A Message From Principal Yacubovich

Spirit Week 2020

Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair is back! The fun part of this year's fair is that it will be exclusively held online! That means that you can shop in your favorite PJs if you want!

Some of the advantages of our Online Book Fair are: 

- This year, Pine Spring has our own online store, with a large selection of titles, at the right price points

- A virtual fair allows you and your children to experience the magic of the school shopping experience. Browse titles by grade, meet popular authors, and discover the comfort and joy of our fair.

- Every dollar you spend will benefit our school directly (25% back in rewards!)


Save these dates and view our school's fair site:

Fair Dates: 10/27 – 11/9/2020

Online Store: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/pinespringelementaryschool


Parent Coffee

Thank you to all those who were able to join us for the Parent Coffee to discuss the return to school. If you were not able to make it, we have included the recording for you.

Also, we wanted to answer some additional questions that may not have been addressed during the meeting. 

School Supplies

If you select for your child to return to school in person, we will be supplying the needed school supplies. This will include materials like crayons, pencils, whiteboards, markers, and rulers. If you would like your child to bring in their supplies, they are welcome. Please keep in mind that because each child will have a box for storing items, space is limited. Please only send in things your child need to be successful. 


Return to School Options

Families continue to have the option to remain virtual for the remainder of the school year. Pine Spring will be using your preference from the summer unless you update your choice on or before October 30, 2020. Once your selection is made, you will remain committed to that format for the duration of the school year. 


Teacher Selection

We are not able to share which teachers will be in person and which teachers will be virtual. The reason for this is that the number of teachers in each setting is determined by family selection. We will make every effort to keep children with their current teacher if they are in the same environment. For example, if you select virtual for your child and your child's teacher is also a virtual teacher, they will stay together. 


Health Metrix and Contract Tracing

Pine Spring is committed to the safety of our students, staff, and community. We will strictly follow all FHD and FCPS health guidelines and protocols. This includes, but is not limited to, 6ft social distance where possible, hand washing, limiting contact, temperature checks, and proper use of PPE. If you have questions, the Return to School Health and Safety Guidance document may support you. If not, please reach out to Principal Yacubovich

Return to School Updated Selection

On Friday you received an e-mail with important information regarding the updated return to school plan. The email includes information about your child's Return to School date, and how to share with the school if you would like to update your preference. 

If you require support, please contact the main office at 571-226-4400. If you would like a conversation with Principal Yacubovich, please contact Barbara Hiltz for a time. 

Monday Clubs-Starting November 16th

To allow our Pine Spring teachers an opportunity to meet all of their professional requirements and plan strong instruction for our students, we will be moving all students to Monday clubs starting November 16. 

This means that all students will attend the morning meeting and then attend the AM clubs. Students will all then work asynchronously after clubs.

Once your child's grade level returns to in-person instruction, we will discontinue that grades Monday clubs. 

Save The Dates

October 26th 

Bobcat Book Bus

October 30th

No in-person instruction. Two-hour early release (live lessons ends at 1:45 PM)


November 2nd and 3rd

Student Holiday 

November 5th  AAP Level IV Screening Meeting
November 19th Current Level IV Parent Meeting