time. They will, however, be required to complete a parking application on the first day so that we can identify their vehicles and provide them with a pass. Students will park in the Black Lot (along Bennett Street). To access this lot, students will take their second left into the school after turning onto Bennett Street from Dranesville Road and then take their first left into the parking area. Follow staff direction.
  5. Student desks have been spaced a minimum of 6’ apart and very strict protocols have been put into place to minimize student traffic in the halls and to the restrooms. Water fountains are closed unless students are utilizing the bottle filler stations.


Of course, no Highlight section would be complete without a showcase of some brand new Hornets. Never say there wasn’t anything amazing about 2020! We think these new friends are pretty awesome. 


A big thank you goes to our Food & Nutrition Services staff. They have been in overdrive since this pandemic started, making thousands upon thousands of meals for students. Here they are, ready to hand out breakfast to early morning testers. They will be back at Entrance #1 for our first wave of students returning to school this week.


Senior pictures went off without a hitch! Senior Leilani poses here for an extra photo opportunity during her own senior picture session. It was great to see our seniors for a traditional event during such non-traditional times. Underclass photos will be coming up next.


Seniors completed their SATs recently – our favorite sights were the school buses and the actual students on campus! We have missed you all. Juniors will be testing for the PSAT later this week. All other students will have an asynchronous school day.


Herndon’s very own Mrs. Sharon Bowen was at it again! She made adorable treats for staff who returned to school to support the SATs. Mrs. Bowen is always clever, so very thoughtful, and always a huge help during testing.


Classrooms are ready for students to return this week. Thanks to our administrative and custodial teams, the desks are spaced at least 6’ apart with distinct marks keeping them from shifting closer over time. We can’t wait to welcome our first students back this week!


Renovation is coming along. Most recently, the Herndon High School weight room and main gym were completed. We’ll keep you updated as more and more spaces are released!